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[Embeded-SCM Develop浙大嵌入式GUI论文

Description: 浙大嵌入式GUI论文(参与minigui开发)
Platform: | Size: 1270352 | Author: migrant | Hits:

[Other Embeded programLCD_GUI 一个简单明了的GUI架构,适合51,AVR等小型单片机系统

Description: LCD_GUI 一个简单明了的GUI架构,适合51,AVR等小型单片机系统 特别适合新手学习使用
Platform: | Size: 40670 | Author: bbs_i_love@126.com | Hits:

[SourceCodeC++ GUI Programming with Qt 4 - Examples Source

Description: C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4
Platform: | Size: 304361 | Author: syringaboy@qq.com | Hits:

[ARM-PowerPC-ColdFire-MIPSGUI动画 测试.zip

Description: GUI动画 测试.基于红牛STM32开发板
Platform: | Size: 10942235 | Author: seem.liu@foxmail.com | Hits:

[Software Engineering掌握和精通matlab之gui设计

Description: 掌握和精通matlab之gui设计
Platform: | Size: 331777 | Author: wjxlovey | Hits:

[Othermatlab GUI 抠图工具

Description: matlab GUI 抠图工具 方便快捷
Platform: | Size: 14535 | Author: hiderce@163.com | Hits:

[SCMMSP430 使用的 GUI 程序

Description: MSP430 使用的 GUI 程序,可配合 128 x 64 的 LCD,附源代码.
Platform: | Size: 4874 | Author: xyz543 | Hits:

[ARM-PowerPC-ColdFire-MIPSSTM32 的嵌入式 GUI (附 GUI 编辑器)

Description: 适用于 STM32 的嵌入式 GUI,非传统的 GUI 需于程序中编辑图形与功能,而是使用了 GUI Editor (GUI 专用编辑器),只需在 PC 机上以图形方式编辑 GUI 的功能,内附 Keil 与 IAR 等多种编译器工程版及 GUI 的源代码.
Platform: | Size: 18619681 | Author: xyz543 | Hits:

[Special EffectsMATLAB应用实例-图像处理与GUI设计篇

Description: MATLAB应用实例-图像处理与GUI设计篇 陈超版本
Platform: | Size: 391422 | Author: zhongxing050220103@126.com | Hits:

[Documents如何用纯Win32 SDK编写GUI程序

Description: 如何用纯Win32 SDK编写GUI程序 ,c语言的好资料
Platform: | Size: 276992 | Author: huangmf_c | Hits:


Description: GUI ofUCos2 适合有开发经验的人看-ofUCos2 GUI development experience for a person to see
Platform: | Size: 4149248 | Author: 成康 | Hits:


Description: GUI例程,初学者的入门实例-GUI routines, beginners entry examples
Platform: | Size: 445440 | Author: 胡江 | Hits:

[BooksGUI Programming with Python

Description: GUI Programming with Python
Platform: | Size: 13548544 | Author: 严冰 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developgui论文

Description: 嵌入式GUI论文集-Embedded GUI Papers
Platform: | Size: 16443392 | Author: 杨进勇 | Hits:

[ARM-PowerPC-ColdFire-MIPSuC GUI for 44B0

Description: uC GUI for 44B0 的移植-GUI for the transplant 44B0!
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: 小菜一碟 | Hits:


Description: GUI界面的计算器程序 使用JAVE语言开发,适合刚开始学习JAVE语言的初学者参考!-GUI interface using the calculator program acids language suitable for the beginning of the study isolates language reference beginners!
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 李勇 | Hits:

[OS programDOS下的GUI源代码3.1

Description: 这是一个利用DOC操作系统编写的GUI系统-This is a use of DOC prepared by the operating system GUI System
Platform: | Size: 542720 | Author: 冰岛 | Hits:

[Other Embeded programGUI汉字库

Description: GUI汉字库,包括hzk12,hzk16 rarhzk24,使用简单.无需解压码.-GUI Store, including hzk12, hzk16 rarhzk24, simple to use. Without decompression code.
Platform: | Size: 875520 | Author: 吕永江 | Hits:

[uCOSuc GUI源码

Description: 基于嵌入式实时多任务操作系统ucos-ii的GUI的源码,精炼实用-Source code of GUI based on ucos-ii, very small and useful.
Platform: | Size: 957440 | Author: cguo | Hits:

[ARM-PowerPC-ColdFire-MIPSs3c44b0 + uc-osii + uc-gui

Description: Samsung ARM7 s3c44b0 + uC-OSii + uC-GUI 完美的综合到了一起,学习arm最好用这个程序,一次可以学到2个系统:uCOSII+uCGUI,完整版本,共5.3M,240x32OLCD.-Samsung ARM7 s3c44b0 uC- OSii uC-perfect GUI integrated together to learn with the best arm of this process, one can learn two systems : uCOSII uCGUI, complete version, a total of 5.3M, 240x32OLCD.
Platform: | Size: 5581824 | Author: 张天健 | Hits:
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