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The Fuzzy Clustering and Data Analysis Toolbox is a collection of Matlab functions. Its propose is to divide a given data set into subsets (called clusters), hard and fuzzy partitioning mean, that these transitions between the subsets are crisp or gradual.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.92mb Publisher : 在式朝

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.04mb Publisher : 机机

The Fuzzy Clustering and Data Analysis Toolbox is a collection of Matlab functions. Its propose is to divide a given data set into subsets (called clusters), hard and fuzzy partitioning mean, that these transitions between the subsets are crisp or gradual.-The Fuzzy Clustering and Data Analysis Toolbox is a collection of Matlabfunctions. Its propose is to divide a given data set into subsets (calledclusters), hard and fuzzy partitioning mean, that these transitions betweenthe subsets are crisp or gradual.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.92mb Publisher : 在式朝

多种聚类方法比较,非常全,包括kmeans等-A variety of clustering methods, is very wide, including such kmeans
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.04mb Publisher : 机机

这本书是关于模糊聚类方面的,希望对大家的研究有所帮助!-This book is about aspects of fuzzy clustering, and they hope to help you study!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.98mb Publisher : 何欢

四种聚类算法源代码及示例代码,本程序的最终目的是形成一套标准的用于聚类、可扩展的工具。包括的内容有1. 聚类算法:Kmeans和Kmedoid算法、FCMclust, GKclust, GGclust算法 2. 评估分类原型:程序可以在二维图像上绘制出聚类的结果 3. 验证:程序给每一个算法提供验证机制,每个聚类算法会统计Partition Coefficient (PC), Classification Entropy (CE), Partition Index (SC), Separation Index (S), Xie and Beni s Index (XB), Dunn s Index (DI) and Alternative Dunn Index (DII)几种衡量指标。-Four clustering algorithm source code and sample code, the ultimate goal of this process is the formation of a set of criteria for clustering, scalable tool. Including the contents of 1. Clustering Algorithm: Kmeans and Kmedoid algorithm, FCMclust, GKclust, GGclust algorithm 2. Assess the classification of a prototype: The procedure can be two-dimensional images to map out the results of clustering 3. Verify: Program to provide every algorithm authentication mechanism, each clustering algorithm statistics Partition Coefficient (PC), Classification Entropy (CE), Partition Index (SC), Separation Index (S), Xie and Beni s Index (XB), Dunn s Index (DI) and Alternative Dunn Index (DII) of several indicators.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.04mb Publisher : 王梦萍

程序包包含的验证方法,会根据以下的多个指数分配系数(Partition Coefficient),分类熵Classification Entropy ,分区索引,分离指数(Separation Index),Xie and Beni s的索引,严重聚类的算法-Package contains the authentication method will be based on the following number of index coefficient (Partition Coefficient), classification entropy Classification Entropy, geographical index, separation index (Separation Index), Xie and Beni s index, a serious clustering algorithm
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.97mb Publisher : xuechaoling

Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.04mb Publisher : xdlongyuan

使用matlab实现的各种聚类算法,其中包括具体例子进行详细说明。-The purpose of the development of this toolbox was to compile a continuously extensible, standard tool, which is useful for any MATLAB user for one s aim. In Chapter 1 of the downloadable related documentation one can find a theoretical introduction containing the theory of the algorithms, the definition of the validity measures and the tools of visualization, which help to understand the programmed MATLAB files. Chapter 2 deals with the exposition of the files and the description of the particular algorithms, and they are illustrated with simple examples, while in Chapter 3 the whole Toolbox is tested on real data sets during the solution of three clustering problems: comparison and selection of algorithms estimating the optimal number of clusters and examining multidimensional data sets. About the Toolbox The Fuzzy Clustering and Data Analysis Toolbox is a collection of MATLAB functions. The toolbox provides five categories of functions: - Cluste
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.04mb Publisher : JinJun

各种聚类方法的matlab源代码,非常全-A variety of clustering methods matlab source code, a very wide
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.04mb Publisher : 吴立锋

GK GG 聚类程序 包括PCA GG GK等经典的算法-GKand GG cluster including pca GG GK ect
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.95mb Publisher : 周健

