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课程管理系统是教务管理的主要工作之一,系统开发的目的是管理全校开设课程的基本信息,安排各班级的课程及上课时间和上课教室,管理各课程的考试成绩,并能实现对考试成绩的查询和统计。系统的使用对象包括教务处工作人员、校院系领导、班主任、教师等。-curriculum management system is the management of the Senate one of the major tasks, the system was developed to manage all the courses set up the basic information, arranged for the class to the curriculum and school hours and school classrooms, the management of the course examination results, and to achieve results on the examination of inquiries and statistics. The system includes the use of the office staff, school faculty leadership, the class teacher, and teachers.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 480kb Publisher : wj

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网上考试系统设计与实现相比传统的考试方式,网络考试系统的主要好处是一方面可以动态的管理各种考试信息,只要准备好足够大的题库,就可以按要求自动生成各种试卷,另一方面,考试时间灵活,计算机化的考试其最大特点是阅卷快,系统可以在考试结束当场给出考试结果,计算机阅卷给了考生最大的公平性。考试系统极大的提高了教学的灵活性,在许多领域已经有了广泛的应用。-Compare traditional examination way, network on one hand can have an examination dynamic management various kinds of examination message main advantage of system, so long as get enough big exam pool ready , can produce various kinds of papers automatically on request , on the other hand, test time is flexible , its greatest characteristic of examination of computerization goes over examination papers fast, the system can finish providing the examination result on the spot in the examination , the computer has gone over examination papers and given examinees the greatest fairness. The flexibility of improvement teaching of the examination with great system, there is extensive application in a lot of fields.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 519kb Publisher : dxi

程序描述: (1)操作简单方便,界面简洁美观。 (2)具有实时性,已注册的用户无论身在何地,通过Internet游览器,都可登录网络考试系统。 (3)具有严肃性和公正性,系统提供的自动交卷功能使考试到结束时间时,系统自动交卷。 (4)提供考试时间倒计时功能,让考生随时了解考试剩余时间。 (5)系统自动阅卷,保证成绩真实,准确。 (6)考生可以随时查看考试成绩 (7)对考生注册信息进行管理 (8)系统运行稳定,安全可靠 运行环境: 网站开发环境:Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 网站开发语言:ASP.NET C# 网站后台数据库:SQL Server 2005 技术特点: 该系统采用三层结构开发,核心层在App_code下 提示: 前台登陆地址:/MyWeb/Index.aspx 默认学生帐号/密码:2010114113/111 后台管理地址:/MyWeb/admin.aspx 默认管理帐号/密码:2010/123-Program description: (1), simple and convenient operation, the interface is simple and beautiful. (2) has the real-time property, registered users no matter where you turned, and through the Internet to implement, can login network examination system. (3) has the seriousness and justice, the system to provide automatic function make examination papers to end time, once the system automatically. (4) to provide the test time countdown function, let the students understand the exam for the rest of the time. (5) automatic marking system, ensure scores is a true and accurate. (6) the examinee can always view the result of the exam (7) to the examinee registration information management (8) system stable in operation, safe and reliable Running environment: Web development environment: Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Web development language: use c# Website backstage database: SQL Server 2005 Technical features: The system USES
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2.09mb Publisher : 段君佩

