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C++开发的。农夫过河。一个农夫带着一只狼,一只羊和一些菜过河。河边只有一条一船,由 于船太小,只能装下农夫和他的一样东西。在无人看管的情况下,狼要吃羊,羊要吃菜,请问农夫如何才能使三样东西平安过河。 -C development. Farmers across the river. A farmer with a wolf, a goat and some vegetables across the river. Only a river boat, the boat is too small to install under the farmer and his thing. Unattended circumstances, the wolf to Qiyang, the sheep to the meal, ask the farmers how to make three things safely across the river.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.83kb Publisher : 李雷

遗传算法工具箱 // 蛮好使得 -genetic algorithm toolbox / / makes very good
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 550.01kb Publisher : L.House

matlab的遗传算法工具箱 goat内有注释说明希望能和大家交流-Matlab toolbox goat genetic algorithm within annotated hopes to be able to share
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 102.93kb Publisher : king part

农夫过河:农夫带着一只狼、一只羊、一颗白菜,要从河的左岸过去河的右岸。狼要吃羊,羊要吃白菜,只有农夫在的的时候才不会右被吃的情况发生,要怎么过河呢?-farmer across the river : a farmer with a wolf, a goat, a Chinese cabbage, from the left bank of the river past the right bank of the river. Wolf to Qiyang, the sheep eat cabbage, the only farmer in the time would not be right to eat happen, how the river?
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.27kb Publisher : 王丽霞

DL : 0
goat工具箱 遗传算法主函数祥解 goat工具箱 是网上流传最广的一个遗传工具箱,现针对其主函数的做了注释供大家分享,以便于大家更好的学习和研究遗传算法,改进遗传算法
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5.72kb Publisher : 顺星

遗传算法工具箱matlab-GA Matlab Toolbox
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 104.53kb Publisher : 吴迎笑

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 102.02kb Publisher : houjie

小时候,我看到过这样的一道智力题: 一个农夫带着一只狼,一只羊和一些菜过河。河边只有一条船,由于船太小,只能装下农夫和他的一样东西。在无人看管的情况下,狼要吃羊,羊要吃菜,请问农夫如何才能使三样东西平安过河。经过不难的推理,相信读者都能轻而易举的解出这道题。但是,我们是否能用计算机解这一道题呢?答案是肯定的。本文就让读者去领略一下计算机快速解决问题。-was a kid, I saw the intelligence that one : a farmer with a wolf, a goat and some vegetables across the river. Only a river boat, small boat, can only put under farmer and his thing. Unattended circumstances, the wolf to Qiyang, the sheep to the meal, ask the farmers how to make three things safely across the river. It is not difficult to read the reasoning, I believe readers are easily able to come up with Jesus. However, we can use the computer solutions for this and that? The answer is yes. This paper to let readers understand what computer quick fixes to the problem.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 8.45kb Publisher : 赵机密

遗传算法工具箱matlab-GA Matlab Toolbox
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 104kb Publisher : 吴迎笑

小时候,我看到过这样的一道智力题: 一个农夫带着一只狼,一只羊和一些菜过河。河边只有一条船,由于船太小,只能装下农夫和他的一样东西。在无人看管的情况下,狼要吃羊,羊要吃菜,请问农夫如何才能使三样东西平安过河。经过不难的推理,相信读者都能轻而易举的解出这道题。但是,我们是否能用计算机解这一道题呢?答案是肯定的。本文就让读者去领略一下计算机快速解决问题。-was a kid, I saw the intelligence that one : a farmer with a wolf, a goat and some vegetables across the river. Only a river boat, small boat, can only put under farmer and his thing. Unattended circumstances, the wolf to Qiyang, the sheep to the meal, ask the farmers how to make three things safely across the river. It is not difficult to read the reasoning, I believe readers are easily able to come up with Jesus. However, we can use the computer solutions for this and that? The answer is yes. This paper to let readers understand what computer quick fixes to the problem.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8kb Publisher : 赵机密

C++开发的。农夫过河。一个农夫带着一只狼,一只羊和一些菜过河。河边只有一条一船,由 于船太小,只能装下农夫和他的一样东西。在无人看管的情况下,狼要吃羊,羊要吃菜,请问农夫如何才能使三样东西平安过河。 -C development. Farmers across the river. A farmer with a wolf, a goat and some vegetables across the river. Only a river boat, the boat is too small to install under the farmer and his thing. Unattended circumstances, the wolf to Qiyang, the sheep to the meal, ask the farmers how to make three things safely across the river.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 李雷

