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Gmail Mobile - Gmail on the move - A PHP app to access Gmail (Google email) accounts on WAP/WML devices. A convenient alternative access method to your email account while on the move, Gmail Mobile incorporates as many Gmail features as possible within the limitations of a mobile phone
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 18.05kb Publisher : 陈新

運用基站號碼去google查詢相對應位置座標的程式 如果你在你的手机装过Google Mobile Maps,你可以发现只要你的手机能连GPRS,即使没有GPS功能,也能定位到你手机所在位置,只是精度不是很精确。在探讨这个原理之前,先让我们了解一下一些移动知识,了解什么是MNC/MCC/LAC/Cell ID。 "Mobile Network Code (MNC) 移动网号码,中国联通CDMA系统的MNC为03,中国移动的应该为00。 "Mobile Country Code (MCC) 移动用户所属国家代号,中国是:460。 "Location Area Code (LAC) 地区区域码,用来划分区域,一般小地方就一个LAC,大地方就有多几个。 "Cell Tower ID (Cell ID) CellID代表一个移动基站,如果你有基站数据,查CellID你就可以知道这个基站在哪里,移动公司或者警察通过这个知道你是在哪个基站范围打的移动电话。 这些信息有什么用呢? 通过这些信息可以知道你的手机是从哪个国家,区域和哪个基站接入移动网络的。所以有些防盗手机丢失后,会发一些类似"MCC:460;MNC:01;LAC:7198:CELLID:24989"内容的短信到你指定号码就是这个用途,通过这些信息可以从移动查到你的被盗手机在哪里出现过。不过知道了也没用,中国人口这么密集,就是在你身边你也不知道谁是小偷:) 这些信息从哪里来呢,一般的手机系统都提供相应的API来获取这些信息(Tower Info),比如Window SmartPhone 或Mobile就是通过RIL.dll里的API来取得,每个手机操作系统不一样,相关的信息可以查相关资料。 得到了这些信息,如果没有基站信息表,得到了这些信息也不知道在哪,因为只有移动运营商有相关的信息,除非你是运营商或者警察才能得到这些信息。是不是我们就查不到相应的数据呢,当然不是,强大的Google就有,这里就要提到Google Mobile Maps API,里面囊括了比较全的基站信息,中国的也有,就是偏远地区的有没有就不知道了。Google Mobile Maps本身就是使用的这些信息,感兴趣可以试一试,没有GPS模块也能定位到你手机位置,但精度不大,取决于基站的位置离你多远。 同样我们自己也可以开发相应的手机应用来定位,只要调用Google现成的API(Secret AP
Update : 2011-02-17 Size : 539.96kb Publisher :

zgurl.com搜索是集国内多家搜索引擎于一体,收录了百度(、中搜、一搜、google、yahoo、阿里巴巴、阿土伯、慧聪等国内搜索引擎公司和专业数据库。 可搜索网址、网页、新闻、MP3、图片、Falsh、购物、黄页(公司库)等内容。 解决了百度不允许框架其网页(用一般的框架加入百度的页面,百度会自动刷新父框架为百度当前页面)。 演示地址: zgurlsearch 1.12版 修正了1.0版阿土伯交易网企业库的链接地址; 修正了1.0版鼠标移动相应搜索类离开后不关闭选择菜单的错误; 增加了自定义边框颜色。 升级方式 1、下载1.12补丁( 将补丁解压到原搜索目录下的js即可。 2、下载1.12完整版( 复盖原有文件或直接使用。 domestic search is set to more than one search engine, a collection of Baidu (ADSs), with the seizure, a seizure, Google, Yahoo, Alibaba Tuu, Conghui other domestic search engine companies and professional databases. Search website, homepage, news, MP3, photos, Flash, shopping, yellow pages (for the company) content. Baidu not solve the framework of its website (with the general framework of the accession Baidu pages, Baidu will automatically set the framework for Baidu father of the current page). Presentation Address : zgurlsearch 1.12 amended version of the 1.0 version Tuu transactions for the enterprise network link address; The amended version 1.0 of the mouse mobile search category corresponding to leave after the closure of the wrong choice
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 119kb Publisher : 张三行

可以显示google map和setallite,具有移动,放大,缩小,map和setallite之间的切换-Google map and can show setallite, with mobile, enlarge, shrink, map and switch between setallite
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 52kb Publisher : 郭江边

google新推出的手机开发平台的中文文献,打包了汉化之后的学习资料-google s new mobile phone development platform Chinese literature, packing after the Chinese learning materials
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 377kb Publisher : 张飞

