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应用于ucGUI的16*16点阵字库文件 只要将该文件加入ucGUI的工程中, 再在GUI.H中如下声明: extern const GUI_FONT GUI_Font6x8 ...... extern const GUI_FONT GUI_Font_HZ16x16 //汉字字体 即可使用. 使用实例: static void DemoHZ(void) { const char str[] = GUI_UC_START\"中国人民万岁\"GUI_UC_END /* Set ShiftJIS font */ GUI_SetFont(&GUI_Font_HZ16x16) GUI_DispString(str) }-used ucGUI 16 * 16 character dot-matrix document as long as the document ucGUI to join the project, which GUI.H again in the following statement : extern const GUI_FONT GUI_Font6x8 ...... extern const GUI_FONT GUI_Font_HZ16x16 / / Chinese fonts can be used. examples of use : static void DemoHZ (void) (const char str [] = GUI_UC_START "Long live the Chinese people" GUI_UC_END / * Set ShiftJIS font * / GUI_SetFont (GUI_ Font_HZ16x16) GUI_DispString (str
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 162.15kb Publisher : 康康

应用于ucGUI的16*16点阵字库文件 只要将该文件加入ucGUI的工程中, 再在GUI.H中如下声明: extern const GUI_FONT GUI_Font6x8 ...... extern const GUI_FONT GUI_Font_HZ16x16 //汉字字体 即可使用. 使用实例: static void DemoHZ(void) { const char str[] = GUI_UC_START"中国人民万岁"GUI_UC_END /* Set ShiftJIS font */ GUI_SetFont(&GUI_Font_HZ16x16) GUI_DispString(str) }-used ucGUI 16* 16 character dot-matrix document as long as the document ucGUI to join the project, which GUI.H again in the following statement : extern const GUI_FONT GUI_Font6x8 ...... extern const GUI_FONT GUI_Font_HZ16x16// Chinese fonts can be used. examples of use : static void DemoHZ (void) (const char str [] = GUI_UC_START "Long live the Chinese people" GUI_UC_END/* Set ShiftJIS font*/GUI_SetFont (GUI_ Font_HZ16x16) GUI_DispString (str
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 162kb Publisher : 康康
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