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[Special EffectsMySourceFilter

Description: 已训练好的人脸检测滤波器,进行人脸检测研究的同志们可以享受成果了。-Good people have been trained face detection filters, for the study of face detection comrades can enjoy the fruit.
Platform: | Size: 38912 | Author: 杨峰 | Hits:


Description: 很不容易找到的关于水果检测的国外博士论文,文中主要是检测苹果-Very easy to find on the fruit detection of foreign doctoral thesis, the paper is to test the main Apple
Platform: | Size: 2573312 | Author: meiblue | Hits:


Description: 水果图像识别,识别不同的水果,将图像进行特征检测,边缘提取,-Fruit and image recognition, recognition of different fruits, the image feature detection, edge extraction,
Platform: | Size: 670720 | Author: 李雪 | Hits:


Description: 水果图像识别,利用MATLAB进行图形的特征提取,边缘检测,阈值分割等-Fruit and image recognition, the use of MATLAB for graphics feature extraction, edge detection, thresholding, etc.
Platform: | Size: 112640 | Author: 李雪 | Hits:


Description: hough 变换检测猕猴桃果实,可以对分割出来的二值图中的果实进行定位-hough transform detection of kiwi fruit, you can split the fruit in the binary image to locate
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 吕志海 | Hits:

[Special Effectscolor-fruit-image-edge-detection

Description: 程序由VC++结合OpenCVS编写实现,彩色水果图像的边缘检测,可以用于图像处理编程-color fruit image edge detection
Platform: | Size: 1559552 | Author: 吴争 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringMachine-vision-technology--

Description: 机器视觉技术在黄花梨尺寸和果面缺陷检测中的应用-Machine vision technology in huanghua pear fruit surface defects detection size and the application
Platform: | Size: 38912 | Author: 素靥 | Hits:

[Special Effectscheckphoto_ssdut

Description: 图像分割应用,采用颜色分割检测图片中图形元素,并自动分析种类,得出灰度图,hsv图等-Application of image segmentation using color segmentation of fruit detection in the picture, and automatically analyzes the types derived grayscale
Platform: | Size: 4204544 | Author: 凯伊路 | Hits:

[Special Effectsof-Apple-detection-and-recognition

Description: 基于机器视觉的苹果检测与识别关键技术研究 本文以自然场景下的苹果果实为研究对象,对果实采 摘机器人采摘过程中苹果的检测与识别进行了研究,在机器视觉技术上提出一种新的圆 形检测算法,有效的实现了苹果特征提取。-Apple detection based on machine vision and identification of key technologies Taking apple fruit under natural scene for the study of the process of picking the fruit apple picking robot detection and recognition has been studied in machine vision technology presents a new round shape detection algorithm, effectively achieve the Apple feature extraction.
Platform: | Size: 2507776 | Author: tanzheng | Hits:


Description: Detection and Classification of Apple Fruit Diseases using Complete Local Binary Patterns-Detection and Classification of Apple Fruit Diseases using Complete Local Binary Patterns
Platform: | Size: 391168 | Author: pavi | Hits:

[Software EngineeringImage-processing

Description: 文章以胡柚为研究对象, 针对基于机器视觉的胡柚品质分拣生产线所涉及的关键技术进行理论和试验研 究,先对在传输带上运动的胡柚进行图像采集、图像分割、图像平滑、灰度化和锐化等一系列 的图像处理, 然后对处理后 的胡柚图像提取大小、颜色和缺陷的特征值,最后依据提取的特征参数进行大小、颜色和缺陷分级。 并以此为基础,研究 适合实时条件下的胡柚大小、形状、颜色及果品缺陷等品质指标的检测方法和分拣执行机构。- This paper takes grapefruit as the research object and conducts study on key technologies for quality sort- ing grapefruit production line based on machine vision. The first step is to conduct the image processing for grapefruit moving on the transmission belt such as image acquisition, image segmentation, image smoothing, gray and sharpening se- ries of image processing, and then extracts characteristic values of the size, color and defects the processed images. on this basis, it develops defect detection method and sorting actuators under the conditions that suit the real grapefruit size, shape, color and fruit quality characteristics.
Platform: | Size: 620544 | Author: 李祥龙 | Hits:


Description: The K-means algorithm has been widely used in the segmentation of color images for many applications, such as color blood corpuscle accounting, natural image segmentation, face detection of fruit accounting, detection of oil overflow, and biology micrograph processing.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: vinod | Hits:

[Graph programimage-detection

Description: 图像识别,可以识别出图片中的需要的水果。mtalab实现的。-Image recognition, the image can be identified in fruit required. mtalab achieved.
Platform: | Size: 380928 | Author: slaim | Hits:

[Software EngineeringReview-paper

Description: Review paper for detection and classification of fruit disease
Platform: | Size: 19456 | Author: Nilesh | Hits:


Description: 使用opencv 实现Seamcarving,其中包含梯度和边缘显著度检测对图像进行预处理,智能缩放鲜果更好一些-Use opencv achieve Seamcarving, which contains a significant gradient and edge detection for image pre-processing, intelligent scaling fruit is better
Platform: | Size: 421888 | Author: snow | Hits:

[2D Graphicinterfere

Description: 基于MATLAB2015a平台 实现水果的品相检测,建议新人使用。(To realize the detection of fruit and recommend new people to use)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 粑粑是我 | Hits:


Description: 运用了OpenCV、C++、水果识别、Qt界面、颜色识别、边缘检测、图像处理 ,能够实现对不同种类水果进行识别分类。(Using OpenCV, C++, fruit recognition, Qt interface, color recognition, edge detection, and image processing, it is possible to identify and classify different types of fruits.)
Platform: | Size: 1394688 | Author: Last minute | Hits:

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