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[WinSock-NDIS网络模拟可靠数据传输Go Back N

Description: 网络模拟可靠数据传输Go Back N,网络原理上机作业,大家可以下来参考。-network simulation reliable data transmission Go Back N, network operating principle on the plane, we can down reference.
Platform: | Size: 307054 | Author: 陈勋 | Hits:

[TCP/IP stackprog2

Description: 实现TCP协议中的GO-BACK-N 功能
Platform: | Size: 5520 | Author: ling | Hits:


Description: 呵呵,交大网络作业;可靠的数据传输,go back to N;呵呵,错过了就可惜了-Oh, Chiao Tung network operations; Reliable data transmission, go back to N; Oh, it missed on the pity
Platform: | Size: 74752 | Author: 河南 | Hits:


Description: 网络路径中信息发送的gobackn地实现-network path information sent to realize gobackn
Platform: | Size: 361472 | Author: 前慧 | Hits:

[Internet-Network网络模拟可靠数据传输Go Back N

Description: 网络模拟可靠数据传输Go Back N,网络原理上机作业,大家可以下来参考。-network simulation reliable data transmission Go Back N, network operating principle on the plane, we can down reference.
Platform: | Size: 307200 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 这是一款教学实验的源代码,数据链路控制规程的演示,用SOCKET(UDP) 通信平台实现点对点数据链路控制规程,演示了滑动窗口控制协议(GO-BACK-N)的工作原理的理解。-This is a teaching experiment
Platform: | Size: 197632 | Author: Tony Yau | Hits:


Description: 教学实验源代码:实验对滑动窗口控制协议(GO-BACK-N)的工作原理有进一步的了解 SOCKET(UDP) 通信平台实现点对点数据链路控制规程,基本要求: ※ 建立数据链路 ※ 断开数据链路 ※ 收发数据 ※ 差错控制 ※ 与其他人的程序通信 ※ 键盘会话 -Teaching Experiment source code: The experiment of sliding window control protocol (GO-BACK-N) of the working principle of a further understanding of SOCKET (UDP) communication platform to achieve point-to-point data link control protocols, the basic requirements: ※ ※ the establishment of data link disconnect the data link to send and receive data ※ ※ ※ error control procedures and other communications ※ keyboard conversation
Platform: | Size: 2409472 | Author: Tony Yau | Hits:

[Windows DevelopGBN

Description: 压缩文件内有两个文件,一个是服务器端,一个是客户端,是关于“编程实现可靠数据传输原理-Go-Back-N”的。-Compressed file, there are two documents, one is the server-side, one is the client is on Programming Principles of reliable data-Go-Back-N s.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 肖宗花 | Hits:


Description: 模拟数据链路层的实现 采用 go back n 的方案,进行差错控制 vc6.0-implement the data link protocol of "go back n"
Platform: | Size: 1397760 | Author: runnery | Hits:

[Modem programgobackn

Description: implementation of go back n protocol
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: ido | Hits:


Description: this an explain how to animate sliding window protocol with go back n using applet-this is an explain how to animate sliding window protocol with go back n using applet
Platform: | Size: 226304 | Author: irin | Hits:


Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: nnn | Hits:


Description: Go back n protocol with hamming code implementation. this is made in java 5.
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: bhuwan | Hits:


Description: go back n 原理 简单可靠的数据传输协议GBN的发送和接收代码-go back n is simple and reliable data transfer protocol to send and receive code GBN
Platform: | Size: 435200 | Author: 萧萧 | Hits:


Description: 通信编程中常用到的go-back-n算法的模拟显示,采用Applet可视化模拟,带算法说明文档,用于对GBN算法的理解。-Commonly used in communications programming to the go-back-n algorithm for the simulation showed that using Applet visual simulation, with algorithm documentation, understanding the algorithm used to GBN.
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: endlessway | Hits:


Description: A matlab source code to simulate the Go Back N protocol.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: Kavya Kumar | Hits:


Description: GO BANCK N 数据链路层的代码,实现滑动窗口。值得学习!-GO BANCK N data link layer of the code to achieve the sliding window. Worth learning!
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: wxy | Hits:


Description: Go Back And ARQ .. Reference-Go Back And ARQ .. Reference..
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: Sang-wook/bluemir7 | Hits:


Description: 这个程序模拟了Go-Back-N协议,在该程序中,窗口限制了发送端最多为5个分组而不需等待确认(The program simulates the Go-Back-N protocol. In the program, the window restricts the sending end to 5 packets without waiting for confirmation)
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 简小薛 | Hits:


Description: 编程实现可靠数据传输原理 GO-BACK-N(Programming to realize reliable data transmission principle of the GO- BACK- N)
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: 唐棠 | Hits:
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