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在某初教机的线性模型基础上,建立了飞机的纵向和横向传递函数,分析了模型参数的不确定性,通过使用MATLAB中的NCD模块对飞行控制系统及PID控制器等参数进行优化,设计出了飞机的自动驾驶仪高度保持和航向保持模式。这种方法既避免了复杂的计算和编程,又使系统具有较好的稳定,陛、动态性能和鲁棒性,克服了飞机模型参数随着高度和速度的变化(即模型参数存在不确定性)而需要按照多个不同高度和速度的飞行区域设计一系列控制器的缺点-early in a plane of the linear model, based on the aircraft's vertical and horizontal transfer function, Analysis of the model parameters of uncertainty, MATLAB through the use of the NCD Blocks flight control system and PID controller parameters for optimization, design of the aircraft's automatic pilot systems, and maintain a high degree course-keeping mode. This method not only avoids the complex calculation and programming, the system has good stability, Her Majesty, dynamic performance and robustness. overcome the aircraft model parameters with the height and speed of change (that model parameters uncertainty exists) and the need to not more than with the height and speed of regional flight controller design a series of shortcomings
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 271kb Publisher : jake

使用RTW和VxWorks实现某飞控测试系统的开发-RTW and VxWorks realize the use of a test flight control system development
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 215kb Publisher : larrylin

This demonstration models a flight control for the longitudinal motion of a Grumman Aerospace F-14 Tomcat. First order linear approximations of the aircraft and actuator behavior are connected to an analog flight control design that uses the pilot s stick pitch command as the set point for the aircraft s pitch attitude and uses aircraft pitch angle and pitch rate to determine commands. A simplified Dryden wind gust model is incorporated to perturb the system.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 11kb Publisher : wanghuixia

经典的F16飞行控制仿真程序,做飞行控制的朋友们一起来探讨吧-Classic F16 flight control simulation program, to do flight control one of my friends together to explore it
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 195kb Publisher : 钱伟

直升机控制系统设计的参考书,给有兴趣于飞行控制系统设计的学生老师都有帮助-Helicopter control system design of reference books, to be interested in the flight control system designed to help student teachers would have
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.81mb Publisher : zhhb

DL : 0
无人直升机控制的硕士论文设计了飞行控制系统和仿真系统,并进行了解耦控制-Control of unmanned helicopters designed a master s thesis flight control systems and simulation systems, and a decoupling control
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.42mb Publisher : nuaa123

飞行控制系统中飞机舵回路速度受阶跃干扰时速度保持回路-Flight control system aircraft rudder speed loop interference by step to maintain the speed loop
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7kb Publisher : duhaitao

基于MATLAB SIMULINK的 飞行控制系统仿真分析-MATLAB SIMULINK-based simulation analysis of the flight control system
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.29mb Publisher : 学院

This an introductory textbook on automatic flight control systems (AFCSs) for undergraduate aeronautical engineers. It is hoped that the material and the manner of its presentation will increase the student s understanding of the basic problems of controlling an aircraft s flight, and enhance his ability to assess the solutions to the problems which are generally proposed.-This is an introductory textbook on automatic flight control systems (AFCSs) for undergraduate aeronautical engineers. It is hoped that the material and the manner of its presentation will increase the student s understanding of the basic problems of controlling an aircraft s flight, and enhance his ability to assess the solutions to the problems which are generally proposed.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 15.58mb Publisher : simon

DL : 1
基于2812无人机飞行控制系统的源代码,很有用的学习资料。-2812 UAV flight control system based on the source code, useful learning materials.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.24mb Publisher : Gavin

对于飞控系统的设计非常重要,是半实物仿真的必备工具,从事无人直升机的必须品-For the flight control system design is very important and is an essential tool for loop simulation, in the necessities of unmanned helicopter
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 663kb Publisher : 王俊

