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MCRGSA------组播路由问题遗传模拟退火算法 %M-----------遗传算法进化代数 %N-----------种群规模,取偶数 %Pm----------变异概率调节参数 %K-----------同一温度下状态跳转次数 %t0----------初始温度 %alpha-------降温系数 %beta--------浓度均衡系数 %ROUTES------备选路径集 %Num---------到各节点的备选路径数目 %Cost--------费用邻接矩阵 %Source------源节点标号 %End---------目的节点标号组成的向量 %MBR---------各代最优路径编码-MCRGSA------ Multicast Routing genetic simulated annealing% M----------- genetic algorithm algebra% N----------- population size, even take Pm----------% probability parameter variation%----------- same temperature K Jump under a number of state----------% t0 initial temperature cooling% alpha------- beta coefficient%-------- balanced concentration coefficient% ROUTES------ Alternative Path Set% Enable--------- nodes to the number of alternative paths%-------- Cost adjacent costs Matrix% Source------ source node labeling% End--------- destination node labeling Group Vector%% of the MBR--------- generations optimal path coding
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 程爱华

遗传算法程序 主要程序 ga.m 遗传算法核心程序 BinaryExample.m 二进制编码应用程序 FloatExample.m 浮点编码的应用程序 相关算子及函数 initializega.m 种群初始化函数 simpleXover.m 用于二进制编码的简单交叉算子 arithXover.m 用于浮点编码的算术交叉算子 binaryMutation 用于二进制编码的变异算子 nonMutation.m 用于浮点编码的非均匀变异算子 roulette.m 轮盘选择算子 normGeomSelect.m 标准化几何分布排序选择算子 maxGenTerm.m 以最大进化代数为判别条件的进化终止函数 calcbits.m 计算二进制编码染色体串长度的函数 f2b.m 由浮点表达到二进制表达的转换函数 b2f.m 由二进制表达到浮点表达的转换函数 parse.m 字符串识别函数 delta.m 非均匀变异的变异量计算函数 exampleFn 一个二元函数 startup.m 进行路径设置-Genetic Algorithm main proceedings ga.m GA BinaryExample core program. m binary floating-point applications FloatExample.m coding applications relevant operator and function initializega.m Stocks initialization function for binary series simpleXover.m Codes simple crossover operator arithXover.m for floating-point arithmetic coding crossover operator binaryM utation for binary coding mutation operator nonMutation.m float for the non-coding Uniform mutation operator roulette.m roulette selection operator normGeomSelect.m standards Sort of geometric distribution maxGenTerm.m selection operator algebras with the greatest evolutionary criterion for the evolution of termination calcbits.m calculation function binary coding chromosome length of the string from the floating-point functions f2b.m
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 13kb Publisher : 胡朋

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:Matlab遗传算法(GA)优4~-r-具箱是基于基本操作及终止条件、二进制和十进制相互转换等操作的综合 函数库。其实现步骤包括:通过输入及输出函数求出遗传算法主函数、初始种群的生成函数,采用选择、交叉、变异 操作求得基本遗传操作函数。以函数仿真为例,对该函数优化和GA改进,只需改写函数m文件形式即可。-: Matlab genetic algorithm (GA) U 4 ~-r-a box is based on the basic operation and termination conditions, binary and decimal conversion operation, such as a comprehensive function library. The realization of these steps include: input and output functions through the genetic algorithm to derive the main function, initial population generation function, the use of selection, crossover, mutation operation to achieve the basic function of genetic manipulation. Simulation in order to function as an example, the GA function optimization and improvement, just rewritten m the form of a document can function.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 115kb Publisher : icyrock

This directory contains the Genetic Algorithm Optimization Toolbox for Matlab To use this, if you are local to NCSU and have AFS access to this directory, simply extend the matlab path using the following command. You can also place this command in a file called startup.m. Everytime you start Matlab in the directory containing this file, the path will always be extended.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 104kb Publisher :

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遗传算法的标准MATLAB程序,共有12个子m文件-Standard genetic algorithm MATLAB program, a total of 12 sub-m file
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7kb Publisher : 毛毛

