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[GUI Developv0518_xybook1

Description: 特色: 1.界面清新、大方、美观、简洁,功能实用,没有华而不实之处。 2.方便的留言管理功能,可在后台删除、关闭或打开、修改、回复留言。 3.可在后台打开或关闭留言审核功能,留言审核功能可避免非法、垃圾信息的危害。 4.可在后台打开或关闭html屏蔽功能。 5.可在后台设置最长留言长度、每页留言条数。 6.可在后台修改管理员名称和密码,管理密码使用MD5加密,数据库防下载处理,确保安全。 7.含脏话过滤功能 最近更新记录: 1. 解决长英文字符撑破表格的问题。 2. 改进页码功能,可通过下拉框选择页数直接查看指定页面。-characteristics : 1. Clean interface, generous, beautiful, simple, functional and practical, not flashy them. 2. A convenient voice management capabilities, can be deleted in the background, closed or open, modify, reply messages. 3. In the background can be opened or closed messages audit functions, message audit functions can avoid illegal spam hazards. 4. In the background can be opened or closed html shielding function. 5. In the background can be set up message length, number of messages per page. 6. Changes in background administrator name and password, password management using MD5 encryption, database-download, ensure safety. 7. With mouths filtering recently updated records : 1. Solution English characters pretty long form questions. 2. Page functional improvement, through drop-do
Platform: | Size: 145646 | Author: 吕鹏 | Hits:

[WEB Code安全天使Blog系统(SaBlog)

Description: 安全天使写的一个blog程序,基于PHP,功能一般,但安全性极好.请喜欢-security Angels write a blog procedures, based on PHP, functional, but it's an excellent safety. Requests like
Platform: | Size: 143805 | Author: 猫猫 | Hits:

[WEB Code网络商城购物程序 2006版

Description: E酷网络商城购物系统2006版 功能演示: www.ee160.com/shop/index.asp 增机无限级分类功能,分类设置随心所欲 增加商品VIP价格 代理价格 批发价格功能,并且可以很轻松的扩展出更多价格 针对目前网上流行的上传攻击,重新编写了上传模块的代码,杜绝上传漏洞,确保商城的安全性 优化conn.asp 加强SQL注入预防机制,让系统坚不可催 增加订单费用加收百分比功能,邮费设置更合理 后台查看修改商品增加按分类过滤功能,避免烦杂的商品查找 增加数据库备份、恢复、压缩,操作数据库更轻松方便 删除商品的同时删除商品图片,节约宝贵的空间 全面优化代码提供系统的执行效率,并且针对搜索引擎做了代码优化,使你的网站在搜索引擎出现的几率 更高,让顾客在第一时间找到你的额网站 增加首页推荐商品功能 增加前后台订单打印功能 留言页面调整伟翻页显示全部留言 商品页面增加同类精品推荐,使顾客可以更快捷的找到自己喜欢的商品 商品详细资料页面增加下一件商品 上一件商品连接 新闻显示方式调整为整页显示,取消了原来的弹窗显示,使商城显的更大气 -E Cool shopping mall network system functional demonstration version of 2006 : www.ee160.com/shop/index.asp by machine unlimited classification functions, set arbitrary classification VIP price of the commodity prices of wholesale prices agent functions, and it easier to be expanded view of the current prices of more popular Internet uploads attack rewrite the upload module code, eliminate loopholes upload, to ensure the safety of mall optimize SQL injection conn.asp strengthen preventive mechanisms, so irresistible system orders increased percentage of the cost of raising function, postage set more reasonable background check amended by increased commodity classification filtering, prevent their passage of goods increased search database backup, recovery, compression, operating database m
Platform: | Size: 898993 | Author: 林益彬 | Hits:

[Other resourcelibaryforwendang

Description: 目录:图书管理系统软件设计说明 一.可行性研究 二.需求分析:1.任务概述2.数据需求:2.3 数据库描述:2.4 数据采集: 3.功能需求:新书入库DFD:图书借阅的DFD:过期提示的DFD:借阅查询的DFD:还书处理的DFD4.安全性需求:5.一致性需求6.完整性需求 三. 概要设计说明书:4.运行设计: 四.详细设计:1.数据库表 权限:(权限,姓名) 登录用户:(帐号,姓名,密码,权限) 用户:(用户帐号,姓名,性别,组号,证件号码) 图书类别:(类别,类名) 图书:(图书编号,类别,书名,作者,出版日期,出版社,定价,总数量,剩下数量,备注) 借阅:(用户帐号,图书编号,借书日期,到期日期,数量,还书日期) 借阅信息:(用户帐号,图书编号,借书日期,到期日期,数量,还书日期) 五. 编码与实现: 六. 测试 -Contents : library management system software design a statement. Two feasibility studies. Needs analysis : 1. Mission Overview 2. Data needs : 2.3 database Description : 2.4 Data Acquisition : 3. Functional needs : new book storage DFD : Book Readers of DFD : expired prompted DFD : Readers inquiries DFD : book of DFD4. Safety requirements : 5. Consistency needs 6. Integrity needs three. Summary of design specification : 4. Designed to operate : 4. Detailed design : 1. Database functions : (authority, names) logged in users : (account names, passwords, competence) users : (user account, name, gender, group, document number) Book categories : (type, category) Books : (Book Number, category title, author, publication date, publishing houses, pricing, the total number of the remaining quantit
Platform: | Size: 96600 | Author: 丁兴全 | Hits:

