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[DSP programC28x_FPU_FastRTS_v10

Description: f2833x系列浮点运算函数支持库,如正余弦函数等 -F2833x series of floating-point operations function to support the library, such as the cosine function is such
Platform: | Size: 438272 | Author: wangqijiu | Hits:

[Program docMitigating-the-impact-of-node-mobility-using-mobi

Description: Our scheme eliminates the delay caused by cluster head election and enables nodes to start communication immediately after joining a cluster. Through simulation and analysis, our protocol is shown to possess good scalability, incur lower control overhead and achieve higher packet delivery ratio than existing OLSR and HOLSR routing protocols for various node mobility. Furthermore, unlike other proactive routing protocols, the control overhead of FASTR is shown to be independent of node mobility
Platform: | Size: 424960 | Author: ShAzZ | Hits:

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