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磁盘文件的安全删除,我们通常所执行的删除操作并不是真正的删除只是清除了文件的fat表内容,文件数据还在磁盘上,可以恢复,所以不安全。-disk deletion of the security document, we usually enforced by the delete operation does not really delete the file will simply remove the fat table of contents, document data on the disk is, can be restored, therefore unsafe.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 911.98kb Publisher : 陈爱国

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磁盘文件的安全删除,我们通常所执行的删除操作并不是真正的删除只是清除了文件的fat表内容,文件数据还在磁盘上,可以恢复,所以不安全。-disk deletion of the security document, we usually enforced by the delete operation does not really delete the file will simply remove the fat table of contents, document data on the disk is, can be restored, therefore unsafe.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 912kb Publisher : 陈爱国

版本更新了一下,到5.84了,需要用VS.net平台进行编译运行,介绍与原来的一样! 磁盘文件的安全删除,我们通常所执行的删除操作并不是真正的删除只是清除了文件的fat表内容,文件数据还在磁盘上,可以恢复,所以不安全。-disk deletion of the security document, we usually enforced by the delete operation does not really delete the file will simply remove the fat table of contents, document data on the disk is, can be restored, therefore unsafe.-Version update, then to 5.84, and need to use compiler platform running on the same as the original! Delete disk document security, we usually performed by the delete operation is not really delete files just cleared table fat content, file data is still on disk, can be resumed, so unsafe.-disk deletion of the security document, we usually enforced by the delete operation does not really delete the file will simply remove the fat table of contents, document data on the disk is, can be restored, therefore unsafe.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.53mb Publisher : 梁军学

最近因为工作需要,开发了一个图片放大,缩小,旋转等功能的动态库文件,包括一个简单的实例功能。其中包含图片的百叶窗,橡皮擦,移动等效果。由于工作问题,不能开发源码,所以只提供动态库文件给大家分享-Recently, because of job needs, and developed a picture to enlarge, narrow, rotating features such as dynamic library files, including a simple example of function. Which contains pictures shutters, eraser, mobile and other effects. Because of work, not the development of source code, so only the dynamic library file for everyone to share
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 47kb Publisher : nack

简单画图板程序 实现windows画图板的部分简单功能 基本功能: (1)绘制直线、曲线; (2)绘制各种形状,比如矩形、椭圆形 (3)绘制各种实心形状,比如实心矩形、实心椭圆等 (4)添加文字 (5)设置不同的绘制颜色 (6)显示磁盘上已有的图片文件 (7)具备“橡皮擦”的功能,进行擦除 (8)填充功能 (9)画刷功能 (10)设置图形边框线宽 (11)不同功能实现鼠标的形状的变化 (12)工具栏图标选中与否的变化 (13)添加打开程序的欢迎界面-Simple procedures for drawing board drawing board windows realize some simple function of the basic functions: (1) Draw a straight line, curve (2) Draw the various shapes, such as rectangular, oval-shaped (3) rendering a variety of solid shapes, such as a solid rectangle, solid elliptical, etc. (4) add language (5) set up different color rendering (6) shows that there is a disk image file (7) have the " eraser" function, to erase (8) filled function (9) paint brush function (10) set the graphics frame linewidth (11) different functions realize the changes in the shape of mouse (12) toolbar icon to select whether or not changes in (13) to open the procedure to add interface welcome
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.23mb Publisher : 李刚

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画图小程序,画直线,园,矩形,椭圆,橡皮擦工具,也包括文件打开保存等功能-Paint small procedures, painting a straight line, park, rectangular, oval, eraser tool, but also to preserve features such as file open
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : wujianghong

以最简单的方法实现java绘图板 含画直线,椭圆,橡皮擦的功能~~(学习心得交流"_"_"_") 说明:总共就这一个java文件-The easiest way to achieve java drawing board with drawing a straight line, oval, eraser function ~ ~ (learn to exchange experience "_"_"_") Description: This is a java file on the total
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8kb Publisher : czxu

