Description: matlab数据采集工具箱应用示例。gui是在matlab7.0.1下设计,matlab7以下版本无法正常运行界面程序。-Matlab Toolbox data acquisition application. Gui is the matlab7.0.1 design, matlab7 following versions are unable to operate normally interface procedures. Platform: |
Size: 338944 |
Author:张三 |
Description: 应用matlab的gui进行界面编程的例子,教会你如何使用matlab的gui-gui application of Matlab programming interface for example, the church how you use Matlab gui Platform: |
Size: 43008 |
Author:马燕 |
Description: 书名应为《MATLAB应用程序接口用户指南》讲的比较详细,供大家参考-title should be "MATLAB application programming interface User's Guide" for the more detailed, for your reference Platform: |
Size: 8182784 |
Author:袁 |
Description: 在Matlab应用系统中,创建数据文件,得到符合要求的界面-in Matlab Application System to create data files, to be compliant interface Platform: |
Size: 5120 |
Author:郝致平 |
Description: 应用matlabGUI工具设计了数据循环显示程序,根据输入数据在GUI界面中循环显示。-Application matlabGUI tool design cycle of a data display program, according to input data in the GUI interface of the cycle show. Platform: |
Size: 1024 |
Author:王红梅 |
Description: 应用matlab的GUI功能设计用户图形界面的一些例子.-Application matlab function design of the GUI graphical user interface, a few examples. Platform: |
Size: 291840 |
Author:zxj |
Description: 神经网络实例集。包括以下几个程序单层线性神经网络实例、感知器神经元解决较复杂输入向量的分类问题、基于感知器神经网络处理复杂的分类问题、数值分析程序matlab-GUI、用BP网络完成函数的逼近源程序、自组织特征映射应用实例-Examples of neural network sets. Procedures include the following examples of single-layer linear neural network, perceptron neuron input vector to solve more complex classification problems, based on the perceptron neural network to deal with complex classification problems, numerical analysis matlab-GUI, using BP network function source approximation, self-organizing feature map application Platform: |
Size: 41984 |
Author:stephen |
Description: function varargout = GUI_FILTER(varargin)
GUI_FILTER, by itself, creates a new GUI_FILTER or raises the existing
H = GUI_FILTER returns the handle to a new GUI_FILTER or the handle to
the existing singleton*.
GUI_FILTER( CALLBACK ,hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local
function named CALLBACK in GUI_FILTER.M with the given input arguments.
GUI_FILTER( Property , Value ,...) creates a new GUI_FILTER or raises the
existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are
applied to the GUI before GUI_FILTER_OpeningFunction gets called. An
unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application
stop. All inputs are passed to GUI_FILTER_OpeningFcn via varargin.
*See GUI Options on GUIDE s Tools menu. Choose "GUI allows only one
instance to run (singleton)".-function varargout = GUI_FILTER(varargin)
GUI_FILTER, by itself, creates a new GUI_FILTER or raises the existing
H = GUI_FILTER returns the handle to a new GUI_FILTER or the handle to
the existing singleton*.
GUI_FILTER( CALLBACK ,hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local
function named CALLBACK in GUI_FILTER.M with the given input arguments.
GUI_FILTER( Property , Value ,...) creates a new GUI_FILTER or raises the
existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are
applied to the GUI before GUI_FILTER_OpeningFunction gets called. An
unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application
stop. All inputs are passed to GUI_FILTER_OpeningFcn via varargin.
*See GUI Options on GUIDE s Tools menu. Choose "GUI allows only one
instance to run (singleton)". Platform: |
Size: 325632 |
Author:michael4u2345 |
Description: Tutorial GUI to demonstrate basic functionality of various controls on the GUI-This GUI will help the novice user get up to speed very quickly on using GUI-based applications. Everything is laid out in a very simple Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, etc. layout. It is a very good starting point for a typical image analysis application. This application uses GUIDE to do the user interface design, and has most of the basic controls such as buttons, listboxes, checkboxes, radio buttons, scrollbars, etc. It allows the user to select a folder of images, select one or more images and display them, to select a series of options, and to individually or batch process one or more images. The user can optionally apply a mask (region of interest) to the image so that only the area within the mask will be analyzed. The results are optionally sent to Excel. In this demo, I do some very basic particle sizing but in use, the user would replace that simple demo code in the function AnalyzeSingleImage() with their own code. Works with Windows or Unix since paths are all forward slashes. Req Platform: |
Size: 878592 |
Author:zzz |
Description: 具体包括了
方便初学者学习。-Specifically includes the use of an ordinary PC camera, because it is written with the m language, therefore, compatible with all versions. Original address (I ilovematlab made a post, and download many people, so come here, also issued for everyone to share): highlight = contains the content: video the head camera image preview and drawings of the application of the preservation of the timer m document creation gui controls. Easy for beginners to learn. Platform: |
Size: 2048 |
Author:竹笑 |
Description: 差影法实际是对图像进行代数运算的一种不同的叫法。代数运算是指对两幅输入图像进行点对点的加、减、乘、除计算而得到输出图像的运算。
-Poor shadow method is actually an image algebra in a different name for. Algebra refers to the two input images point to point add, subtract, multiply, in addition to the calculation obtained computing the output image. An important application of the image is the sum of the same scene multiple images averaged, it can effectively reduce the impact of random noise, it is because for a noisy image S (x, y), can be seen as by the original noise-free images F (x, y) and noise G (x, y) stacking, that is, S (x, y) = G (x, y)+ F (x, y) Platform: |
Size: 392192 |
Author:caocao |
Description: 这是本人编写的matlab的GUI程序,可以实现交互式的界面。里面的程序是bp神经网络的应用,另一个回归分析的程序还没有写。可以实现的功能是利用神经网络,然后上传数据,根据数据训练网络,然后可以输入部分数据,验证网络。-This is my GUI program written in matlab, you can achieve interactive interface. Bp inside the program is the application of neural networks, another regression analysis of the program has not yet written. Function can be achieved is the use of neural networks, and then upload the data, according to data training network, then you can enter some data, verify the network. Platform: |
Size: 5120 |
Author:fansy |
Description: 图像处理与GUI设计篇 陈超著的配套程序,在学习matlab处理图像时,用于实验会很方便。-Image processing and GUI design articles Chao with matching program, learning matlab image processing when used in the experiment will be very convenient. Platform: |
Size: 376832 |
Author:王鑫 |