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Description: 鼠标x-y原理与绘图, (1)CButton 显示ico/bmp, (2)多个按钮共享MessageHandler GetDlgItem,SetIcon,MoveTo/LineTo -mouse x-y Principle and Mapping, (1) CButton show ico / bmp, (2) various buttons sharing MessageHandler GetDlgItem, SetIcon, MoveTo / LineTo
Platform: | Size: 36060 | Author: szh | Hits:

[Button controlBasicControl_Div

Description: 可以算是学Visual C++的入门~~~~~ 主程序段只有:UpdateData(TRUE) if(m_b==0){ AfxMessageBox(\"除数不为0\") CWnd* pWnd=GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT2) pWnd->SetFocus() return } int n=m_a/m_b int r=m_a-n*m_b char tbuf[160] sprintf(tbuf,\"%d除以%d=%d,余数=%d\",m_a,m_b,n,r) AfxMessageBox(tbuf) (只要设置和添加就OK)-can learn Visual C is a pioneer of the only main program titled : UpdateData (TRUE) if (m_b == 0) (AfxMessageBox ( "divisor is not 0") CWnd * pWnd = GetDlgItem (IDC_EDIT2) pWnd -
Platform: | Size: 24015 | Author: 虫世木 | Hits:

[Develop ToolsRobocopHelp

Description: COleSafeArray CWnd CDialog CDataExchange CTime GetWindowRect MessageBox GetWindowText SetWindowText GetDlgItem SetDlgItemText CString EndDialog CCmdTarget GetDlgItemText CWinApp COleTemplateServer COleObjectFactory DestroyIcon LoadIcon GetSystemMenu CMenu LoadString AppendMenu EnableWindow IsIconic CPaintDC SendMessage GetSystemMetrics CRect GetClientRect DrawIcon ShowWindow WinExec
Platform: | Size: 28729 | Author: 美眉 | Hits:


Description: 鼠标x-y原理与绘图, (1)CButton 显示ico/bmp, (2)多个按钮共享MessageHandler GetDlgItem,SetIcon,MoveTo/LineTo -mouse x-y Principle and Mapping, (1) CButton show ico/bmp, (2) various buttons sharing MessageHandler GetDlgItem, SetIcon, MoveTo/LineTo
Platform: | Size: 35840 | Author: szh | Hits:

[Button controlBasicControl_Div

Description: 可以算是学Visual C++的入门~~~~~ 主程序段只有:UpdateData(TRUE) if(m_b==0){ AfxMessageBox("除数不为0") CWnd* pWnd=GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT2) pWnd->SetFocus() return } int n=m_a/m_b int r=m_a-n*m_b char tbuf[160] sprintf(tbuf,"%d除以%d=%d,余数=%d",m_a,m_b,n,r) AfxMessageBox(tbuf) (只要设置和添加就OK)-can learn Visual C is a pioneer of the only main program titled : UpdateData (TRUE) if (m_b == 0) (AfxMessageBox ( "divisor is not 0") CWnd* pWnd = GetDlgItem (IDC_EDIT2) pWnd-
Platform: | Size: 23552 | Author: 虫世木 | Hits:


Description: COleSafeArray CWnd CDialog CDataExchange CTime GetWindowRect MessageBox GetWindowText SetWindowText GetDlgItem SetDlgItemText CString EndDialog CCmdTarget GetDlgItemText CWinApp COleTemplateServer COleObjectFactory DestroyIcon LoadIcon GetSystemMenu CMenu LoadString AppendMenu EnableWindow IsIconic CPaintDC SendMessage GetSystemMetrics CRect GetClientRect DrawIcon ShowWindow WinExec -COleSafeArray CWnd CDialog CDataExchange CTime GetWindowRect MessageBox GetWindowText SetWindowText GetDlgItem SetDlgItemText CString EndDialog CCmdTarget GetDlgItemText CWinApp COleTemplateServer COleObjectFactory DestroyIcon LoadIcon GetSystemMenu CMenu LoadString AppendMenu EnableWindow IsIconic CPaintDC SendMessage GetSystemMetrics CRect GetClientRect DrawIcon ShowWindow WinExec
Platform: | Size: 28672 | Author: 美眉 | Hits:


Description: unctions/Classes: CCommandLineInfo CString CWnd CDialog CDataExchange GetDlgItem CComboBox CWinApp CSingleDocTemplate DdeInitialize DdeCreateStringHandle DdeGetLastError DdeNameService DdeConnect SetEvent CEvent WaitForSingleObject PostMessage DdeGetData DdeCreateDataHandle CDocTemplate DdePostAdvise DdeClientTransaction CCmdUI PostQuitMessage CStatic SetWindowText CDocument CFormView CView CObject CTime CFrameWnd File list(Click to check if it s the file you need, and recomment it at the bottom): MSDEV .....\Projects .....\........\GPSServ .....\........\.......\CmdLineInfo.c-unctions/Classes: CCommandLineInfo CString CWnd CDialog CDataExchange GetDlgItem CComboBox CWinApp CSingleDocTemplate DdeInitialize DdeCreateStringHandle DdeGetLastError DdeNameService DdeConnect SetEvent CEvent WaitForSingleObject PostMessage DdeGetData DdeCreateDataHandle CDocTemplate DdePostAdvise DdeClientTransaction CCmdUI PostQuitMessage CStatic SetWindowText CDocument CFormView CView CObject CTime CFrameWnd File list(Click to check if it s the file you need, and recomment it at the bottom): MSDEV .....\Projects .....\........\GPSServ .....\........\.......\CmdLineInfo.cpp
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: akub | Hits:


Description: unctions/Classes: CCommandLineInfo CString CWnd CDialog CDataExchange GetDlgItem CComboBox CWinApp CSingleDocTemplate DdeInitialize DdeCreateStringHandle DdeGetLastError DdeNameService DdeConnect SetEvent CEvent WaitForSingleObject PostMessage DdeGetData DdeCreateDataHandle CDocTemplate DdePostAdvise DdeClientTransaction CCmdUI PostQuitMessage CStatic SetWindowText CDocument CFormView CView CObject CTime CFrameWnd File list(Click to check if it s the file you need, and recomment it at the bottom): MSDEV .....\Projects .....\........\GPSServ .....\........\.......\CmdLineInfo.c-unctions/Classes: CCommandLineInfo CString CWnd CDialog CDataExchange GetDlgItem CComboBox CWinApp CSingleDocTemplate DdeInitialize DdeCreateStringHandle DdeGetLastError DdeNameService DdeConnect SetEvent CEvent WaitForSingleObject PostMessage DdeGetData DdeCreateDataHandle CDocTemplate DdePostAdvise DdeClientTransaction CCmdUI PostQuitMessage CStatic SetWindowText CDocument CFormView CView CObject CTime CFrameWnd File list(Click to check if it s the file you need, and recomment it at the bottom): MSDEV .....\Projects .....\........\GPSServ .....\........\.......\CmdLineInfo.cpp
Platform: | Size: 647168 | Author: akub | Hits:


Description: 本程序为当对话框中有多个控件时,通过GetDlgItem()函数得到每个控件的窗口句柄,从而改变控件大小。-This program is when the dialog box, there are multiple controls, through GetDlgItem () function to each control' s window handle, thus changing the control size.
Platform: | Size: 11518976 | Author: 张兵 | Hits:

[OS programUFW

Description: 基于对话框的MFC优盘杀毒程序,运行程序时.有优盘插入时检测u盘里的autorun.inf-for(char cbNum= D cbNum<= Z cbNum++) //遍历可能的U盘盘符 { strdir.Empty() strdir.Format(" c:",cbNum) if(GetDriveType((LPCTSTR)strdir)==DRIVE_REMOVABLE)// 可移动的磁盘 { //-------设置扫描目录--------- strdir+="\\autorun.inf" WIN32_FIND_DATA FileData //-------搜索autorun.inf文件 HANDLE hSearch = FindFirstFile(strdir , &FileData) //如果U盘中发现了autorun.inf文件就中彩了 if (hSearch != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { //复制病毒路径到全局变量 g_strFile=strdir ShowWindow(SW_SHOW) //如果发现病毒会自动显示程序主窗体 //把病毒路径复制到窗口上 SetDlgItemText(IDC_PATH,strdir) //使用PC机箱的扬声器报警 Beep(2500,500) //结束病毒扫描 KillTimer(0) //设置清除病毒按钮为可用 GetDlgItem(IDC_BTN_KILL)->EnableWindow(TRUE) } CloseHandle(hSearch) }
Platform: | Size: 27648 | Author: 韩宾 | Hits:


Description: 通讯录管理系统[经验]通讯录管理系统 - VC.NET论坛 - 编程论坛 8条回复 - 发帖时间: 2005年5月9日 利用MFC连接数据库有很多方法,选择一个比较适中的方法——利用MFC的ODBC类来制作通讯录管理系统。建立对话框应用程序,为其添加菜单实现登陆和密码修改功能,添加MFC-CDialog CString MessageBeep CWnd LoadIcon CDataExchange CWinApp CPoint CDC GetObject CreateFontIndirect SelectObject SetTextColor SetBkMode GetStockObject GetWindowText GetDlgCtrlID LoadString LoadCursor LoadLibrary CopyCursor FreeLibrary SetCursor DrawFocusRect GetParent CRect GetWindowRect CClientDC CFont SetRectEmpty DrawText ClientToScreen InflateRect ScreenToClient GetClientRect CSize GetSystemMetrics GetDlgItem CStatic FindResource LoadResource FreeResource SetWindowText IsIconic CPaintDC SendMessage DrawIcon
Platform: | Size: 3524608 | Author: 王婷 | Hits:


Description: This Program Show How to use GetDlgItem in VC++6.0.
Platform: | Size: 25600 | Author: hosseini | Hits:

[OS program0536548200710209193659

Description: 一套完整的某公司的石油钻井设计软件 源代码公布, 可供VC学习之用-A complete set of a company-CPen CString CBrush CWnd CDialog LoadResource CDataExchange CDC CRect GetClientRect SetBkMode CPalette CClientDC SelectPalette RealizePalette IsChild CStdioFile CFileException CFile GetDlgItem CButton DestroyIcon LoadIcon LoadAccelerators GetSystemMenu CMenu ModifyMenu ShowWindow SetWindowPos SetCursor GetPrinter GetLocalTime EndDoc TranslateAccelerator DestroyAcceleratorTable CPoint GetCapture ClientToScreen LoadMenu GetSubMenu TrackPopupMenu SetCapture ClipCursor SetROP2 SelectObject Rectangle ReleaseCapture MessageBox Beep ShowCursor Ellipse TextOut CStringList PtInRect CMDIChildWnd CView UpdateWindow CCmdUI CSize CControlBar CFrameWnd LoadCursor GetSysColorBrush GetWindowRect GetParent GetDlgCtrlID OffsetRect ExtractIcon MoveWindow SetRectEmpty CPaintDC CWindowDC ScreenToClient ExcludeClipRect IntersectClipRect FillRect GetSysColor ReleaseDC RedrawWindow LockWindowUpdate IsRectEmpty GetDCEx PatBlt CImageList GetStockObject CFont CCreateContext EnableWindow SetFocus SetWindowText Se
Platform: | Size: 9515008 | Author: madud00079 | Hits:

[Crack Hackwirelessnetview_gr

Description: 搜索附近无线信号软件 搜索附近无线信号软件-CString CCriticalSection CWnd CDialog LoadIcon CDataExchange GetSystemMenu CMenu LoadString AppendMenu EnableWindow GetDlgItem IsIconic CPaintDC SendMessage GetSystemMetrics CRect GetClientRect DrawIcon CFile MessageBox IsDlgButtonChecked Sleep CStdioFile CFileException wsprintf ShowWindow CWinApp WinExec
Platform: | Size: 52224 | Author: yzc | Hits:


Description: CWnd LoadCursor CPaintDC CRect GetClientRect GetTickCount waveInAddBuffer MessageBox waveInOpen waveInPrepareHeader waveInStart waveInReset waveInStop waveInUnprepareHeader waveInClose waveInGetErrorText CView CCmdUI CDialog CDataExchange CString CComboBox SetDlgItemText GetDlgItem CheckDlgButton GetDlgItemText IsDlgButtonChecked GetDC CDC CPen SelectObject LineTo ReleaseDC GetWindowRect ScreenToClient MoveWindow CFrameWnd SetFocus CWinApp GetModuleFileName ShowWindow UpdateWindow CBitmap CFont DeleteDC CreateCompatibleDC DeleteObject CreateCompatibleBitmap CreatePen SetBkColor DrawText SetTextColor BitBlt GetProfileInt ZeroMemory WriteProfileString GetProfileString
Platform: | Size: 1911808 | Author: prinick | Hits:


Description: Tcp_client 源代码 SOCKET sclient socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP) if(sclient INVALID_SOCKET) { printf( invalid socket ! ) return } CEdit* pEdit (CEdit*)GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_PORT) CString sPort pEdit->GetWindowTextW(sPort) //获取端口字符串 int dPort _ttoi(sPort) //获取端口整形 DWORD dwIP m_IP.GetAddress(dwIP) //获取ip sockaddr_in serAddr serAddr.sin_family AF_INET serAddr.sin_port htons(dPort) serAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr htonl(dwIP) //创建连接 if (connect(sclient, (sockaddr *)&serAddr, sizeof(serAddr)) SOCKET_ERROR) { closesocket(sclient) AfxMessageBox(_T( connect error ! )) printf( connect error ! ) return }-Tcp_client SOCKET sclient socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP) if(sclient INVALID_SOCKET) { printf( invalid socket ! ) return } CEdit* pEdit (CEdit*)GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_PORT) CString sPort pEdit->GetWindowTextW(sPort) //获取端口字符串 int dPort _ttoi(sPort) //获取端口整形 DWORD dwIP m_IP.GetAddress(dwIP) //获取ip sockaddr_in serAddr serAddr.sin_family AF_INET serAddr.sin_port htons(dPort) serAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr htonl(dwIP) //创建连接 if (connect(sclient, (sockaddr*)&serAddr, sizeof(serAddr)) SOCKET_ERROR) { closesocket(sclient) AfxMessageBox(_T( connect error ! )) printf( connect error ! ) return }
Platform: | Size: 30090240 | Author: | Hits:

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