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// The strategy here is to use ::GetDIBits to convert the // image into a 24-bit DIB one scan line at a time. A pleasant // side effect of using ::GetDIBits in this manner is that RLE- // encoded 4-bit and 8-bit DIBs will be uncompressed.-/ / The strategy here is to use : : GetDIBits to convert the / / image into a 24-bit D IB scan one line at a time. A pleasant / / side effe ct of using : : GetDIBits in this manner is that RLE-/ / encoded 4-bit and 8-bit DIBs will be uncompressed.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.07kb Publisher : dao

// The strategy here is to use ::GetDIBits to convert the // image into a 24-bit DIB one scan line at a time. A pleasant // side effect of using ::GetDIBits in this manner is that RLE- flybianhuan -/ / The strategy here is to use : : GetDIBits to convert the / / image into a 24-bit D IB scan one line at a time. A pleasant / / side effe ct of using : : GetDIBits in this manner is that RLE - flybianhu an
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 180.11kb Publisher : dao

// The strategy here is to use ::GetDIBits to convert the // image into a 24-bit DIB one scan line at a time. A pleasant // side effect of using ::GetDIBits in this manner is that RLE- fly and else -/ / The strategy here is to use : : GetDIBits to convert the / / image into a 24-bit D IB scan one line at a time. A pleasant / / side effe ct of using : : GetDIBits in this manner is that RLE-fly and els e
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.28kb Publisher : dao

hao// The strategy here is to use ::GetDIBits to convert the // image into a 24-bit DIB one scan line at a time. A pleasant // side effect of using ::GetDIBits in this manner is that RLE- // encoded 4-bit and 8-bit DIBs will be uncompressed. fly and slse-hao / / The strategy here is to use : : GetDIBits to convert the / / image into a 24-bit D IB scan one line at a time. A pleasant / / side effe ct of using : : GetDIBits in this manner is that RLE-/ / encoded 4-bit and 8-bit DIBs will be uncompressed. a fly nd slse
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.26kb Publisher : dao

文件视图,CFrameWnd C Static CRect MoveWindow CreatePen CSize CDC SetBkMode SelectObject CPen LineTo SetTextColor CString TextOut CFont CreateFont DrawText CreateDC GetDeviceCaps DeleteDC GetObject GlobalAlloc GlobalLock GetStockObject GetDC SelectPalette RealizePalette GetDIBits ReleaseDC CreateFile WriteFile GlobalUnlock GlobalFree CloseHandle CPaintDC CBitmap CreateCompatibleDC CreateCompatibleBitmap PtInRect BitBlt DeleteObject CPoint ShowWindow ClientToScreen GetWindowDC GetWindowRect CFileDialog CWinApp CSingleDocTemplate CCommandLineInfo UpdateWindow CDialog CDataExchange CDocument CView CPrintInfo GetClientRect SetWindowLong GetWindowLong LoadLibrary GetProcAddress GetLastError FreeLibrary CreateDialog-document View, CFrameWnd CWnd CStatic CRect MoveWindow Creat ePen CSize CDC SetBkMode SelectObject CPen Lin eTo SetTextColor CString TextOut CFont Back Font DrawText CreateDC GetDeviceCaps DeleteD C GetObject GlobalAlloc GlobalLock GetStockO bject GetDC RealizePalette Get SelectPalette DIBits ReleaseDC CreateFile WriteFile Global Unlock GlobalFree CloseHandle CPaintDC CBitm ap CreateCompatibleDC CreateCompatibleBitm ap PtInRect BitBlt DeleteObject CPoint ShowWi ndow ClientToScreen GetWindowDC GetWindowRe ct CFileDialog CWinApp CSingleDocTemplate CC ommandLineInfo UpdateWindow CDialog CDataEx change CDocument CView CPrintInfo GetClientR ect SetWindowLong GetWindowLong LoadLibrary GetProcAddress GetLastError FreeLibrary Cre ateDialog
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 26.1kb Publisher : slansam

