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文本无关的说话人辨认系统的DSP实时实现 比较经典的研究生毕业论文-text-independent speaker recognition system to achieve real-time DSP classic comparison postgraduate thesis
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.63mb Publisher : QHLee

说话人识别方法及其系统的应用开发研究.毕业设计论文,详细.本文对说话人识别方法应用作了较深入系统的研究。采用的方法分别是矢量量化(VQ)识别方法、隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)识别方法、高斯混合模型(GMM)识别方法。-Speaker Recognition Method and system development and research. Graduate design thesis in detail. In this paper, methods of application of speaker recognition system were made more in-depth research. Methods used are vector quantization (VQ) identification methods, hidden Markov model (HMM) to identify methods, Gaussian mixture model (GMM) identification methods.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 609kb Publisher : 叶小勇

说话人识别和训练系统所用的很多源码,内容很详实,希望大家能用的上-Speaker Recognition and training system used by a lot of source code, content is very informative and hope that we can use the upper
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8kb Publisher : 姜海鹏

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Wavelet Subband coding for speaker recognition The fn will calculated subband energes as given in the att tech paper of ruhi sarikaya and others. the fn also calculates the DCT part. using this fn and other algo for pattern classification(VQ,GMM) speaker identification could be achived. the progress in extraction is also indicated by progress bar.-Wavelet Subband coding for speaker recognitionThe fn will calculated subband energes as given in the att tech paper of ruhi sarikaya and others. The fn also calculates the DCT part. Using this fn and other algo for pattern classification (VQ, GMM) speaker identification could be achived. the progress in extraction is also indicated by progress bar.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 86kb Publisher : chan man man

本文章描述了说话人识别中GMM模型中的聚类算法的研究-This article describes the GMM Speaker Recognition Model Clustering Algorithm
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 467kb Publisher : 陈彪

高斯混合模型[Gaussian mixture model,简称GMM]是单一高斯机率密度函数的延伸,由於GMM 能够平滑地近似任意形状的密度分布,因此近年来常被用在语音与语者辨识,得到不错的效果。 -Gaussian mixture model [Gaussian mixture model, referred to as GMM] are single-Gaussian probability density function of the extension.GMM can approximate arbitrary smooth shape of the density distribution, so it is often used in speech and speaker recognition in recent years.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 62kb Publisher : 杨清山

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台湾张智星关于GMM的文档,很详细,做图像识别或说话人识别的对GMM有兴趣的话可以看一下-Zhang Zhi Star Taiwan GMM about the documents, in great detail, to do image recognition or speaker recognition of GMM are interested can look at
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 191kb Publisher : 董飞

高斯混合模型是單一高斯機率密度函數的延伸,由於GMM 能夠平滑地近似任意形狀的密度分佈,因此近年來常被用在語音與語者辨識,得到不錯的效果。-Gaussian mixture model is a single Gaussian probability density function of the extension, as the GMM can approximate arbitrary smooth shape of the density distribution, it is often used in recent years in speech and speaker recognition, get good results.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 191kb Publisher : geyu

Speaker Recognition by training GMM models for the speakers in the system. Also tells if there s an impostor in the system.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 547kb Publisher : sam

DL : 0
在实时平台上,高斯混合模型(GMM)具有计算有效性和易于实现的优点。最大似然规则中,模型参数不 断更新,但由于爬山特征,任意的原始模型参数估计通常将导致局部最优 遗传算法(GA)适于求解复杂组合优化问 题及非线性函数优化。提出了基于说话人识别的可以解决GMM局部最优问题的GMM/GA新算法,实验结果表明, 提出的GMM/GA新算法比纯粹的GMM算法能获得更优的效果。 - In real-time platform, the Gaussian mixture model (GMM) with the calculation of the effectiveness and easy to realize benefits. Maximum likelihood rule, the model parameters are not Broken updates, but due to climbing features, any of the original model parameter estimation will usually result in local optimum genetic algorithm (GA) is suitable for solving complex combinatorial optimization question Title and non-linear function optimization. Proposed speaker recognition based on GMM can solve the problem of local optimal GMM/GA new algorithm, experimental results show that the Proposed GMM/GA new algorithm than purely GMM algorithm can get better results.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.24mb Publisher : 于高

:高斯混合模型(GMM)是一种经典的说话人识别算法,本文在实现其算法的同时,主要模拟了不同噪声环境情况下高斯混合模型 (GMM)的杭嗓声性能,得到了一些有益结论。 -Gaussian mixture model (GMM) is a classic speaker recognition algorithms, this algorithm at the same time in fulfilling its main simulated environmental conditions under different noise Gaussian mixture model (GMM) of the Hang throat sound performance, and obtained some useful conclusions.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 117kb Publisher : 于高

说话人识别的MATLAB源码,效果还可以-Speaker Recognition MATLAB source, the effect can be
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 185kb Publisher : user

speaker recognition system
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9kb Publisher : sid

automatic Speaker recognition system using Gmm and Mf-automatic Speaker recognition system using Gmm and Mfcc
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 563kb Publisher : vikram

Speaker recognition is the task of validating individual s identity using invariant features extracted from their voices print. Speaker recognition technology common applications include authentication, surveillance and forensic applications. This Paper investigates the performance of three automatic model selections based on Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM). These approaches are Bayesian information criterion (BIC), Bayesian Ying–Yang harmony empirical learning criterion (BYY-HEC) and Bayesian Ying–Yang harmony data smoothing learning criterion (BYY-HDS). Experimental evaluation of these methods is presented.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 238kb Publisher : ZCEEE

GMM的说话人识别系统,识别效果90 多-GMM speaker recognition system, the recognition effect more than 90
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.3mb Publisher : 竹竹

基于MFCC的GMM的说话人识别,是很好的语音处理程序-MFCC of the GMM based speaker recognition, speech processing is a very good program
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.13mb Publisher : 周钰川

是基于matlab的语者识别系统。包括了预处理,mfcc,和gmm算法匹配。-Matlab-based speaker recognition system. Including the pretreatment, mfcc, and gmm algorithm match.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 219kb Publisher : dtjtracy

本代码是主要实现基于GMM算法的说话人识别功能,属于现在比较热门的人工智能领域。-The code is mainly to achieve Based on GMM speaker recognition algorithms, it is now more popular field of artificial intelligence.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10kb Publisher : 季瑾

基于MATLAB实现的DWT+GMM说话人识别,附带语料库和相关论文word版,毕设作品,详细且可运行!(MATLAB based DWT+GMM speaker recognition, incidental corpus and related papers word version, set up work, detailed and run!)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10.64mb Publisher : vanirgod
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