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实现高斯积分计算。作为简单的例子,用于学习复杂的积分编程。-Realize Gaussian integral calculation. As a simple example, for learning complex programming points.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : hu

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程序包中含有Lagrange插值、Newton插值、Hermite插值、jacobi迭代、gauss迭代、 超松弛迭代、cholesky分解-Package contains Lagrange interpolation, Newton interpolation, Hermite interpolation, jacobi iteration, gauss iteration, ultra-relaxation iteration, cholesky decomposition
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : funintears

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Language 求已知数据点的拉格朗日插值多项式 Atken 求已知数据点的艾特肯插值多项式 Newton 求已知数据点的均差形式的牛顿插值多项式 Newtonforward 求已知数据点的前向牛顿差分插值多项式 Newtonback 求已知数据点的后向牛顿差分插值多项式 Gauss 求已知数据点的高斯插值多项式 Hermite 求已知数据点的埃尔米特插值多项式 SubHermite 求已知数据点的分段三次埃尔米特插值多项式及其插值点处的值 SecSample 求已知数据点的二次样条插值多项式及其插值点处的值 ThrSample1 求已知数据点的第一类三次样条插值多项式及其插值点处的值 ThrSample2 求已知数据点的第二类三次样条插值多项式及其插值点处的值 ThrSample3 求已知数据点的第三类三次样条插值多项式及其插值点处的值 BSample 求已知数据点的第一类B样条的插值 DCS 用倒差商算法求已知数据点的有理分式形式的插值分式 Neville 用Neville算法求已知数据点的有理分式形式的插值分式 FCZ 用倒差商算法求已知数据点的有理分式形式的插值分式 DL 用双线性插值求已知点的插值 DTL 用二元三点拉格朗日插值求已知点的插值 DH 用分片双三次埃尔米特插值求插值点的z坐标 -chazhi
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 10kb Publisher : 舞蛳

国外比较好用的高斯-厄米特数值积分源代码-the code of gauss-hermite
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : CXChou

国外的用于实现高斯-厄米特数值积分的程序-Abroad, for the realization of Gauss- Hermite numerical integration procedures
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : CXChou

6.5 计算一组积分的连分式法ffpqg.c 6.6 高振荡函数求积法fpart.c 6.7 勒让德-高斯求积法flrgs.c 6.8 拉盖尔-高斯求积法flgs.c 6.9 埃尔米特-高斯求积法fhmgs.c-6.5 calculate a set of integral continued fractions method ffpqg.c 6.6 high-vibration function, quadrature method fpart.c 6.7 Legendre- Gauss quadrature method flrgs.c 6.8 Laguerre- Gaussian Quadrature Method flgs.c 6.9 Hermite- Gaussian Quadrature Method fhmgs.c
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 11kb Publisher : yangasdtat

bilateral filter matlab code
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : hi

matlab各种插值算法应用实例,包括:拉格朗日插值、艾特肯插值法、牛顿插值法、 高斯插值法、 埃尔米特插值法、 分段埃尔米特插值法、样条插值、有理分式插值法、分片双线性插值、二元三点拉格朗日插值及分片双三次埃尔米特插值-a variety of interpolation algorithm matlab application examples include: Lagrange interpolation, Aitken interpolation, Newton interpolation, Gauss interpolation, Hermite interpolation, sub-Hermite interpolation, spline interpolation, rational fraction interpolation piecewise bilinear interpolation, dual three-point Lagrange interpolation and piecewise bi-cubic Hermite interpolation, etc.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 10kb Publisher :

6.1 数值积分类设计 6.2 变步长梯形求积法 6.3 变步长辛卜生求积 6.4 自适应梯形求积法 6.5 龙贝格求积法 6.6 计算一维积分的连分式法 6.7 高振荡函数求积法 6.8 勒让德-高斯求积法 6.9 拉盖尔-高斯求积法 6.10 埃尔米特-高斯求积法 -6.1 numerical integrations class design 6.2 change the length of stride trapezoidal mensuration 6.3 change continued fraction law 6.7 high vibration function mensuration 6.8 Legendre who length of stride Xin Bo lives squaring 6.4 auto-adapted trapezoidal mensuration 6.5 Romberg the mensuration 6.6 computation univariate integrals- the Gauss mensuration 6.9 pull geyl- Gauss mensuration 6.10 Hermite especially- the Gauss mensuration
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 35kb Publisher : 王健