程序天下 Google Map与Google Earth双剑合璧程序开发API-Procedures for the world Google Map with Google Earth program development Shuangjian combination API
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 41kb Publisher : songyanmin

基于windows mobile的gis开源代码-Windows mobile based on the gis open-source code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 203kb Publisher : nerv

基于J2ME的手机地图客户端源码,支持Google Map-J2ME-based mobile phone map client source code to support Google Map
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 43kb Publisher : hu

关于google android 手机平台开发的电子书籍,英文版的,2008年出版,国内还没有这方面的书,所以这有从国外淘一淘了-Google android mobile phone platform on the development of e-books in English, published in 2008, the domestic also do not have the book, so this is a Amoy Amoy from abroad a
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 963kb Publisher : 张珉

Android下的一些非官方JAVA代码, 具有很好的参考价值,适合入门以及资深人员的需要. 直接用eclipse import就可以完美运行了.-The java programs running in google android dalvik jvm, for those who are junior or senior developer and working on mobile device software development.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.82mb Publisher : Edwin

Description Combination of book reader and Web browsers. This program can be used for Web browsing, reading news sites, downloading and reading books and atricles from the Web. It is not implement all HTML browser functionality - it doesn t show images and is not able to proceed forms. The main idea was to make it possible to view normal sites (not WAP sites) on very small screen of mobile phone. This application share a lot of code with MobiReader and first of all is inteded to be used to browse text data.-Notes # Size of loaded HTML document is limited by amount of memory available for midlet at your mobile phone. The typical limit for used memory is about 100kb for most popular phone models. Series 60 phone have 3Mb limit and new Series 40 phone- about 0.5Mb. Loading too large document will cause OutOfMemory exception. # You can search internet using Google search engine using Web search item from main menu. # Use cursor control keys to scroll text and move between links. UP- one screen backward, DOWN- one screen forward, LEFT- one link or one line backward, RIGHT- one link or one line forward. LEFT and RIGHT keys are used to move between links if is at least one link at the page (marked with black box) or scroll screen one line forward or backward if there are no links. FIRE (ENTER) key cause transfer to the selected link. # If you keep cursor key pressed, autorepeat mode is switched on and text will be scrolled in desired direction until key is released. # Use numeric keys
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 115kb Publisher : tang

GWeather是一个用于获取天气预报的开源J2ME应用程序。它利用Google Weather API+地区名称来获取天气数据。要求 MIDP 2.0 和 CLDC 1.0 环境支持,当然,因为使用了 Google 的 API 因此你的手机还必须开通上网服务。-GWeather is a weather forecast for the acquisition of open-source J2ME application. It uses Google Weather API+ region names to obtain weather data. Requirements of MIDP 2.0 and CLDC 1.0 environment to support and, of course, because the API uses the Google mobile phone so you must also open access to the Internet.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 61kb Publisher : vincent

j2me 手机客户端Google map最简单的实现,代码不过200行,一看就能懂。-j2me mobile client Google map to achieve the simplest, code 200 line, however, will be able to understand a look.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 郁闷

(Java) Hello, Android: Introducing Google s Mobile Development Platform
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.34mb Publisher : llc

j2me的Google地图及源程序,源码爱好者注:本源码包没有经过测试,请自行测试,是运行于手机上的Google地图程序的源代码。-j2me source code of Google maps and, source enthusiasts Note: The source package has not been tested, please self-test is running on the mobile phone of the Google Map program source code.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 246kb Publisher : 姚争涛

An Android Translator based on Google Translate API. The file contains source code and executable file for Android-based mobile phone.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 933kb Publisher : quanghao

Research of Google Translate APIs and use to build a simple translator application for Android mobile phone.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 361kb Publisher : quanghao

This book is divided into two parts, with the first being “Mobile Application Platforms” (Chapters 2 through 8). These chapters discuss the major operating system platforms on mobile devices, including Google’s Android, Apple’s iPhone, Windows Mobile, RIM BlackBerry, J2ME, and Symbian. These chapters strictly discuss how to use the platforms to build secure applications. For example, they address many of the items in the top 15 list discussed in Chapter 1, including secure storage, application isolation, and malware threads. These chapters should be considered a “how-to” guide for application developers who are interested in leveraging the security models of each platform.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.69mb Publisher : guosong

谷歌地图,用于android系统手机地图搜索-Google Maps for mobile android system map search
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.99mb Publisher : Neil

google mobile ads sdk ios sample
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 328kb Publisher : chen
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