[Other resourceshu5

Description: 图书管理系统,好用.可行性研究二.需求分析:1.任务概述2.数据需求:2.3 数据库描述:2.4 数据采集: 3.功能需求:新书入库DFD:图书借阅的DFD:过期提示的DFD:借阅查询的DFD:还书处理的DFD4.安全性需求:5.一致性需求6.等-library management system and ease of use. Two feasibility studies. Needs analysis : 1. Mission Overview 2. Data needs : 2.3 database Description : 2.4 Data Acquisition : 3. Functional needs : new book storage DFD : Book Readers of DFD : expired prompted DFD : Readers inquiries DFD : book of DFD4. Safety requirements : 5. Consistency needs 6. So
Platform: | Size: 461068 | Author: chen | Hits:

[Other resourceMAPDocument

Description: 1. 总则 4 1.1. 概述 4 1.2. 卖方的建议书要求 5 1.3. 报价要求 6 2. 总体要求 7 2.1. 项目目标 7 2.2. 功能要求 7 2.3. 性能要求 7 2.4. 组网要求 7 2.5. 管理要求 8 2.6. 安全要求 8 3. 技术规范 9 3.1. 电子地图应用实现 9 3.1.1. 电子地图查询界面和方法 9 3.1.2. 电子地图回叫 10 3.1.3. 短信应用发布 11 3.1.4. 查询应用形式 11 3.2. 信息采编实现 12 3.2.1. 公交线路的编辑 12 3.2.2. 道路的编辑 12 3.2.3. 单位的编辑 12 3.2.4. 快速定位 13 3.2.5. 管理 13 3.2.6. 统计 13 3.2.7. 金融网点 13 3.2.8. 房产信息 14 3.2.9. 其他 14 3.3. 系统性能要求 14 3.4. 软件与数据库平台要求 14 3.5. 主机与存储设备要求 14 3.6. 系统安全性要求 14 3.7. 组网要求 14 3.8. 系统管理功能要求 15 3.9. 系统的可扩展性要求 16 3.10. 系统维护要求 16 4. 软件开发周期 18 5. 系统安装、调试、试运行及验收 19 5.1. 安装和调试 19 5.2. 验收 19 6. 技术服务和技术培训 20 6.1. 技术服务 20 6.2. 技术培训 20 7. 技术文件 -1. General 4 1.1. 1.2 Overview 4. The seller asked for proposals 1.3. Price asked 6 2. overall requirement 7 2.1. project objectives 7 2.2. the functional requirements of 7 2.3. 2.4 Performance Requirements 7. network requirements 7 2.5. Management requires 8 2.6. 8 3 safety requirements. 9 technical specification 3.1. Electronic Map Application Implementation 9 3 2.1.1. electronic maps interface and method 9 3.1.2. electronic maps call-back 10 3.1.3. should SMS release 3.1.4 with 11. Query Application Forms 11 3.2. Acquisition achieve 12 3.2.1. Bus Line the editorial Road 12 3.2.2. the editors road 12 3.2.3. the editorial unit 12 3.2.4. rapid positioning 13 3.2.5. management 13 3.2.6. statistics 13 3.2.7. financial 13 3.2 points. 8. Real Estate Information 14 3.2.9. other 14 3.3. system p
Platform: | Size: 177052 | Author: zxb | Hits:

[Software EngineeringGISDESIGN

Description: 详细研究煤矿安全地理信息系统的结构、功能设计,并具体实现系统功能。-Mine Safety detailed study of geographic information system structure, functional design, and realization of specific system functions.
Platform: | Size: 136693 | Author: jacky | Hits:


Description: 特色: 1.界面清新、大方、美观、简洁,功能实用,没有华而不实之处。 2.方便的留言管理功能,可在后台删除、关闭或打开、回复留言。 3.可在后台设置最长留言长度、每页留言条数。 4.可在后台修改管理员名称和密码,管理密码使用MD5加密,数据库防下载处理,确保安全。 5.可在后台对数据进行备分及维护。 6.增加了留言本的核心设置。 7.增加了管理员对留言内容进行审核等一系列的工能。 8.增加了ubb功能. 9.修正了一些表格涨大的错误. 注:请使用install.php进行安装否则该留言本将无法正常运行。-characteristics : 1. Clean interface, generous, beautiful, simple, functional and practical, not flashy them. 2. Convenient message management functions can be deleted in the background, closed or open, reply to messages. 3. In the background set the length of the longest voice mail, voice mail, a few per page. 4. Changes in the background administrator name and password, password management using MD5 encryption, database downloaded defense, ensure safety. 5. In the background data and breakdown maintenance. 6. Increase the voice of the core set. 7. Increase the administrator of the message content of a series of audits will work. 8. Increased ubb function. 9. That some form of rising big mistakes. Note : Please use the install.php install the voice of the otherwise would not be able to op
Platform: | Size: 466925 | Author: bai | Hits:


Description: Functional safety and IEC 61508 A basic guide
Platform: | Size: 224256 | Author: shuangbi | Hits:

[Software EngineeringISO_FDIS_26262-1-2011-Vocabulary

Description: ISO26262道路车辆功能安全相关文档-ISO26262 Road vehicles- Functional safety related documentation
Platform: | Size: 357376 | Author: htl | Hits:

[Industry researchD1_ExperienceReport_SCRUM_ASPICE_Functional_Safet

Description: SCRUM ASPICE Functional Safety
Platform: | Size: 1647616 | Author: cliric | Hits:

[Software EngineeringISO-26262

Description: 汽车控制器系统功能安全(ISO 26262)技术开发。 培训资料,属于收费的对企业培训资料,讲师来自德国BOSCH总部。-Automotive Controller System Functional safety (ISO 26262) technology development. Training materials, are charged in the enterprise training materials, lecturers from Germany BOSCH headquarters.
Platform: | Size: 3304448 | Author: 王丙龙 | Hits:

[Industry researchVector_Statement_IS026262

Description: Functional Safety ISO2-Functional Safety ISO26262
Platform: | Size: 254976 | Author: DORNAAP | Hits:


Description: Road vehicles — Functional safety — Vocabulary
Platform: | Size: 335872 | Author: DORNAAP | Hits:

[Technology ManagementISO-26262-2011

Description: 汽车电子电气系统的功能安全标准ISO26262。-automotive electrical and electronic systems Functional safety standard ISO26262
Platform: | Size: 13438976 | Author: wayne yi | Hits:

[Software EngineeringISO26262-standard--testing-solutions

Description: ECU软件功能安全的问题也成为汽车行业迫切需要解决的问题,车辆功能安全标准ISO 26262就在这样的环境和需求下应运而生。在学习ISO26262过程中,这篇文档讲解的很清晰,通俗易懂。-ECU software features secure car industry has also become an urgent problem to be solved, vehicle functional safety standard ISO 26262 came into being in such an environment and needs. ISO26262 in the learning process, this document on the very clear and easy to understand.
Platform: | Size: 813056 | Author: 墨迹猫 | Hits:


Description: iso26262-2009中文功能安全手册-iso 26262-2009 Chinese Functional Safety Manual
Platform: | Size: 7070720 | Author: 李金生 | Hits:

[Technology ManagementIEC61508safety-instructions

Description: IEC61508功能安全指导,主要安全产品SIL认证-IEC61508 functional safety instructions
Platform: | Size: 11564032 | Author: liujie | Hits:


Description: 以78K0R和R8C的接班人,具有业界最低的消费水平电流。汽车通用低端微控制器具有各种内置功能用于汽车应用通信和实现功能安全。(The successors to the 78K0R and R8C, with the industry's lowest level of consumption current. Automotive general-purpose low-end microcontrollers with various built-in functions necessary for automotive application communications and implementing functional safety.)
Platform: | Size: 1754112 | Author: timtan | Hits:


Description: ISO 26262《道路车辆功能安全》国际标准是针对总重不超过3.5吨八座乘用车,以安全相关电子电气系统的特点所制定的功能安全标准,基于IEC 61508《安全相关电气/电子/可编程电子系统功能安全》制定,在2011年11月15日正式发布。(ISO 26262 "functional safety of road vehicles" is a functional safety standard formulated for eight seat passenger cars with a total weight of no more than 3.5 tons and based on the characteristics of safety related electronic and electrical systems. It is based on IEC 61508 "functional safety of safety related electrical / electronic / programmable electronic systems" and officially released on November 15, 2011.)
Platform: | Size: 11644928 | Author: 电工小兵007 | Hits:
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