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MapEasy is a web mapping client api which has an alogy with Google Map Api. It helps to build a map-based application easily. Based on Javascript and AJAX technology, MapEasy will work on most modern browsers (Firefox 1.0+, Internet Explorer 6.0+) using simple Javascript calls. Independent from the concrete GIS technology and specification, MapEasy allows you to request maps as rendered images (normally JPEG,PNG or GIF), and fufills the normal GIS functions such as locating, zooming, and marking... Key Features: open source pure javascript application easy to use API is similar to google map api decouple the map view and the data service. independant from the specifical map data service self define Plane Coordinate system(not available yet) customisable and easy to extend support IE6, Firefox/Mozilla, Opera(not available on Opera yet) support Latitude/Longitude Coordinate System
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 94.49kb Publisher : tim.wu

将文件拷贝到UCH安装目录(不会覆盖任何UCH文件). 其中文件需要有写权限(linux). 运行shop_install.php 打开shop.php文件。将 $_SC['GoogleAPI']='ABQIAAAAIl6BzjiDCz90JrLDCFco6xRsRMjB2wv1Y7bZb-CPY4a_zZ8tAhQljtAew1TctFXLCYxRjkaGoD8jzA';替换成您的Google KYE。如您在本地调试,可以直接用以上KEY。如您还没有google KEY 请到 免费申请! 地图显示您想要的地方的方法: 首先打开Google地图,在上面寻找一个地址,然后上下左右移动地图,让这个地址正好处于地图的正中心位置,当您想寻找坐标位置已经处于地图的中心位置的时候,拷贝并粘贴以下代码到你的浏览器地址栏:   javascript:void(prompt('',gApplication.getMap().getCenter())); 然后回车一下。这时,你将得到一个弹出式的坐标,这个坐标就是你需要找的经度和纬度。 1 在admincp.php: 第一处: $acs = array( array('index','config','privacy', 'spam', 'network', 'usergroup', 'credit', 'profilefield', 'profield', 'ad', 'sitefeed', 'userapp', 'app'), array('tag', 'mtag', 'space', 'name', 'report'), array('cache', 'task', 'censor', 'stat', 'block', 'cron'), array('blog','album', 'pic', 'comment', 'thread', 'post', 'doing', 'feed', 'share') ); 修改成(最后一行array('base','pingdao','neirong','shop','reviews','shoptags')为增加的。同时记得在上一行'share')后加个逗号 ) $acs = array( array('index','config', 'privacy', 'spam', 'network', 'usergroup', 'credit', 'profilefield', 'profield', 'ad', 'sitefeed', 'userapp', 'app'), array('tag', 'mtag', 'space', 'name', 'report'), array('cache', 'task', 'censor', 'stat', 'block', 'cron'), array('blog', 'album', 'pic', 'comment', 'thread', 'post', 'doing', 'feed', 'share'), array('base','pingdao','neirong','shop','reviews','shoptags') ); 第二处: for($i=0; $i<5; $i++) {//由原来的3改成现在的5,其他不用修改 foreach ($acs[$i] as $value) { if($isfounder || $megroup['manage'.$value]) { $menus[$i][$value] = 1; $_SGLOBAL['usergroup'][$_SGLOBAL['member']['groupid']]['manage'.$value] = 1; } } } 第三处: if(empty($_GET['ac']) || (!in_array($_GET['ac'], $acs[0]) && !in_array($_GET['ac'], $acs[1]) && !in_array($_GET['ac'], $acs[2]) && !in_array($_GET['ac'], $acs[3]) && !in_array($_GET['ac'], $acs[4]) && !in_array($_GET['ac'], $acs[5]))) { //加上 && !in_array($_GET['ac'], $acs[4] && !in_array($_GET['ac'], $acs[5]),注意修改完后$acs[5]后面应有三个 ) 符号 3 admin/tp/header.htm: <!--{eval $_TPL['menunames'] = array( 'config' => '站点设置', 后加上: 'base' => '积分与审核', 'pingdao' => '频道设置', 'shoptags' => '标签管理', 'shop' => '商铺管理', 'neirong' => '点评内容', 'reviews' => '回应内容', 4 admin/tpl/side.htm开始处加入: <!--{if $menus[3]}--> <div class="block style1"> <h2>点评系统</h2> <ul class="folder"> <!--{loop $acs[4] $value}--> <!--{if $menus[4][$value]}--> <!--{if $ac==$value}--><li class="active"><!--{else}--><li><!--{/if}--><a href="admincp.php?ac=$value">{$_TPL[menunames][$value]}</a></li> <!--{/if}--> <!--{/loop}--> </ul> </div> <!--{/if}--> 5 在侧栏增加链接。 template/default/header.htm中找到 <li><img src="image/app/share.gif"><a href="space.php?do=share">分享</a></li> 加上 <li><img src="image/icon/shop.gif"><a href="shop.php">商家点评</a><em><a href="shop.php?ac=new">发布</a></em></li> 更新缓存。 如果安装后出现白屏现象,请重新检查所安装文件是否有语法错误。然后通过删除UCH安装目录下的data/tpl_cache/目录下的文件,此功能相当于更新缓存。 运行shopinstall.php 在header.htm相应的位置加上<li><img src="image/icon/shop.gif" alt="通讯录" /><a href="shop.php">通讯录</a></li> admin/tpl/config.htm 找到<tr> <th>未认证实名权限</th> <td> <table> <tr> <td width="120">允许加好友</td> <td> <input type="radio" name="config[name_allowfriend]" value="1"<!--{if $configs[name_allowfriend] == 1}--> checked<!--{/if}-->>是 <input type="radio" name="config[name_allowfriend]" value="0"<!--{if $configs[name_allowfriend] != '1'}--> checked<!--{/if}-->>否 </td></tr> 在其下面添加 <tr> <td width="120">允许商铺点评</td> <td> <input type="radio" name="config[name_allowshop]" value="1"<!--{if $configs[name_allowshop] == 1}--> checked<!--{/if}-->>是 <input type="radio" name="config[name_allowshop]" value="0"<!--{if $configs[name_allowshop] != '1'}--> checked<!--{/if}-->>否 </td></tr>
Update : 2011-06-12 Size : 108.43kb Publisher :

