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GSM 06.10 13kbit/s RPE/LTP 语音压缩算法
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 54.32kb Publisher :

GSM 06.10 13 kbit/s RPE/LTP语音压缩
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 51.47kb Publisher :

题为《GSM网络管理系统及其设计》的硕士论文,我仔细阅读后转化为了word文档。-entitled "GSM network management system and its design," the master's thesis, I carefully read transform into word documents.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 74.51kb Publisher : 欧阳凡

GSM 06.10 13kbit/s RPE/LTP 语音压缩算法 -GSM 06.10 13kbit/s RPE/LTP voice compression algorithm
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 54kb Publisher : 站长

GSM 06.10 13 kbit/s RPE/LTP语音压缩-GSM 06.1013 kbit/S RPE/LTP voice compression
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 51kb Publisher : 站长

GPRS(General Packet Radio Service)是通用分组无线业务的简称。GPRS是GSM Phase2.1规范实现的内容之一,能提供比现有GSM网9.6kbit/s更高的数据率。GPRS采用与GSM 相同的频段、频带宽度、突发结构、无线调制标准、跳频规则以及相同的TDMA帧结构。因此,在GSM系统的基础上构建GPRS系统时,GSM系统中的绝大部分部件都不需要作硬件改动,只需作软件升级。-GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) is a General Packet Radio Service abbreviation. GPRS GSM Phase2.1 norms to achieve one of the elements that can provide more than the existing GSM network 9.6kbit/s higher data rate. GSM and GPRS using the same frequency and bandwidth, unexpected structure, the wireless standard modulation, frequency hopping and the same rules TDMA frame structure. Therefore, in the GSM system builds on the GPRS system, the GSM system of most components do not need to make hardware changes, only for software upgrades.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.02mb Publisher : 齐征

一个功能非常完善、操作简便、界面更是经典的多功能短消息发送软件。启光短信通是一个以发送短信为主,真正做到从用户实用角度为出发点,并以让用户的操作更为简便来安排整个软件的结构,以最亮丽的窗口风格来设计软件界面,使用过后让你爱不释手: 本软件还有以下诸多特点: ★ 建于国家高能计算中心,拥有超级服务器硬件支持和中国网通宽带高速网关,发送每条短信不超过10秒。 ★ 配备了短信群发功能,并能准备地告诉你每条短信的发送结果。 ★ 智能分割超长短信功能,让你一次能发送500字的短信。 ★ 提供功能强大的通讯录,方便地查询到联系人的基本信息,提供双击发送,操作极其方便。 ★ 直观的联系人分组功能,再多的联系人,也可以方便地找到。 ★ 自定义短语可以让你把精彩的短语分类收藏,随时可以重用。 ★ 发送记录保存,可以让你方便的查询发送过的短信记录,提供双击发送,能方便你重复发送某一条短信。 ★ 支持多用户,每个用户的数据都是经过加密保存,使你在公共场所也可以放心地使用它。 ★ 灵活方便的注册向导窗口,提供本地与网络两种登录方式,让你即使在没有网络连接的时候也能轻松使用本软件。 -a function very well, simple operation, the interface is the classic multifunction short messaging software. Kai-messaging to communicate is to send an SMS based, truly practical perspective from the user's point of departure, and to allow users to operate more convenient arrangement of the structure of the entire software in the most beautiful window style to design software interfaces, after you use so attractive : The following are many software features : People built in the national energy ICC, with super-server hardware support and China Netcom broadband high-speed gateway, send text messages each no more than 10 seconds. People equipped with a Short Message function, and can be ready to tell you Each text message sent results. People long divided intelligent messaging function,
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 998kb Publisher : 万宴宾

华为的无线通信技术资料,作GSM通信的好东东!-Huawei's wireless data communications technology for GSM Wanton good!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.83mb Publisher : Nick

DL : 0
GSM原理( 翻译自Aglient 公司的GSM原理测量培训教材-GSM principles (translated from Aglient's GSM measurement principles of training materials
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 22kb Publisher : 妮涵

CELP The most common Speech coding scheme is Code-Excited Linear Predictive (CELP) coding, which is used for example in the GSM standard. In CELP, the modelling is divided in two stages, a linear predictive stage that models the spectral envelope and code-book based model of the residual of the linear predictive model. -CELP The most common Speech coding scheme i s Code-Excited Linear Predictive (CELP) codin g, which is used for example in the GSM standard. In CELP, the modeling is divided in two stages. a linear predictive models that stage the spect Cul envelope and code-book based model of the re sidual of the linear predictive model.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 157kb Publisher : 梓淳

GSM AMR-NB speech codec R98 Version 7.6.0 December 12, 2001 R99 Version 3.3.0 REL-4 Version 4.1.0 REL-5 version 5.3.0 REL-6 version 6.0.0 -GSM AMR-NB speech codec R98 Version 7.6.0 D ecember 12, 2001's R99 Version 3.3.0 REL-4 Version 4.1.0 REL- 5 version 5.3.0 REL-6 version 6
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 813kb Publisher : 朱平