四种聚类算法源代码及示例代码,本程序的最终目的是形成一套标准的用于聚类、可扩展的工具。包括的内容有1. 聚类算法:Kmeans和Kmedoid算法、FCMclust, GKclust, GGclust算法 2. 评估分类原型:程序可以在二维图像上绘制出聚类的结果 3. 验证:程序给每一个算法提供验证机制,每个聚类算法会统计Partition Coefficient (PC), Classification Entropy (CE), Partition Index (SC), Separation Index (S), Xie and Beni s Index (XB), Dunn s Index (DI) and Alternative Dunn Index (DII)几种衡量指标。-Four kinds of clustering algorithms source code and sample code, the ultimate goal of this program is to form a set of standards for clustering, scalable tools. Including the contents of a. Clustering algorithm: Kmeans and Kmedoid algorithms, FCMclust, GKclust, GGclust algorithm 2. Assessment classified prototypes: programs can be plotted in two-dimensional image, the results of clustering 3. Verify: Program to provide an algorithm to each authentication mechanism, each clustering algorithm will calculate Partition Coefficient (PC), Classification Entropy (CE), Partition Index (SC), Separation Index (S), Xie and Beni' s Index (XB), Dunn' s Index (DI) and Alternative Dunn Index (DII) of several metrics.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.04mb Publisher : conroy cheung

这是一个关于FCM,GG,GK算法的源码,里面包含PC,PE,XB聚类有效性度量的matlab源码,并含有程序说明文档-This is the one on FCM, GG, GK algorithm source code, which contains PC, PE, XB cluster validity measure of the matlab source code, and contains procedures for documentation
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2mb Publisher : yyifang

一个模糊聚类工具箱,里面有四种模糊聚类算法,带有演示-four fuzzy clustering algorithms with demo in it.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.04mb Publisher : 吕明

matlab常用的模糊聚类程序,并附有演示程序-matlab fuzzy clustering procedure used, together with demo program
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.96mb Publisher : 吴尘秋

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有关聚类的所有方法的原理的讲解,重要的是有相应的程序,我运行过,都非常好用,而且用到的标准数据测试都有。-Clustering methods on the principle of all explanation, it is important there is a corresponding procedure, I ran, are very easy to use, and have used the standard data test.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.68mb Publisher : 赵丽

The Fuzzy Clustering and Data Analysis Toolbox is a collection of Matlab functions. Its propose is to divide a given data set into subsets (called clusters), hard and fuzzy partitioning mean, that these transitions between the subsets are crisp or gradual.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.04mb Publisher : anhtuyet

模糊C均值聚类是在HCM的基础上改进而来的,更能客观合理的对样本进行分类。-Fuzzy C-means clustering is improved on the basis of HCM, the more objective and reasonable to classify the samples.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.98mb Publisher :

四种聚类算法源代码及示例代码,本程序的最终目的是形成一套标准的用于聚类、可扩展的工具。包括的内容有1. 聚类算法:Kmeans和Kmedoid算法、FCMclust, GKclust, GGclust算法 2. 评估分类原型:程序可以在二维图像上绘制出聚类的结果 3. 验证:程序给每一个算法提供验证机制,每个聚类算法会统计-Partition Coefficient (PC), classification Entropy (CE), Partition Index (SC), Separation Index (S), Xie and Beni s Index (XB), Dunn s Index (DI) and Alternative Dunn Index (DII)几种衡量指标。-Four kinds of clustering algorithms source code and sample code, the ultimate goal of this program is to form a set of standards for clustering, scalable tools. Including the contents of a. Clustering algorithm: Kmeans and Kmedoid algorithms, FCMclust, GKclust, GGclust algorithm 2. Assessment classified prototypes: programs can be plotted in two-dimensional image, the results of clustering 3. Verify: Program to provide an algorithm to each authentication mechanism, each clustering algorithm will calculate Partition Coefficient (PC), classification Entropy (CE), Partition Index (SC), Separation Index (S), Xie and Beni s Index (XB), Dunn s Index (DI) and Alternative Dunn Index (DII) of several metrics.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.98mb Publisher : chendi

四种聚类算法源代码及示例代码+FuzzyClusteringToolbox-Four kinds of clustering algorithm source code and sample code+FuzzyClusteringToolbox
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.04mb Publisher : sdaga
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