此程序可实现绘图,画直线,椭圆,橡皮擦,导入盘文件及其他相关的文件操作-This program enables drawing, drawing a straight line, oval, eraser, disk files and other related import file operations
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1012kb Publisher : 范特西

本程序完成的是一个类似于Windows画图板的画图程序。 整个程序界面很简洁,一目了然,与大多数Windows的应用程序的风格一样。在左上方的菜单栏里有文件、色彩、线条粗细、帮助4个下拉式菜单,可以对绘图文件进行相应的操作。下面一排是工具按钮的工具栏,从左到右依次为:新建文件、打开文件、保存文件、随笔画、直线、空心矩形、实心矩形、空心椭圆、实心椭圆、空心圆、实心圆、空心圆角矩形、实心圆角矩形、橡皮擦、颜色选择按钮、线条粗细设置按钮、文字添加按钮、粗细字体选择框、斜体字体选择框、字体选择下拉式选择框。整个工具栏是可以拖动的,可将它拖到程序窗口内的任意位置。工具栏下面的整个白色区域就是绘图区域,即绘图面板,它的大小可以随着窗口的大小自动调整。在窗口底部是鼠标状态提示条,可以显示当前的鼠标状态,包括进出窗口、移动、单击、松开等。 要使用本系统,只需要根据界面提示选择相应的功能按钮就能在画图区域实现画图功能。-This program is a complete drawing board similar to Windows Paint program. The program interface is very simple, clear, with most Windows applications, like the style. In the upper left menu bar has the file, color, line thickness, to help four drop-down menu, you can operate the corresponding drawing file. A row of buttons below the toolbar is a tool, from left to right: New file, open file, save file, essays, paintings, straight, hollow rectangle, filled rectangle, hollow oval, solid oval, hollow round, solid round, hollow rounded rectangle, solid rounded rectangle, eraser, color selection button, line weight settings button, text the Add button, the thickness of the font selection box, italics, font selection box, font selection drop-down selection box. Can drag the toolbar, and can drag it anywhere within the program window. Toolbar below the white area is the drawing area, the drawing panel, its size can be automatically adjusted as the size of the window. In the bottom of t
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 20kb Publisher : as

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绘制简单的图形,包括:线条,直线,矩形,正方形,圆,椭圆,弧线;改变画笔或画刷的颜色,并且实现自定义颜色;文件保存;实现橡皮擦功能;实现画刷功能;实现喷漆功能;实现文字输入;实现照片的柔化效果和浮雕画效果-Drawing simple graphics, including: line, line, rectangular, square, circle, elliptic, curve Change the color of the paint brush or brush, and realize the custom color File save Realize the eraser function Realize the brush function Realize the spray paint function Realize the text input Realize the soft change effects and photo relief painting effect and so on
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 86kb Publisher : cbf

简介:双击文件夹下“DyCamera.exe”或是“DyCamera”,打开应用软件主窗口。大影摄像头录像大师是比较专业的摄像头录像、拍照软件。拥有简单易用、功能强大的录像功能和后期图像处理功能。打开软件时电脑上必须有能够正常工作的摄像头。 软件主要功介绍: 【摄像头功能】录像、拍照、间隔定时自动拍照(可以毫秒为单位设置间隔时间)。可以设置摄像头的所有参数:包括亮度、对比度、曝光时间等等。拍照 文件可以保存为各种常见的格式,比如JPG/BMP等等。 【图片处理功能】剪切、复制、粘贴、橡皮擦、画笔、添加文字、设置字体、裁剪、删除、旋转、放大、缩小、分辨率改变、伽玛校正、颜色校正、反色、 浮雕、边缘检测、二值化、灰度图、去底色、去噪声、去红眼、腐蚀、膨胀、模糊、锐化、柔化、增加亮度、降低亮度、降低饱和度、增加对比度、降低对 比度、制作签名、图章等功能。这些功能都是简单易用的。-Introduction: double click on the folder DyCamera.exe or DyCamera , open the main window of the application software. Big video camera master is more professional video camera, camera software. Have a simple, easy to use, powerful video features and post image processing functions. When opening the software, the computer must have a camera that can work normally. Software main function introduction: [function] camera video camera, the camera automatically (millisecond interval can be set as a unit time interval). All parameters can be set the camera: including brightness, contrast, exposure time etc.. photograph The file can be saved as a variety of common formats, such as JPG/BMP etc.. [image processing function] cut, copy, paste, eraser, brushes, add text, set font, cutting, remove, rotate, zoom in, zoom out, change the resolution, gamma correction, color correction, invert, Relief, edge detection, value, grayscale, background, noise, red eye, corrosion, swelling, blur, sharp
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9.68mb Publisher : 伍先生