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遗传算法的matlab实现,包括遗传各种操作的程序源码。-Genetic algorithm matlab realize, including a variety of operating procedures for the genetic source.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 217kb Publisher : 邵桂芳

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小波神经网络的源程序: 1.构造的非线性函数: 位于nninit_test.m 2.直接用WNN逼近非线性:Wnn_test.m, (内部调用小波函数) 3.遗传算法优化后逼近 :GA_Wnn_test.m (内部调用遗传算法的,初始化,适应度,解码函数)-genetic algorithm optimization WNN source : 1. Construction of the nonlinear function : nninit_test.m at 2. WNN directly with nonlinear approximation : Wnn_test.m. (internal called wavelet function) 3. Genetic Algorithm optimization approach : GA_Wnn_test.m (internal called genetic algorithms, initialize, fitness and decoding functions) -Wavelet neural network source code: 1. Construction of the nonlinear function: at nninit_test.m 2. Wnn the direct use of nonlinear approximation: Wnn_test.m, (internal call wavelet function) 3. Genetic algorithm optimized approximation: GA_Wnn_test. m (internal call genetic algorithms, initialization, fitness, decoding function)-genetic algorithm optimization WNN source: 1. Construction of the nonlinear function: nninit_test.m at 2. WNN directly with nonlinear approximation: Wnn_test.m. ( internal called wavelet function) 3. Genetic Algorithm optimization approach: GA_Wnn_test.m (internal called genetic algorithms, initialize, fitness and decoding functions)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : lanhucx

遗传算法的MATLAB程序 .m文件 详情请看说明文件-Genetic Algorithm MATLAB procedures. M file details see the documentation
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 皓宇

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基本遗传算法的matlab源程序,bstr2rval.m为基本编码转为实际值子函数,createPop.m创建初始种群子函数,crossOper.m基因交叉子函数,indiEval.m个体实际值子函数,mutateOper.m基因变异子函数,selectOper.m选择算子子函数,sga.m基本遗传算法子函数-The basic genetic algorithm matlab source, bstr2rval.m as the basic coding to the actual value of Functions, createPop.m create initial population Functions, crossOper.m gene cross-Functions, indiEval.m individual actual value Functions, mutateOper. m gene mutation Functions, selectOper.m selection operator Functions, sga.m basic genetic algorithm Functions
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : 闫安心

用于路径规划遗传算法MATLAB源代码,内含多个子文件,测试时运行mypath文件即可.-Genetic Algorithm for Path Planning MATLAB source code that contains multiple sub-documents, tests can be run mypath documents.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : meng

matlab遗传算法工具箱函数及实例讲解-matlab genetic algorithm toolbox function and examples to explain
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 108kb Publisher : lin

fga.m 为遗传算法的主程序 采用二进制Gray编码,采用基于轮盘赌法的非线性排名选择, 均匀交叉,变异操作,而且还引入了倒位操作-fga.m the main program for the genetic algorithm using binary Gray encoding, roulette wheel based on the law of non-linear ranking selection, uniform crossover and mutation operations, but also the introduction of the inversion operation
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6kb Publisher : 赵彦

MATLAB最优化计算20例.m文件,包括二次插值,黄金分割,罚函数法,遗传算法,拉格朗日乘子法等-MATLAB Optimization Calculation of 20 cases. M documents, including quadratic interpolation, Golden Section, penalty function method, genetic algorithm, Lagrange multiplier method
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 210kb Publisher : c.k.

作者采用具有高度非线性识别能力的人工神经网络与遗传算法相结合的方法,探讨了建立智能预报模型的基本方法,进一步对如何提高预报精度的问题进行了研究,并结合黄河洪水预报实例检验了神经网络模型的可行性。-The author used to identify the capacity of highly non-linear artificial neural network combining with genetic algorithm approach to explore the establishment of intelligent prediction model of the basic ways to further improve the forecast accuracy of how the issues of research and examples of combination of the Yellow River flood forecasting tests the feasibility of neural network model.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 99kb Publisher : Eason.Yuan