// The strategy here is to use ::GetDIBits to convert the // image into a 24-bit DIB one scan line at a time. A pleasant // side effect of using ::GetDIBits in this manner is that RLE- // encoded 4-bit and 8-bit DIBs will be uncompressed.-//The strategy here is to use : : GetDIBits to convert the// image into a 24-bit D IB scan one line at a time. A pleasant// side effe ct of using : : GetDIBits in this manner is that RLE-//encoded 4-bit and 8-bit DIBs will be uncompressed.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : dao

// The strategy here is to use ::GetDIBits to convert the // image into a 24-bit DIB one scan line at a time. A pleasant // side effect of using ::GetDIBits in this manner is that RLE- flybianhuan -//The strategy here is to use : : GetDIBits to convert the// image into a 24-bit D IB scan one line at a time. A pleasant// side effe ct of using : : GetDIBits in this manner is that RLE- flybianhu an
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 180kb Publisher : dao

// The strategy here is to use ::GetDIBits to convert the // image into a 24-bit DIB one scan line at a time. A pleasant // side effect of using ::GetDIBits in this manner is that RLE- fly and else -//The strategy here is to use : : GetDIBits to convert the// image into a 24-bit D IB scan one line at a time. A pleasant// side effe ct of using : : GetDIBits in this manner is that RLE-fly and els e
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : dao

hao// The strategy here is to use ::GetDIBits to convert the // image into a 24-bit DIB one scan line at a time. A pleasant // side effect of using ::GetDIBits in this manner is that RLE- // encoded 4-bit and 8-bit DIBs will be uncompressed. fly and slse-hao// The strategy here is to use : : GetDIBits to convert the// image into a 24-bit D IB scan one line at a time. A pleasant// side effe ct of using : : GetDIBits in this manner is that RLE-//encoded 4-bit and 8-bit DIBs will be uncompressed. a fly nd slse
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : dao

文件视图,CFrameWnd C Static CRect MoveWindow CreatePen CSize CDC SetBkMode SelectObject CPen LineTo SetTextColor CString TextOut CFont CreateFont DrawText CreateDC GetDeviceCaps DeleteDC GetObject GlobalAlloc GlobalLock GetStockObject GetDC SelectPalette RealizePalette GetDIBits ReleaseDC CreateFile WriteFile GlobalUnlock GlobalFree CloseHandle CPaintDC CBitmap CreateCompatibleDC CreateCompatibleBitmap PtInRect BitBlt DeleteObject CPoint ShowWindow ClientToScreen GetWindowDC GetWindowRect CFileDialog CWinApp CSingleDocTemplate CCommandLineInfo UpdateWindow CDialog CDataExchange CDocument CView CPrintInfo GetClientRect SetWindowLong GetWindowLong LoadLibrary GetProcAddress GetLastError FreeLibrary CreateDialog-document View, CFrameWnd CWnd CStatic CRect MoveWindow Creat ePen CSize CDC SetBkMode SelectObject CPen Lin eTo SetTextColor CString TextOut CFont Back Font DrawText CreateDC GetDeviceCaps DeleteD C GetObject GlobalAlloc GlobalLock GetStockO bject GetDC RealizePalette Get SelectPalette DIBits ReleaseDC CreateFile WriteFile Global Unlock GlobalFree CloseHandle CPaintDC CBitm ap CreateCompatibleDC CreateCompatibleBitm ap PtInRect BitBlt DeleteObject CPoint ShowWi ndow ClientToScreen GetWindowDC GetWindowRe ct CFileDialog CWinApp CSingleDocTemplate CC ommandLineInfo UpdateWindow CDialog CDataEx change CDocument CView CPrintInfo GetClientR ect SetWindowLong GetWindowLong LoadLibrary GetProcAddress GetLastError FreeLibrary Cre ateDialog
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 26kb Publisher : slansam

DIB操作 SetDIBits 打开位图-DIB operation SetDIBits open bitmap
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.83mb Publisher : 姚庆杏

