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3D模型加载需要用到的数学库,focus on 3D model部分源码
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 14.95kb Publisher : 王一

这是一套很好的学习地形渲染的资源,里面讲述了渲染地形的各种技术,并且里面的代码都可以编译通过,效果也很棒!-This is a good learning exaggerated topography of the resources inside the exaggerated terrain on the various technical, and inside the code can be compiled through and the results would be terrific!
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 10mb Publisher : 迷糊小亚

DL : 0
3D模型加载需要用到的数学库,focus on 3D model部分源码-Needed to load 3D model of the Math Library, focus on 3D model parts source
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 15kb Publisher : 王一

专题教程 :学习3D模型-Focus.On.3D.Models-Tutorial topic: Learning 3D model-Focus.On.3D.Models
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.68mb Publisher : tanhongwei

本书介绍了一些流行的3D模型数据存储格式,对于做计算机动画的同志们很有帮助。-This book describes some of the popular 3D model data storage format, for doing computer animation comrades helpful.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.68mb Publisher :

针对行为识别中行为者朝向变化带来的问题,提出了一种基于人体行为3D模型的2D行为识别算法.在学习行为 分类器时,以3D占据网格表示行为样本,提取人体3D关节点作为描述行为的特征,为每一类行为训练一个基于范例的隐马 尔可夫模型(Exemplar-based hidden Markov model,EHMM),同时从3D行为样本中选取若干帧作为3D关键姿势集,这个 集合是连接2D观测样本和人体3D关节点特征的桥梁.在识别2D行为时,2D观测样本序列可以由一个或多个非标定的摄 像机采集.首先在3D关键姿势集中为每一帧2D观测样本寻找与之最匹配的3D关键姿势帧,之后由行为分类器对2D观测 样本序列对应的3D关键姿势序列进行识别.该算法在训练行为分类器时要进行行为者的3D重构和人体3D关节点的提取, -Identification of actors for the behavior problems caused by changes in direction, a 3D model of human behavior based on 2D behavior recognition algorithms. In learning behavior Classifier when the 3D mesh that acts of take samples of 3D joint points extracted human behavior characteristics as described for each type of sample-based behavioral training a hidden Markov Seoul Markov model (Exemplar-based hidden Markov model, EHMM), while selected samples from the 3D behavior of a number of key frames as a 3D position set, the Observed sample collection is connected 2D and 3D joint points of human feature of the bridge. 2D behavior in the identification, 2D sample sequence can be observed by one or more non-calibrated camera Camera acquisition. First of all key positions in the 3D 2D focus for each frame with which the observed sample to find the best match of the 3D key frame position, followed by the classifier behavior observed on 2D Sample sequence corresponding to the 3D se
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.25mb Publisher : wangshan

3d建模方面很经典的书籍,国外大牛推荐,简单易懂,很容易上手~-3d model development,which is a good book that can be easy to understand and interesting.this book is recommended by experts .
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.69mb Publisher : 董东

《Foucs on 3D Models》书籍源码,非常好的研究3D模型的书籍,讲解了多种3D模型的结构,以及与3D相关的一些知识。-《Foucs on 3D Models》 book source, a very good 3D model of the books, to explain a variety of 3D model of the structure, as well as some 3D-related knowledge.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 7.75mb Publisher : 葛彬

针对STK(Satellite Tool Kit)软件在军事任务可视化仿真领域中的广泛应用,为充分挖掘 其显示潜能,重点解决了影响其三维场景构建的瓶颈问题,即三维场景数据格式的转换和数据的获取 优化。在分析构建STK 三维场景所需要素及其作用的基础上,分别对地形、地表纹理、三维模型和GIS 等四类数据格式进行分析,并利用多种辅助软件,系统地提出了由较通用格式数据向STK 所支持格式 数据的转换方法,以及在对各类原始数据的获取和转换过程中出现的问题进行处理的优化方法。最后通过实例验证表明该数据格式转换方法和数据优化方法行之有效,三维场景显示效果逼真。-STK (Satellite Tool Kit) software widely used in the field of military tasks, visual simulation, to fully tap its display potential, focus on resolving the bottlenecks that affect the construction of the three-dimensional scene, 3D scene data format conversion and data Get optimization. On the basis of the required elements and their role in the analysis of building STK three-dimensional scene analysis, respectively, of the four types of terrain, surface texture, three-dimensional model and GIS data format and use a variety of assistive software, the system proposed by the more common format The data support the format of the data to STK conversion method, as well as access to various types of raw data and conversion process issues deal with the optimization method. Finally, an example to show that the data format conversion method and data optimization method is effective, realistic three-dimensional scene display.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.18mb Publisher : 周宇

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focus on 3D 书籍原文PDF和源码分析讲解多种3D模型文件格式以及其解码应用-focus on 3D PDF text books and source code analysis to explain the variety of 3D model file formats as well as its decoding applications
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 10.03mb Publisher : jesen

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一款HTML5 3D立方体动画,这个只是一个3D效果模型,你可以用图片替换演示中的立方体4个面,这样就可以将这款HTML5立方体旋转动画改造成HTML5 3D焦点图了,由于是基于webkit的,所以有浏览器限制,Google Chrome最佳。(A HTML5 3D cube animation, this is just a 3D effect model, you can use pictures to replace the cube in the demonstration 4 surfaces, so you can transform this HTML5 cube rotation animation into the HTML5 3D focus map, because it is based on WebKit, so there is a browser limit, Google Chrome is the best.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 35kb Publisher : 3tyw4he
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