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遗传算法程序说明: fga.m 为遗传算法的主程序 采用二进制Gray编码,采用基于轮盘赌法的非线性排名选择, 均匀交叉,变异操作,而且还引入了倒位操作!-Description of the procedures for genetic algorithms: fga.m main program for the genetic algorithm using binary Gray encoding, roulette wheel based on the law of non-linear ranking selection, uniform crossover and mutation operations, but also the introduction of the inversion operation!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : hexing

智能控制理论算法实现:层次聚类,hopfield网络和遗传传算法优化三个源代码文件-Intelligent control theory algorithms: hierarchical clustering, hopfield network and genetic algorithm optimization three source codes
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : zyh

遗传算法车间调度,车间作业调度问题遗传算法 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 输入参数列表 M 遗传进化迭代次数 N 种群规模(取偶数) Pm 变异概率 T m×n的矩阵,存储m个工件n个工序的加工时间 P 1×n的向量,n个工序中,每一个工序所具有的机床数目 输出参数列表 Zp 最优的Makespan值 Y1p 最优方案中,各工件各工序的开始时刻,可根据它绘出甘特图 Y2p 最优方案中,各工件各工序的结束时刻,可根据它绘出甘特图 Y3p 最优方案中,各工件各工序使用的机器编号 Xp 最优决策变量的值,决策变量是一个实数编码的m×n矩阵 LC1 收敛曲线1,各代最优个体适应值的记录 LC2 收敛曲线2,各代群体平均适应值的记录 最后,程序还将绘出三副图片:两条收敛曲线图和甘特图(各工件的调度时序图)-Genetic algorithm scheduling, job shop scheduling problems with genetic algorithms -------------------------------------------------------------------------- genetic evolution of the input parameter list, the number of iterations M N population size (taken even) Pm mutation probability T m × n matrix, stored m one piece n a process of processing time 1 × n vector, n a process in which each machine processes the number of Zp with the best value Y1p Optimal Makespan programs, the start time of each process the workpiece can be drawn based on its optimal solution Gantt Y2p, each time the workpiece end of the process, according to its draw Gantt Y3p optimal solution, each piece of the processes using machine code Xp optimal decision variable, decision variable is a real m × n matrix encoded LC1 convergence curve 1, the generation of the best individual record of LC2 fitness convergence curve 2, the average fitness value on behalf of groups record Finally, the program will draw three pict
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 王龙隐

自然计算中遗传算法的各个程序,matlab环境下开发的源代码。best.m 求种群中适应度最大的值 calfitvalue.m 计算每个个体的适应度 calobjvalue.m 适应度函数 crossover.m 交叉变换 decodebinary.m 将二进制数转换成十进制数 decodechrom.m 将二进制数转换成十进制数 initpop.m 产生初始种群 mutation.m 变异 selection.m 选择合适的个体进行复制 main.m 主函数 -Nature of each genetic algorithm calculation procedures, matlab environment with source code. best.m find the largest population in the fitness value of calfitvalue.m calculated for each individual' s fitness calobjvalue.m fitness function crossover.m cross-conversion decodebinary.m Converts a binary number into decimal number decodechrom.m Converts a binary number into decimal number initpop.m generate initial population mutation.m variation selection.m select the appropriate individual to copy main.m primary function
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : 王芳

2009 National Postgraduate mathematical modeling of China- police vehicle patrol program. 1.test20151222.m is main program 2.select20151222.m 3.jiaocha20151222.m
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : champagne

Matlab 遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm)优化工具箱是基于基本操作及终止条件、二进制和十进制相互转换等操作的综合函数库。其实现步骤包括:通过输入及输出函数求出遗传算法主函数、初始种群的生成函数,采用选择、交叉、变异操作求得基本遗传操作函数。以函数仿真为例,对该函数优化和GA 改进,只需改写函数m 文件形式即可。(The Matlab Genetic Algorithm optimization toolbox is a comprehensive function library based on basic operations and termination conditions, binary and decimal conversion and other operations. The implementation steps include: the main function of genetic algorithm and the generation function of the initial population are obtained by the input and output functions, and the basic genetic operation function is obtained by the selection, crossover and mutation operations. Taking function simulation as an example, the function optimization and GA improvement only need to rewrite function m file form)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9kb Publisher : FZenjoys
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