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基于图象的数据隐写和提取matlab代码-image-based data extraction and steganalysis Matlab code
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 9kb Publisher :

nsf5隐写算法,DCT的升级版,MATLAB实现,可以抵抗一般的DCT隐写分析(The algorithm nsF5 evolved from the F5 algorithm originally proposed by Andreas Westfeld in 2001. F5 decreases the absolute value of DCT coefficients and incorporates matrix embedding - a coding scheme that decreases the number of changes and consequently increases the steganographic security. F5 embeds only into nonzero AC DCT coefficients; if a coefficient becomes zero after embedding (the so called shrinkage), the same bit is reembedded at the next coefficient. Shrinkage substantially decreases the embedding efficiency as the values +1 and -1 are the most frequent nonzero DCT coefficients in natural images.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 98kb Publisher : 人气呆毛选手
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