飞控系统传感器故障诊断的神经网络方法研究Flight control system fault diagnosis method of neural network-Flight control system fault diagnosis method of neural network
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 181kb Publisher : fanny51

DL : 0
多操纵面战斗机飞行控制系统设计Multiple control aircraft flight control system design-Multiple control aircraft flight control system design
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 370kb Publisher : uu

精密控制结构需要满足先进飞机的使命和对其引航的要求。这就要求飞行器的性能必须满足在低空飞行,低速飞行和大迎角攻击性飞行,全天候,昼夜工作的条件,并且新的控制技术应该成熟。这项工作提出了飞行控制时,状态变量和控制输入是由预先确定的限制范围内的系统控制系统的设计理念。在设计过程使用动态规划的概念。其基本思想涉及非二次泛函最小化。由于一系列限制因素,建议使用光滑函数。同时提出了该综合方法的优点。我们利用对F-18战斗机的纵向控制配置来说明该设计方法。-Indirect adaptive control for reconfigurable flight control is advocated. Specifically, online static system identification using a moving window/batch estimation is implemented. The ensuing linear regression is augmented with an intercept. The intercept parameter is included to address the effects of trim change associated with the occurrence of a control surface failure. Parameter estimate information is used to adjust the inner loop’s control gains, and a command derived from the intercept estimate is fed forward to automatically retrim the aircraft. The tracking performance of this automatic retrimming method, which relies on system identification, surpasses the conventional approach of exclusively relying on integral action for retrimming. These adaptive and reconfigurable flight control concepts are illustrated in the context of a fighter aircraft’s pitch plane dynamics. The novel adaptive and reconfigurable flight control system successfully handles a 50 per cent horiz
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.95mb Publisher : zhouyang

:对某型无人机的飞行控制系统作了阐述,该飞行控制系统主要由飞行器分系统、测控与信息传输分系统、 任务设备分系统、地面支持分系统四大部分组成,飞行器分系统包括飞机机体、动力装置、导航与飞行控制、机上 电气设备及回收设备等;飞行控制技术的研究能使系统具有遥控、自主控制和应急返航能力.该无人机飞行控制系统已在某型无人机上得到应用,并已通过飞行试验验证,基本达到某型无人机的飞行控制要求.-: On a UAV' s flight control system were described, the aircraft flight control system consists of sub-systems, monitoring and information transmission subsystem, mission equipment subsystems, ground support subsystem four major components, vehicle sub-systems including airframe, power plant, navigation and flight control, aircraft equipment, electrical equipment and recycling flight control technology enables system with remote control, autonomous control and emergency return capability. The UAV flight control system has been applied on a UAV, and has been verified by flight test, basic to a UAV' s flight control requirements.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 379kb Publisher : zhouyang

:文章从满足C 17设计基本要求人手,阐述了避免严重失速的机理、操纵失效概率、所有发动机停车操 纵以及安全复飞要求。对综合飞行控制系统设计做了介绍。对满足上述要求的FCS特性做了描述。最后对早期的飞行试验结果作了分析。-: Articles from the design to meet the basic requirements of C 17 staff, described the mechanism to avoid serious stall, control failure probability, all the engines go around parking control and security requirements. The integrated flight control system design is introduced. FCS on the properties meet the above requirements was described. Finally, the early flight test results are analyzed.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 470kb Publisher : zhouyang

本代码是用matlab编写,实现功能为飞控系统控制律的设计。-This code is with matlab, function for the flight control system of control law design
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6kb Publisher :

航空航天方面很不错的书,讲的很细致,值得细细研读,《现代飞行控制系统》-A very good book about flight control technology。《Modern flight control system》
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 30.13mb Publisher : 孙波

F16飞行控制仿真程序,针对F16战斗机做的飞行控制仿真-F16 flight control simulation program, to do for the F16 fighter flight control simulation
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 194kb Publisher : 林坚

Implementation of Automatic Flight Control in Android Platform Using PID Controllers
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 608kb Publisher : ram
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