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[Windows DevelopGameAsst2

Description: "This game will get character and do in these steps.\n"+ "1)Get only character from a-z (no capital letters)\n"+ "2)After that, it will reverse the result from step 1)\n"+ "3)Finally, it will find vowel from step 1) (before reverse) and append after result from step 2) (after reverse)" -"This game will get character and do in these steps.\n"+ "1)Get only character from a-z (no capital letters)\n"+ "2)After that, it will reverse the result from step 1)\n"+ "3)Finally, it will find vowel from step 1) (before reverse) and append after result from step 2) (after reverse)"
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: Netz | Hits:

CodeBus www.codebus.net