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gaot遗传算法优化工具箱的介绍及实例的源程序-gaot genetic algorithm optimization toolbox presentation and examples of the source
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 106kb Publisher : 胡华

由于BP网络的权值优化是一个无约束优化问题,而且权值要采用实数编码,所以直接利用Matlab遗传算法工具箱。以下贴出的代码是为一个19输入变量,1个输出变量情况下的非线性回归而设计的,如果要应用于其它情况,只需改动编解码函数即可。 -As a result of BP network weights optimization is a constrained optimization problems, and weights to be used real-coded, so the direct use of Matlab genetic algorithm toolbox. Posted the following code is for a 19 input variables, an output variable in case of non-linear regression designed, if applied to other situations, simply change your codec function.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : 王刚

多目标优化进化算法目前公认效果收敛性最好的算法NSGA2源码,内有多目标算法的工具箱,对实现其他多目标优化算法很有帮助-Multi-objective optimization evolutionary algorithm is currently recognized as the effect of convergence of the algorithm NSGA2 best source, with a number of target algorithm toolbox for achieving the other multi-objective optimization algorithm for helpful
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 362kb Publisher : wy

DL : 0
遗传算法工具箱,十分好用,不错的工具。包含大量例子-Genetic Algorithm Toolbox, very easy to use, good tool. Contains a large number of examples
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.91mb Publisher : 刘波

由于BP网络的权值优化是一个无约束优化问题,而且权值要采用实数编码,所以直接利用Matlab遗传算法工具箱。以下贴出的代码是为一个19输入变量,1个输出变量情况下的非线性回归而设计的,如果要应用于其它情况,只需改动编解码函数即可。程序需要调用gaot工具箱.-As a result of BP network weights optimization is a constrained optimization problems, and weights to be used real-coded, so the direct use of Matlab genetic algorithm toolbox. Posted the following code is for a 19 input variables, an output variable in case of non-linear regression designed, if applied to other situations, simply change your codec function. Procedures need to call gaot toolbox.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4kb Publisher :

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用MA TLAB 语言及MA TLAB 语言编制的优化工具箱进行优化设计具有语言简单、函数丰富、用法比 较灵活、编程效率高等特点. 本文对遗传算法和基于MA TLAB 的遗传算法优化工具箱(GAO T ) 作了简要的介 绍、分析了优化工具函数, 并结合非线性、多峰值函数问题的优化实例, 说明了遗传算法是一种具有良好的全局 寻优性能的优化方法.-MA TLAB with language and language of the MA TLAB optimization toolbox to optimize the design of the language is simple, function-rich, and using more flexible programming and high efficiency. In this paper, genetic algorithm and MA TLAB based on genetic algorithm optimization toolbox (GAO T ) gave a brief introduction, an analysis of function optimization tool, combined with non-linear, multimodal function optimization problem examples to illustrate the genetic algorithm is a good global optimization method to optimize performance.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 263kb Publisher : dh

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介绍了遗传算法的基本原理和求解流程, 详细阐述了Matlab 遗传算法工具箱的使用方法, 并通过使用遗传算法工具箱对一个典型的函数优化问题进行求解, 验证了该工具箱在解决函数优化问题上的有效性和实用性。-Introduce a genetic algorithm to solve the basic principle and flow in detail Matlab genetic algorithm toolbox to use, and by using genetic algorithm toolbox for a typical function optimization problems to solve, the validity of the toolbox in solving function optimization problems on the effectiveness and practicality.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 50kb Publisher : 崔艳

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求解约束极小值问题的函数fmincon,fmincon是求解多维约束优化问题的优化工具箱函数-Problem solving constrained minimum function fmincon, fmincon is a multi-dimensional constrained optimization problems for solving the optimization toolbox function
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : yu

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< MATLAB遗传算法工具箱及应用>>介绍了如何在MATLAB中完成遗传算法的应用。遗传算法[Genetic Arithmatic,简称GA]是以自然选择和遗传理论为基础,将生物进化过程中适者生存规则与群体内部染色体的随机信息交换机制相结合的高效全局寻优搜索算法。GA摒弃传统的搜索方式,模拟自然界生物进化过程,采用人工进化的方式对目标空间进行随机优化搜索。MATLAB是MATHWORKS公司的一套高性能的数值计算和可视化软件。MATLAB遗传算法工具箱及应用 -Genetic Algorithm [Genetic Arithmatic, referred to as GA] is based on natural selection and genetic theory, the process of biological evolution survival of the fittest rules and groups of chromosomes within the clearing-house mechanism of the random combination of efficient global optimization search algorithm. GA to abandon the traditional search methods to simulate the process of natural biological evolution, artificial evolution approach on the target stochastic optimization search space. Mathworks Inc. MATLAB is a high-performance numerical computation and visualization software. MATLAB genetic algorithm toolbox and its application
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5.86mb Publisher : 吴晓晖

