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Description: implementing Fibonacci algorithm using fork on Linux
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: msh2003 | Hits:

[Data structsalgorithms-master

Description: 1. 经典的算法实现 2. 服务器端 3. 正确,易于使用和改造, 一个头文件一个算法,并附带一个demo. 1. 一个算法用一个.h文件表示放到include下.2. 算法演示的demo程序放到src下.3. 程序正确通过后,请发起Pull Requests,代码被验证后入库,并在README中发布新算法实现。 已实现 ( Implemented ): Array shuffle Prime test(trial division) Prime test(Miller-Rabin s method) 2D Array Arbitary Integer Linear congruential generator Maximum subarray problem Bit-Set Queue Stack Binary Heap Fibonacci Heap Priority Queue (list based) Bubble sort Selection sort Insertion sort Radix sort Quick sort Merge sort Heap sort Double linked list Skip list Self-organized linked-list ops (move-to-front, move-ahead-one) Largest common sequence Binary search tree Dynamic order statistics Red-black tree Interval tree Prefix Tree(Trie) Suffix Tree B-Tree Suffix Array等-(classical algorithms implementations) (based on linux/gcc) (correct! and ease of use, one .header file per algorithm) one .header file per algorithm. )( one demo per algorithm. )(Please Use Fork+Pull Requests !!! Correctness is the most important!)
Platform: | Size: 1636352 | Author: 汪小君 | Hits:

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