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摘要】 本文介绍了以AT89S51单片机为核心的温度控制器的设计,在该设计中采用高精度的温度传感器AD590对电热锅炉的温度进行实时精确测量,用超低温漂移高精度运算放大器OP07将温度-电压信号进行放大,再送入12位的AD574A进行A\D转换,从而实现自动检测,实时显示及越限报警。控制部分采用PID算法,实时更新PWM控制输出参数,控制可控硅的通断时间,最终实现对炉温的高精度控制。 【关键词】 水温控制系统 PID控制单片机 温度控制是工业生产过程中经常遇到的过程控制,有些工艺过程对其温度的控制效果直接影响着产品的质量,因而设计一种较为理想的温度控制系统是非常有价值的。 一 系统设计方案的论证与比较 根据题目要求,电热锅炉温度控制系统由核心处理模块、温度采集模块、键盘显示模块、及控制执行模块等组成。-Abstract This paper introduces the single-chip AT89S51 temperature controller at the core of the design, in the design of high-precision temperature sensor AD590 temperature of the heating boiler accurate measurement of real-time, using ultra-low temperature drift, high-precision operational amplifier OP07 temperature Part of the use of PID control algorithms, real-time PWM control output parameter update and control the on-off Thyristor time, finally achieve the high-precision control of temperature. 【Key Words】 temperature control system PID control of single-chip Temperature control is the process of industrial production often encountered in process control, and some of its process control temperature of a direct impact on the quality of the product and thus more desirable to design a temperature control system is very valuable. 1 System design of the demonstration and comparison programs According to the subject requirements, electric boiler temperature control syste
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 220kb Publisher : 杨隆
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