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在广泛研究前人工作的基础上,本文对运动人物的检测、跟踪与识别进行了综述。为 使分类清楚明了,本文将人物运动分析分为两大类:人体运动分析,人脸分析。人体运动分 析包括人的较大幅度的肢体运动,如手势识别、步态分析、整个人体的运动分析;人脸分析 包括人脸检测与识别、表情分析。在详细介绍了国内外研究现状后,提出了存在的问题及研 究前景。-Extensively studied in previous work on the basis of the figures in this article on the movement detection, tracking and recognition are reviewed. To enable a clear understanding of classification, motion analysis of figures in this article will be divided into two categories: human motion analysis, analysis of human faces. Analysis of human motion including the relatively large body movements, such as gesture recognition, gait analysis, motion analysis of the human body Facial analysis includes face detection and recognition, facial expression analysis. In the study described in detail the status quo at home and abroad, the proposed study of the problems and prospects.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 349kb Publisher : martin

The studies of human body motion have been motivated by a large number of application domains: visual surveillance,clinical analysis, computer animation, athletic performance analysis, robotics, and biometrics. Moreover, human motion analysis has many challenging issues, because the highly flexible structure and self-occlusion of the human body mandates complicated processes for the segmentation and analysis of motion:The motion of the human body may be defined by the movement of various body parts such as hand or limb segments. The human body consists of several rigid parts connected by the joints, but the motion of a full human-body is non-rigid and articulated . Human gait (walking and running) is known to be one of the most universal and complex of all human activities.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 280kb Publisher : dijaben

人体运动分析的论文,研究人体步态运动的识别处理,基于OpenCV-Of human motion analysis papers to study the movement of human gait recognition processing, based on OpenCV
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 129kb Publisher : alvin

在广泛研究前人工作的基础上,本文对运动人物的检测、跟踪与识别进行了综述。为使分类清楚明了,本文将人物运动分析分为两大类:人体运动分析,人脸分析。人体运动分析包括括人的较大幅度的肢体运动,如手势识别、步态分析、整个人体的运动分析;人脸分析包括人脸检测与识别、表情分析。在详细介绍了国内外研究现状后,提出了存在的问题及研究前景。 -On the basis of previous work in the extensive research, detection, tracking and recognition of moving figures were reviewed. Clear classification, character movement analysis is divided into two major categories: human motion analysis, face. Human motion analysis including including more substantial limb movements, such as gesture recognition, gait analysis, motion analysis of the entire human body human face analysis including face detection and recognition, expression analysis. Detailed research status, Problems and research prospects.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 349kb Publisher : kommkk

里面包含了步态识别的整一套流程的代码实现,包括从视频流里面提取图片帧,背景建模,提取运动目标(运动检测),形态学处理(膨胀与腐蚀,连通性检测),归一化大小,步态能量图的构建,主成分分析(PCA)降维,线性判别分析(LDA)分类等等功能的代码实现。均通过测试。-Contains the gait recognition of the whole process of a set of code, including the extraction and picture frames from the video stream, and background modeling, extract the moving object (motion detection), morphology processing (expansion and corrosion, connectivity), normalized size, gait energy diagram construction, principal component analysis (PCA) dimensionality reduction and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) classification code implementation and so on functions. All pass the test.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 12kb Publisher : 夏辉
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