前几天要写一段在Windows CE 下拷屏的程序,但是CE不支持GetDIBits这个API,这可难坏了我,在网上查了半天资料,最后用CreateDIBSection搞定,现封装成一个函数SaveDCToBMP,方便大家使用-A few days ago to write a section in the Windows CE screen copy of the procedures, but CE does not support GetDIBits this API, it can be difficult for me out of online information search for a long time, and finally get to use CreateDIBSection, it is packaged as a function SaveDCToBMP, to facilitate the use of U.S.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : Jason

VB图像识别,关于人脸识别方面的,还有许多需要改进的地方-VB Image Recognition
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 456kb Publisher : shi

wince下图像与文字的合成,在bmp上写字打logo,是对VC下bmpshow的改写,移植到了wince下,解决了CreateDIBSection替换GetDIBits的难题,本人原创。在Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)下运行通过。-The synthesis of bmp image and text: write worlds or a logo, is modified from "bmpshow" in VC, Solve the problem CreateDIBSection replacement GetDIBits,original written by myself. It has test and verified in Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I).
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.77mb Publisher : 王海亮

程序实现功能:抗锯齿算法 抗锯齿算法,采用的是SetPixel函数,效率相对来说比较低下,应用DIB可以提高绘图效率. 本程序包含:1、采用SetPixel函数 2、采用GetDIBits 两种方法. 全部采用子函数编写,方便其它程序调用.-Program Function: anti-aliasing algorithm for anti-aliasing algorithm, using the SetPixel function, the efficiency is relatively low, the application can improve the efficiency of drawing DIB This program includes: 1, 2 using SetPixel function, using two methods GetDIBits. Used in all Functions written, easy to other programs.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : 李明

用VB+GetDIBits+SetDIBits快速灰度化与二值化源代码-With VB+ GetDIBits+ SetDIBits rapid graying of the source code and binary
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 31kb Publisher : liumangtu

This sample demonstrates using GDI DIB Sections in VB to achieve real time fades and tv-style static effects. It also shows how to resample images.-This sample demonstrates using GDI DIB Sections in VB to achieve real time fades and tv-style static effects. It also shows how to resample images.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 106kb Publisher : 子狐

DL : 0
一个基于MFC的简单的屏幕截图工具,其中实现了热键截取-DWORD size=bitmap.bmWidthBytes*bitmap.bmHeight //图片数据大小 LPSTR lpData=(LPSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR,size) int panelsize = 0 //记录调色板大小 if(bitmap.bmBitsPixel<16) //判断是否为真彩色位图 panelsize =(int)pow(2,bitmap.bmBitsPixel*sizeof(RGBQUAD)) BITMAPINFOHEADER*pBInfo = (BITMAPINFOHEADER*)LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(BITMAPINFO)+panelsize) //位图头指针 pBInfo->biBitCount = bitmap.bmBitsPixel //位图像素 pBInfo->biClrImportant = 0 pBInfo->biCompression = 0 pBInfo->biHeight = bitmap.bmHeight //位图高 pBInfo->biPlanes = bitmap.bmPlanes pBInfo->biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFO) pBInfo->biSizeImage = bitmap.bmWidthBytes*bitmap.bmHeight //数据 pBInfo->biWidth = bitmap.bmWidth //位图宽 pBInfo->biXPelsPerMeter = 0 pBInfo->biYPelsPerMeter = 0 GetDIBits(memDC.m_hDC,bmp,0,pBInfo->biHeight,lpData, (BITMAPINFO*)pBInfo,DIB_RGB_COLORS)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.31mb Publisher : sunwen

在电脑桌面下雪,对之前网上的程序进行了修改,用GetDIBits函数代替GetPixel函数并使用桌面穿透技术来解决前一版本不能再win7上运行的问题。-Snow in the computer desktop,online before the procedures were modified, GetDIBits function instead of GetPixel function and use the desktop penetration technology to solve the problem of the previous version no longer running win7 on.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.81mb Publisher : 张彦

DL : 0
gets pixels from the main DC screen and returns the RGB value using the getDIBITS function
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9kb Publisher : lgnawwi
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