学生成绩管理系统: 需求描述: 学生成绩管理系统中: 1. 系统用户 系统的用户是学校的学生和教师。教师使用本系统录入和查询自己所教课程的考试成绩。学生只能查询自己的成绩。 2. 系统功能 (1) 成绩录入: 教师可以查询自己本学期所授课程,并录入学生的考试成绩。录入完成后提交,保存成绩。某门课程的成绩提交后,只能查询不能再进行任何修改。 (2) 成绩查询: 学生只允许查询自己的考试成绩。 教师只允许查询自己所授课程的成绩。 (3) 成绩统计: 教学管理员根据学生成绩统计处于优、良、中、及格、不及格的学生人数以及占总人数的百分比。其中100-90为优,89-80为良,79-70为中,69-60为及格,60分以下为不及格。 按要求输出成绩在优、良、中、及格、不及格各区间的学生学号。 -Description: The demand for student achievement management system: a. Users of the system user' s system is the school' s students and teachers. The teachers use the system to input and query the examination results of courses taught. The students can only check their own performances. Two. Results of system functions (1) entry: Teachers can check their semester taught courses, and entered into the students' test scores. Submitted after the entry completed, save the results. After the submission of the results of a course, the only query can no longer be any changes. (2) result inquiry: the student is only allowed to inquire about his exam results. Teachers will only allow to check the results of the Course. (3) results statistics: teaching administrators based on student achievement statistics in excellent, good, pass the number of students, as well as the percentage of the total number of failed. 100-90 for excellent ,89-80 is good ,79-70 in ,69-60 for the pass 60 points to
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 18kb Publisher : 红枫

DL : 0
在教育工作中,为学生考试出试卷和批改改卷是老师们最头痛的,不仅消耗大量的时间,而且消耗大量的精力体力。因此,考试过程由人工操作转向计算机操作是必然的结果。 根据学生考试的特点和学校的实际情况,该系统应以考试流程为基础,从专业角度出发,提供科学有效的考试模式。考试时采用系统自动从数据表中选题的方式,评卷时通过核对考生答案与正确答案得出考生的分数,出题方面采取表单加数据的方式使后台管理者能够直观、方便的管理试题信息。学生管理可实现老师对学生的成绩进行查询,按分数归类。数据库管理提供对数据库进行备份,还原及初始化操作,减轻用户的工作量。经过修改,可以运行,欢迎使用!-In educational work, as examinations of students out of the papers and marking correcting their biggest headache is the teacher, not only consume a lot of time and consume a lot of physical energy. Therefore, the examination process by the computer' s operating manual steering is the inevitable result. According to the characteristics of the students and school examinations of the actual situation, the system should be based on a process-based exam, from a professional point of view, to provide scientific and effective mode of examination. Examination using the system automatically from the data table topics manner marking time by checking the candidates answer with the correct answer drawn scores of candidates, the question has taken the form plus a way that the background data managers to intuitive, easy management questions Information. Student management enables the teacher on student achievement query, grouped by score. Database management provides the database backup, restore
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 4.51mb Publisher : 小鲵

 学生信息管理系统 一、 课题内容和要求 设计一个简化的学生成绩管理系统,并用C语言实现。对该系统的要求如下:  1. 该系统应实现以下功能 (1)按班级按课程从文件中读入相应的平时成绩、期中考试成绩和期末考试成绩。 (2)三个成绩对总评成绩的百分比被定义为常数,各占总成绩的20 、30 和50 。 (3)计算每位学生的总评成绩。 (4)计算该班级某课程的总平均成绩。 (5)算处于优、良、中、及格、不及格的学生人数以及占总人数的百分比。其中100-90为优,89-80为良,79-70为中,69-60为及格,60分以下为不及格。 (6)按要求输出成绩在优、良、中、及格、不及格各区间的学生学号。-A student information management system, subject to design a simplified content and student achievement management system and the C language. The system requirements are as follows: (1) The system shall perform the following functions (1) according to the curriculum by class read from a file corresponding usual result, midterm and final exam scores. (2) the percentage of the total grades three grades are defined as constants, and 20 each of the total score of 30 and 50 . (3) calculate the overall rating for each student achievement. (4) calculating the overall average score for the class of a course. (5) count is excellent, the percentage of good, in passing, as well as the number of students failing the total number. Which is superior 100-90 ,89-80 ,79-70 as good as the passing ,69-60 was 60 points or less failed. (6) the required output results in excellent, good, medium, pass, do not pass each section of students to learn numbers.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 204kb Publisher : 裴安山
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