Same MATLAB function codes -This function include:Gauss,Giassl,Hermite,Hothch,Jacobi.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 天一

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插值的函数 函数名 功能 Language 求已知数据点的拉格朗日插值多项式 Atken 求已知数据点的艾特肯插值多项式 Newton 求已知数据点的均差形式的牛顿插值多项式 Newtonforward 求已知数据点的前向牛顿差分插值多项式 Newtonback 求已知数据点的后向牛顿差分插值多项式 Gauss 求已知数据点的高斯插值多项式 Hermite 求已知数据点的埃尔米特插值多项式 SubHermite 求已知数据点的分段三次埃尔米特插值多项式及其插值点处的值 SecSample 求已知数据点的二次样条插值多项式及其插值点处的值 ThrSample1 求已知数据点的第一类三次样条插值多项式及其插值点处的值 ThrSample2 求已知数据点的第二类三次样条插值多项式及其插值点处的值 ThrSample3 求已知数据点的第三类三次样条插值多项式及其插值点处的值 BSample 求已知数据点的第一类B样条的插值 DCS 用倒差商算法求已知数据点的有理分式形式的插值分式 Neville 用Neville算法求已知数据点的有理分式形式的插值分式 FCZ 用倒差商算法求已知数据点的有理分式形式的插值分式 DL 用双线性插值求已知点的插值 DTL 用二元三点拉格朗日插值求已知点的插值 DH 用分片双三次埃尔米特插值求插值点的z坐标 -Interpolation function
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 10kb Publisher : gleeman

实现高斯厄米特积分,可以直接更换f函数,得到所求的积分-High the Sie Mitt integral to replace the f function, ask the integral
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 8kb Publisher : lirui

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用matlab分析数值的,有拉个朗日插值、三次样条插值法、NEWTON插值、hermite插值、mewton形式的hermite插值、平方根法、gauss消去法、三角分解法、jacobi迭代法、 gauss迭代法、sor迭代法、最速下降法、共额梯度法、mewton迭代法、逆broyden迭代法。一共15段代码。 -Numerical analysis using matlab, there are a Long Day interpolation, cubic spline interpolation, NEWTON interpolation, hermite interpolation, mewton form hermite interpolation, square root method, gauss elimination, triangular decomposition, jacobi iterative method, gauss iterative method, sor iterative method, steepest descent method, a total amount of gradient method, mewton iterative method, inverse broyden iteration. A total of 15 sections of the code.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : 佳佳

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高斯-厄米特滤波器.pdf-Gauss- Hermite filter pdf.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 175kb Publisher : wang

DL : 0
数值方法 编程作业,之前上传了解线性方程组的相关解法,这里主要包括数据拟合、Newton、Romberg、Gauss、Hermite、Runge-Kutta等数值计算涉及的方法-Numerical Methods for programming operations, before uploading understanding of the relevant solution of linear equations, including the method of data fitting here, Newton, Romberg, Gauss, Hermite, Runge-Kutta numerical calculations involved, etc.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 7.33mb Publisher : 王争

(二维)优美厄米余弦高斯光束的辐射力的计算- radiation beautiful Hermite cosine Gauss beam
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 271kb Publisher : xubijun

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Kalman 滤波和平滑工具箱,包括了 Kalman 滤波和平滑 EKF 和 平滑 CKF 和平滑 UKF 和平滑 GHQF 和平滑 IMM 滤波和平滑-EKF/UKF is an optimal filtering toolbox for Matlab. Optimal filtering is a frequently used term for a process, in which the state of a dynamic system is estimated through noisy and indirect measurements. This toolbox mainly consists of Kalman filters and smoothers, which are the most common methods used in stochastic state-space estimation. The purpose of the toolbox is not to provide highly optimized software package, but instead to provide a simple framework for building proof-of-concept implementations of optimal filters and smoothers to be used in practical applications. Including: 1. Kalman filters and smoothers 2. Extended Kalman filters and smoothers 3. Unscented Kalman filters and smoothers 4. Gauss-Hermite Kalman filters and smoothers 5. Cubature Kalman filters and smoothers 6. Interacting Multiple Model (IMM) filters and smoothers
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 147kb Publisher : yinchao

A program which gives a view on a laser beam (Gaussian, hermite-gauss, lengendre gauss) and decribes their amplitude and their phase shift
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6kb Publisher : bilal

厄米——高斯光束matlab模拟仿真程序(A matlab simulation program for Hermite-Gauss beams)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 小城遗民
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