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Video Reading Code for Matlab. This some C++ and mex code written as a Matlab wrapper around the ffmpeg video reading libraries. It should compile under Windows and Linux. (The Windows compilation requires mingw gcc. Extact installation instructions are included in a Readme.txt in the downloaded files.) Thus from within Matlab one can grab the RGB data from specified frames from a named video file. The code should be able to read all video clips that are readable by ffmpeg. Note that we are making this code freely available, however no promises are made as to its reliability or that the code will be supported. However, if bugs are found and easy to fix, then new releases will probably be made available. It should be noted also that ffmpeg is lgpl. -Video Reading Code for Matlab. This some Files and C code written as a wrapper around Matlab the ffmpeg video reading libraries. It should c ompile under Windows and Linux. (The Windows co mpilation requires mingw gcc. Extact installa tion instructions are included in a Readme.txt in the downloaded files.) Thus from within Matlab ab one can grab the RGB data from specified frame 's from a video file named. The code should be able to read all video clips that are readable by ffmp eg. Note that we are making this code freely avai Cheers, however no promises are made as to its reliabili ty or that the code will be supported. However, if bugs are found and easy to fix. then new releases will probably be made availab le. It should be noted also that ffmpeg is lgpl.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5.19kb Publisher : 薛斌

linux下电骡,P2P软件源代码。安装使用make工具,编译器gcc,具体步骤按README所示。--- Mule, P2P software source code. Make installation tools, compiler gcc, specific steps indicated by the README.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.02mb Publisher : 王微微

Video Reading Code for Matlab. This some C++ and mex code written as a Matlab wrapper around the ffmpeg video reading libraries. It should compile under Windows and Linux. (The Windows compilation requires mingw gcc. Extact installation instructions are included in a Readme.txt in the downloaded files.) Thus from within Matlab one can grab the RGB data from specified frames from a named video file. The code should be able to read all video clips that are readable by ffmpeg. Note that we are making this code freely available, however no promises are made as to its reliability or that the code will be supported. However, if bugs are found and easy to fix, then new releases will probably be made available. It should be noted also that ffmpeg is lgpl. -Video Reading Code for Matlab. This some Files and C code written as a wrapper around Matlab the ffmpeg video reading libraries. It should c ompile under Windows and Linux. (The Windows co mpilation requires mingw gcc. Extact installa tion instructions are included in a Readme.txt in the downloaded files.) Thus from within Matlab ab one can grab the RGB data from specified frame 's from a video file named. The code should be able to read all video clips that are readable by ffmp eg. Note that we are making this code freely avai Cheers, however no promises are made as to its reliabili ty or that the code will be supported. However, if bugs are found and easy to fix. then new releases will probably be made availab le. It should be noted also that ffmpeg is lgpl.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher : 薛斌

gcc-core-3.4.5-20060117-1内核-gcc-core-3.4.5-20060117-1 core
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.3mb Publisher :

GCC技术参考大全 GCC:TheCompleteReference [美]ArthurGriffith著 胡恩华译 清华大学出版社 北京ArthurGriffith-GCC:TheCompleteReference EISBN:0-07-222405-3 Copyright2002byTheMcGraw-HillCompanies,Inc. OriginallanguagepublishedbyTheMcGraw-HillCompanies,Inc.AllRightsreserved.Nopartofthis publicationmaybereproducedordistributedbyanymeans,orstoredinadatabaseorretrievalsystem, withoutthepriorwrittenpermissionofthepublisher. SimplifiedChinesetranslationeditionispublishedanddistributedexclusivelybyTsinghuaUniversityPress undertheauthorizationbyMcGraw-HillEducation(Asia)Co.,withintheterritoryofthePeople’sRepublic ofChinaonly,excludingHongKong,MacaoSARandTaiwan.Unauthorizedexportofthiseditionisa violationoftheCopyrightAct.ViolationofthisLawissubjecttoCivilandCriminalPenalties.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 22.01mb Publisher : 梅生

DL : 0
William von Hagen (Bill) has been a UNIX system administrator for over 20 years and a Linux fanatic since the early 1990s. He has worked as a systems programmer, system administrator, writer, applications developer, drummer, and documentation manager. Bill has written or co-written books on such topics as Ubuntu Linux, GCC, Linux server hacks, Linux filesystems, SUSE Linux, Red Hat Linux, SGML, Mac OS X, and hacking the TiVo. He has also written numerous articles on Linux, embedded computing, Mac OS X, Unix, and open source technology.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.49mb Publisher : smile

PCF8563 avr-gcc lib. Uses software i2c library from Provides read and write all internal registers of pcf8563
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher : Gunther
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