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This an implementation of Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm using the same syntax as the Genetic Algorithm Toolbox, with some additional options specific to PSO. Allows code-reusability when trying different population-based optimization algorithms. Certain GA-specific parameters such as cross-over and mutation functions will not be applicable to the PSO algorithm. Demo function included, with a small library of test functions. Requires Optimization Toolbox.-This is an implementation of Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm using the same syntax as the Genetic Algorithm Toolbox, with some additional options specific to PSO. Allows code-reusability when trying different population-based optimization algorithms. Certain GA-specific parameters such as cross-over and mutation functions will not be applicable to the PSO algorithm. Demo function included, with a small library of test functions. Requires Optimization Toolbox.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4kb Publisher : Chris Leung

matlab遗传算法工具箱优化程序及实例。-matlab genetic algorithm toolbox optimization procedures and examples.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 102kb Publisher : 李去昂

Matlab实用工具箱,可实现遗传算法优化功能。,Practical Matlab toolbox genetic algorithm optimization function.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 702kb Publisher : Can

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对传统的MATLAB遗传算法工具箱进行改进,对优化变量由单变量扩展到多变量,同时目标函数也由单目标函数扩展到多目标函数。-The traditional MATLAB genetic algorithm toolbox to improve the optimization variables by a single variable expansion to multiple variables, but also by a single objective function objective function is extended to multi-objective function.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 291kb Publisher : 王博

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这本书描述了MATLAB遗传算法的特性和直接搜索工具箱,编程原理和使用方法。这本书分为九章。第一章到第四章介绍了遗传算法的基本知识,包括遗传算法的基本原理、编码、选择、交叉、变异、适应度函数、控制参数、约束处理,模式定理,改进遗传算法早熟收敛问题及其预防等等。第五章到第七章介绍MATLAB遗传算法工具箱英格兰谢菲尔德谢菲尔德大学,和使用方法,如何编写这个函数的一个示例使用遗传算法工具箱解决实际优化问题的MATLAB程序。-The book describes the characteristics of MATLAB genetic algorithm and direct search toolbox, programming principle and method of use. The book is divided into nine chapters. The first chapter to the fourth chapter introduces the basic knowledge of the genetic algorithm, including the basic principle of genetic algorithm, coding, selection, crossover, mutation, fitness function, control parameters, constraints, processing, schema theorem, improved genetic algorithm premature convergence problem and its prevention and so on. Fifth chapter to the seventh chapter introduces MATLAB genetic algorithm toolbox Sheffield in England at the university of Sheffield, and use a method, an example of how to write this function using MATLAB genetic algorithm toolbox to solve practical optimization problem.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4.46mb Publisher : 李勃

一个关于matlab优化工具箱GOT中的遗传算法函数(GA)和全局优化算法函数(Globalsearch)优化能力的小对比,前者寻优快,但是结果不稳定,在风电场协同有功出力优化上面甚至可能比不过传统的单个风机层面的优化。后者计算量大,耗时较长,但是每次计算结果稳定,较传统单台风机层面优化有少量的提升。Tips:1,本文风场的建模只是采用了PARK模型,实际风场的气动过程应该还要复杂一些,未经实际风场验证,权当是工程优化入门 2,单个风机层面的功率系数Cp参数来源于NREL 5MW模型,跟实际叶片气动性能有关,可靠性未知。3,这种风场级别的协同优化主要考虑尾流因而更加适用于地形较平坦的风电场。-The classical operation strategy of a wind farm works with a principle that each wind turbine converting as much aerodynamic power as available the incoming airflow. But this does not guarantee that the power converted by the whole wind farm be a maximum due to the wake effect. Unlike the conventional operation, this paper proposes the collaborative setting of the operation point of each turbine so that the overall production of the wind farm is maximized. The optimization is performed by Matlab Global Optimization Toolbox(GOT) based on a PARK wake model accompany with the area-weighted quadratic sum method. The strategy was proved applicable in many cases by sensitivity analysis. As an important side effect, the proposed method also allows decreasing the added turbulence, hence the mechanical load produced by wakes. As a consequence, the overall wind farm availability is increased.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.46mb Publisher : 李林

matlab遗传算法工具箱及应用,西安电子科技大学出版社-genetic algorithm optimization toolbox
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 9.31mb Publisher : Donlong

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遗传算法工具箱用于一维二维寻优示例matlab程序(The genetic algorithm toolbox for one and two-dimensional optimization example program)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : 辛萍

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由BP神经网络的初始种群,然后基于MATLAB工具箱实现遗传算法优化方案,(The initial population of BP neural network is implemented, and then the genetic algorithm optimization scheme is implemented based on the MATLAB toolbox.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : violetny

Matlab 遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm)优化工具箱是基于基本操作及终止条件、二进制和十进制相互转换等操作的综合函数库。其实现步骤包括:通过输入及输出函数求出遗传算法主函数、初始种群的生成函数,采用选择、交叉、变异操作求得基本遗传操作函数。以函数仿真为例,对该函数优化和GA 改进,只需改写函数m 文件形式即可。(The Matlab Genetic Algorithm optimization toolbox is a comprehensive function library based on basic operations and termination conditions, binary and decimal conversion and other operations. The implementation steps include: the main function of genetic algorithm and the generation function of the initial population are obtained by the input and output functions, and the basic genetic operation function is obtained by the selection, crossover and mutation operations. Taking function simulation as an example, the function optimization and GA improvement only need to rewrite function m file form)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 9kb Publisher : FZenjoys

matab遗传算法工具箱以及极限学习机+遗传算法优化压缩包(Genetic Algorithm toolbox for matlab 2020b and Limit learning machine + genetic algorithm optimization package)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 10kb Publisher : gald
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