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Description: This second edition reflects the help and advice of many people. We are particularly indebted to Bjarne Stroustrup and Andrew Koenig for their inspiration and advice over the years. Paul Abrahams, Michael Ball, Ian Long, John Kwan, Jason Pritchard, Christopher Van Wyk, and Steve Vinoski were particularly helpful in the development of this edition. We appreciate the support and insights of our colleagues and associates, including Mathew Denman, Mike Ferretti, Peter Jakab, Charles Martin, Robert Martin, Chris Rooney, Dave Stott, Ioannis Tollis, John Vlissides, Jim Watson, Claudia Woody, Demetrios Yannokopoulos, and Howard Young. Debbie Lafferty was a tremendous supporter during both editions of this book, and we will always be grateful for her help and patience. Special thanks from Marshall to David W. Bray for showing me the realities of self-directed thinking, to Doug Lea for daily email at 5:30 A.M.(you get a A++), to Jamshid Afshur, Jr. for a million and one suggestions via email, and to my colleagues at Clarkson University. Thanks to all of my students and the many wonderful supporters of the electronic FAQ. Most of al, thank you to Mary Elaine and to David, Elizabeth, Gabrielle, Peter, Katherine, and Brandon; you make it worth the trouble. Special thanks from Greg to Brian Unger and Graham Birtwistle for introducing me to Simula 67 and object-oriented programming in 1981, long before it became fashionable. Thank you Brian Unger and Marshall Cline for giving me the opportunity to pursue interesting projects in stimulating work environments. Also, thanks to my colleagues from the University of Calgary, Jade Simulations, Paradigm Shift, Inc., and MT Systems Company for their assistance and support over the years. Thank you, Barb, for all of your support and for putting up with my unusual work arrangements and bizarre schedules. Special thanks from Mike to Dix Pettey for showing me what research is all about, to John Schmidt for teaching me to be practical, and to Len Gollobin for showing me how to look at problems the right way. The University of Missouri Mathematics Department will always occupy a special place in my heart for both personal and professional reasons. Thanks to my children, Beverly and James, for putting up with a father whose efforts have not always matched his intentions, and to my special friends Christian, Kelly, and Tamie for being part of my life.
Platform: | Size: 1034623 | Author: simonhexf | Hits:


Description: Stingray Software的MFC FAQ常见问题集合,非常有价值-Stingray Software FAQ MFC common problem set, very valuable
Platform: | Size: 1304576 | Author: sunqiang | Hits:

[assembly languageAsm080902

Description: 截止于2003年3月15日22时以前的CSDN有价值的FAQ整理完毕!asm,asm-Ended at 10:00 p.m. on March 15, 2003 before finishing FAQ valuable CSDN finished! asm, asm
Platform: | Size: 579584 | Author: 我是谁 | Hits:


Description: MTK 0852版本的FAQ,出现了一些问题,MTK发放的-MTK 0852 version of the FAQ, there are some problems, MTK issued
Platform: | Size: 326656 | Author: 凹手 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Develop你必须知道的495个C语言问题

Description: “本书是Summit以及C FAQ在线列表的许多参与者多年心血的结晶,是C语言界最为珍贵的财富之一。我向所有C语言程序员推荐本书。” ——Francis Glassborow,著名C/C++专家,ACCU(C/C++用户协会)前主席 “本书清晰阐明了Kernighan与Ritchie《The C programming Language》一书中许多简略的地方,而且精彩地总结了C语言编程实践,强烈推荐!” ——Yechiel M. Kimchi,以色列理工学院("This book is the crystallization of many of the participants in the Summit and C FAQ online lists for many years, and is one of the most precious wealth in the C language community. I recommend this book to all C language programmers. " Francis Glassborow, a famous C/C++ expert, former chairman of the ACCU (C/C++ User Association) "This book clearly illustrates the many abbreviated aspects of Kernighan and Ritchie The C programming Language, and highlights the practice of C language programming, strongly recommended." Yechiel M. Kimchi, Israel Polytechnic Institute)
Platform: | Size: 1184768 | Author: Susa | Hits:

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