All 3G and GSM specifications have a 3GPP specification number consisting of 4 or 5 digits. (e.g. 09.02 or 29.002). The first two digits define the series as listed in the table below. They are followed by 2 further digits for the 01 to 13 series or 3 further digits for the 21 to 55 series. The term "3G" means a 3GPP system using a UTRAN radio access network the term "GSM" means a 3GPP system using a GERAN radio access network. (Thus "GSM" includes GPRS and EDGE features.)-All 3G and GSM specifications have a 3GPP sp ecification number consisting of four or five digits. (e.g. 09.02 or 29.002). The first two digits def BrdU the series as listed in the table below. They are followed by two further digits for the 01 to 13's eries or three further digits for the 21 to 55 series. The term "3G" means a system using a 3GPP UTRAN ra dio access network the term "GSM" means a 3GPP sy GERAN stem using a radio access network. (Thus " GSM "includes GPRS and EDGE features.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 95kb Publisher : guoguo

ITU-T H.323 V3 音频codec(支持静音检测) g.723.1 6.4kbps发送,6.4/5.3kbps接收 g.729a 8kbps发送,8kbps接收(仅在单一模式下可用) gsm 6.10 10kbps lpc 10 3kbps g.711 uLaw/aLaw 64kbps 视频codec(动态流量控制) h.261 支持QCIF(176*144)/CIF(352*288) h.263 支持QCIF(176*144)/CIF(352*288) -- 需要VISh263m.dll的支持,该动态连接库随VIS H.323 DLL Library一同发布 标准H.323网守(Gatekeeper)支持 ILS(Internet Locator Service)支持 -ITU-T H.323 V3 Audio codec (Support quiet detection) g.723.1 6. 4kbps sending, receiving g.729a 6.4/5.3kbps bps sent, k receiver (only in a single mode available) gsm 6.10 10kbps lpc 10 3kbp 's g.711 uLaw/aLaw 47,060 video codec (dynamic flow control) h.26 a support QCIF (176* 144)/CIF (352* 288) h.263 support QCIF (176* 144)/CIF (352* 288)-- needs the support VISh263m.dll holders. The dynamic link library DLL with the VIS Library H.323 standard with the release of H.323 Gatekeeper (G atekeeper) support ILS (Internet Locator Service) support holders
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 808kb Publisher : wushuang

中国联通GSM直放站系统统一监控管理协议规范1.0 本技术规范规定中国联通GSM直放站网络管理协议和直放站设备的网管接口技术要求。 直放站网管系统一般由监控中心、通信信道和直放站三部分组成。监控中心的主要职能是对众多厂家提供的多类型、多数量的直放站进行“集中控制,统一监管”。监控中心对直放站的操作主要包括参数设置、数据查询、告警处理三种主业务;直放站作为被监管对象,在被动应答来自监控中心的命令外还必须将当前故障信息以告警命令的形式主动上报给监控中心。监控中心和直放站的通信方式可以是RS232串口直连、有线MODEM拨号和GSM短信方式等 -China Unicom GSM Repeater Monitoring System unified management protocol specification 1.0 Technical Specification provides China Unicom GSM Network Management Protocol Repeater Repeater equipment and network management interface technical requirements. Repeater Network Management System by the general control center, communications channels and Repeater three components. Control center's main function is to provide manufacturers of a large number of diversified, multi-Repeater number of "centralized control, unified supervision. " Repeater control center for the operation, including the main parameter setting, data inquiries, warning handles three main business; Repeater as by the regulatory target, in a passive response from the control center orders must also be present fau
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 76kb Publisher : 杜建强

DL : 0
基于systemview的GSM通信系统仿真。一个实际的GSM系统的System View仿真模型包括:信号源、波形成型、调制、信道传输、射频接收、两次混频和解调器等部分。-Systemview based on the GSM communication system simulation. An actual GSM System System View simulation model include: signal sources, waveform shaping, modulation, channel transmission, radio frequency receiver, mixer and demodulator two parts.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : 阿妹儿

关于gsm安全的一篇老外的硕士毕业论文 去油一定的参考价值-Gsm security on a foreign master s thesis to the oil of some reference value
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 942kb Publisher : ruanjun

实验13 GPS和GSM通信实验 居于亿道公司270的板子-Experiment 13 GPS and GSM communication experiment 100,000,000 living in the company s board 270
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.48mb Publisher : zhanghua

Gsm手机信息与电话簿开发库C++源代码,内容包括手机短信与电话簿代码。-Gsm mobile phone information and phonebook Development Library C++ source code, including SMS and phone book code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 419kb Publisher : 张波

单片机控制gsm模块的源代码程序,gsm模块为西门子的tc35-SCM control gsm module' s source code program, gsm module Siemens tc35
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : gyh

GSM/GPRS c/c++ library for arduino uno for SIMCOM ic's
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 58kb Publisher : shree_123
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