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支持在图片上绘图的和取色器的涂鸦板默认是一张全白图片上绘制,支持更换涂鸦的画布图片,支持橡皮擦功能,支持多种画笔颜色,支持画笔取色器,可以清屏,也可以保存当前涂鸦后的画布到图片文件。-Support in the picture on the drawing and color picker graffiti board default is a white image rendering, support the replacement of graffiti canvas pictures, support the eraser function, supports a variety of brushes color, brush picker support, to clear the screen, you can also save the current after the graffiti canvas to the picture file.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.23mb Publisher : Fcheung

DL : 1
图片上加文字 图片选择_拍照或选择本地_仿ios 图片压缩,将文件导入项目中可以直接使用 图像 (Image) 点击进入大图效果 图像冰冻特效源码 相册选择、拍照、缩放、裁减》 源码 橡皮擦与画笔的demo 颜色选择器 一个简单的Android图片裁剪库:SimpleCropView。它简化了进行裁剪图像的代码,并提供易于定制的用户界面 一个手势交互有拉扯效果的控件 一个图片处理的综合源码 一个涂鸦还有画矩形 圆形的小Demo 一个线性的取色器,根据颜色变换背景,效果很好 真正的磨砂效果demo 自定义view,手写签名保存图片,支持横屏和竖屏书写-Select the picture and text images or pictures _ _ local imitation ios picture compression, the file can be imported into the project using a direct image (Image) Click into the image to enlarge the effect of freezing effects source an album, camera, zoom, cut " - source eraser and brush demo a simple color picker Android cropped picture gallery: SimpleCropView. It simplifies the code image cropping, and provide a customizable user interface easy gesture interaction with a pulling effect a picture processing integrated control source as well as a rectangular painting graffiti Demo a small circular linear eyedropper, according to the color transform the background, the effect is real good matte effect demo custom view, save handwritten signature images, support for portrait and landscape screen writing
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 72.58mb Publisher : cs

本系统是基于vs2015环境编写的,根据大体功能,编写工作就是定好大框架,然后按照每个小功能独立编写调试。也就是一步一步写好每个消息响应函数。对于这个题目大致的认识是通过单文档界面的许多控件,实现设置图形绘制、读取保存图片、建立工具箱、图形区域复制、文字输入和橡皮擦的一系列功能。通过鼠标左键的按下抬起和鼠标的移动消息相应模仿windows 自带的画图功能的用户体验,并配合菜单栏进行功能选择,通过菜单栏实现可以存入位图文件的读取,从而实现的基本功能。(The system is based on the vs2015 environment, according to the general function of the preparation of the work is to set a big framework, and then write in accordance with each small independent debugging. That is, each message response function is written step by step. This topic is for general understanding by many controls a single document interface, can set the drawing, read a series of pictures, a preservation function toolbox, graphic region copy, text input and eraser. By moving the mouse up and news press the left mouse button corresponding to imitate windows built-in drawing function of the user experience, and with the menu function selection, through the menu bar to read can be stored in the file, so as to achieve the basic functions.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 75.57mb Publisher : terry_liu
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