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[Chess Poker gamesGlaurung22

Platform: | Size: 154624 | Author: liuzy | Hits:

[Chess Poker gamesglaurung22

Description: 鼎鼎大名的glaurung,目前开源国际象棋引擎中的前三甲。等级分2700分左右。-Famous Glaurung, open source chess engine currently in the top three. Level at around 2700.
Platform: | Size: 186368 | Author: klack | Hits:

[Chess Poker gamesstockfish-18-win

Description: stockfish国象的代码,,注释很好。功能很强。-Stockfish is a free UCI chess engine derived from Glaurung 2.1. It is not a complete chess program, but requires some UCI compatible GUI (like XBoard with PolyGlot, eboard, Jose, Arena, Sigma Chess, Shredder, Chess Partner, or Fritz) in order to be used comfortably. Read the documentation for your GUI of choice for information about how to use Stockfish with your GUI. This version of Stockfish supports up to 8 CPUs, but has not been tested thoroughly with more than 2. The program tries to detect the number of CPUs on your computer and set the number of search threads accordingly, but please be aware that the detection is not always correct. It is therefore recommended to inspect the value of the "Threads" UCI parameter, and to make sure it equals the number of CPU cores on your computer. If you are using more than four threads, it is recommended to raise the value of "Minimum Split Depth" UCI parameter
Platform: | Size: 919552 | Author: pengrubin | Hits:

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