DL : 0
遗传算法工具箱 // 蛮好使得 -genetic algorithm toolbox// makes very good
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 550kb Publisher :

matlab的遗传算法工具箱 goat内有注释说明希望能和大家交流-Matlab toolbox goat genetic algorithm within annotated hopes to be able to share
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 103kb Publisher : king part

农夫过河:农夫带着一只狼、一只羊、一颗白菜,要从河的左岸过去河的右岸。狼要吃羊,羊要吃白菜,只有农夫在的的时候才不会右被吃的情况发生,要怎么过河呢?-farmer across the river : a farmer with a wolf, a goat, a Chinese cabbage, from the left bank of the river past the right bank of the river. Wolf to Qiyang, the sheep eat cabbage, the only farmer in the time would not be right to eat happen, how the river?
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 王丽霞

DL : 0
goat工具箱 遗传算法主函数祥解 goat工具箱 是网上流传最广的一个遗传工具箱,现针对其主函数的做了注释供大家分享,以便于大家更好的学习和研究遗传算法,改进遗传算法-goat genetic algorithm toolbox祥解goat Toolbox main function is the most widely circulated online a genetic toolbox, for its main function is to do a note for everyone to share in order to facilitate the U.S. to better study and research of genetic algorithm, the improved genetic algorithm
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher : 顺星

DL : 0
goat遗传算法工具包,可参考使用,节省遗传算法开发时间-goat genetic algorithm tool kit, refer to the use of genetic algorithms to save development time
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 102kb Publisher : houjie

DL : 0
介绍了遗传算法的基本原理和求解流程, 详细阐述了Matlab 遗传算法工具箱的使用方法, 并通过使用遗传算法工具箱对一个典型的函数优化问题进行求解, 验证了该工具箱在解决函数优化问题上的有效性和实用性。-Introduce a genetic algorithm to solve the basic principle and flow in detail Matlab genetic algorithm toolbox to use, and by using genetic algorithm toolbox for a typical function optimization problems to solve, the validity of the toolbox in solving function optimization problems on the effectiveness and practicality.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 50kb Publisher : 崔艳

DL : 0
游戏规则如下:游戏中设有三扇门,其中一扇门后上一辆汽车,另外两扇门后各有一头山羊。游戏参与者首先选择其中一扇门,然后节目主持人将另外两扇门中藏有山羊的那扇打开(由于有两头山羊,不管游戏参与者如何选择,节目主持人总是可以打开一扇藏有山羊的门),并给游戏参与者一次改选的机会。这样,游戏参与者实际上有三种不同的选择方式: 1、维持原先的选择不变 2、随机选定是维持原先的选择还是选择另一扇门(例如抛硬币做决定) 3、直接选择另一扇门 模拟程序运行时,提示拥护输入其所做的决定以及用户希望的游戏次数。程序使用随机数产生器来决定汽车在哪扇门后面以及用户最开始选择的是哪扇门。若用户采用上述的第二种选择方式,程序随机选择是维持原决定还是换另一扇门。程序将用户玩的次数和获胜概率打印出来(若用户选择了藏有汽车的那扇门就算胜利)。在运行程序之前,请猜测一下你认为上述三种方法哪种最好,程序运行结果可能会让你大吃一惊!-The rules of the game are as follows: the game has three doors, one door on a car after the other after the doors have a goat. Game players choose one of the first door, and then show host will be another door in the possession of two goats to open the door (because there are two goats, regardless of the participants how to choose the game, show host always opens a possession doors have goats), and to participants in a game the opportunity to re-election. In this way, game players actually have a choice of three different ways: 1, to maintain unchanged the original choice 2, were randomly selected to maintain the original choice or to choose another door (such as throwing coins to make decisions) 3, the direct choice of a door Simulation is running, enter their prompt support for the decision, as well as the number of users want games. Procedures for the use of random number generator to determine the vehicle in which the back door, as well as the beginning of the u
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 253kb Publisher : firebird

DL : 0
MATLAB实现基于遗传算法的数字图像分割 采用goat工具箱-MATLAB Image Segmentation
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : HC

DL : 0
matlab中goat工具箱的使用(doc文档)-goat tools in matlab
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher :
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