MapEasy is a web mapping client api which has an alogy with Google Map Api. It helps to build a map-based application easily. Based on Javascript and AJAX technology, MapEasy will work on most modern browsers (Firefox 1.0+, Internet Explorer 6.0+) using simple Javascript calls. Independent from the concrete GIS technology and specification, MapEasy allows you to request maps as rendered images (normally JPEG,PNG or GIF), and fufills the normal GIS functions such as locating, zooming, and marking... Key Features: open source pure javascript application easy to use API is similar to google map api decouple the map view and the data service. independant from the specifical map data service self define Plane Coordinate system(not available yet) customisable and easy to extend support IE6, Firefox/Mozilla, Opera(not available on Opera yet) support Latitude/Longitude Coordinate System -MapEasy is a web mapping client api which has an alogy with Google Map Api. It helps to build a map-based application easily.Based on Javascript and AJAX technology, MapEasy will work on most modern browsers (Firefox 1.0+, Internet Explorer 6.02 B!) using simple Javascript calls. Independent from the concrete GIS technology and specification, MapEasy allows you to request maps as rendered images (normally JPEG, PNG or GIF), and fufills the normal GIS functions such as locating, zooming, and marking. .. Key Features: open source pure javascript application easy to use API is similar to google map api decouple the map view and the data service. independant from the specifical map data service self define Plane Coordinate system (not available yet) customisable and easy to extend support IE6, Firefox/Mozilla, Opera (not available on Opera yet) support Latitude/Longitude Coordinate System
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 94kb Publisher : tim.wu

一个JavaScript Google maps 的例码 -JavaScript Google maps a regular code
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 丁照东

Google Maps API 介绍 很不错的电子书-Google Maps API introduced a very good e-book
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.2mb Publisher : 吴宁

DL : 0
是对google map的二次开发,使用js调用谷歌地图数据,在图片上圈取矩形,并获得经纬度。在使用的时候先需要向google申请key文件,我的是使用我们学校的ip申请的。所以不是我这个ip的不能使用。-Is a google map of the secondary development of the use of js calls Google map data, in the pictures, take a rectangular ring and get latitude and longitude. When in use before the need to google for key documents, my ip is to use our school' s application. Therefore it is not my ip can not be used.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 10kb Publisher : jxs

DL : 0
通过 Google 静态地图 API,您不需要使用 JavaScript 或加载任何动态页面,便可将 Google 地图图像嵌入到自己的网页中。Google 静态地图服务会根据通过标准 HTTP 请求发送的网址参数来创建您的地图,并将地图以您可以在网页上显示的图像形式返回。-Through the Google Static Maps API, you do not need to use JavaScript or any dynamic page loading, it will be embedded in Google Maps images into their own web pages. Google static map service based on HTTP requests sent through a standard URL parameters to create your maps, and maps, you can display images on the page is returned.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 475kb Publisher : 朱信

DL : 0
This the second article in a three article series examining a custom ASP.NET server control I developed to make using the Google Maps API easier for .NET developers. This article assumes you have read Part 1 and are familiar with the Google Maps API. You may see references throughout the article to "my control, my GoogleMaps control, my GMap control, etc". I did not create the Google Maps API, I merely created a wrapper for ASP.NET using C#, XML, and XSL. The main goal of this article is to show you just how powerful a .NET wrapper can be for the Google Maps API. Everything I will cover in this article could be done with other technologies like JavaScript, PHP, Java, etc. But aren t you glad you don t have to use any of those? This also uses an object oriented approach to Google Maps interaction.-This is the second article in a three article series examining a custom ASP.NET server control I developed to make using the Google Maps API easier for .NET developers. This article assumes you have read Part 1 and are familiar with the Google Maps API. You may see references throughout the article to "my control, my GoogleMaps control, my GMap control, etc". I did not create the Google Maps API, I merely created a wrapper for ASP.NET using C#, XML, and XSL. The main goal of this article is to show you just how powerful a .NET wrapper can be for the Google Maps API. Everything I will cover in this article could be done with other technologies like JavaScript, PHP, Java, etc. But aren t you glad you don t have to use any of those? This also uses an object oriented approach to Google Maps interaction.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 179kb Publisher : Duong Duc Vinh

DL : 0
根据Google Maps JavaScript API开发的加载地图的小实例。Google Maps JavaScript API允许您把Google地图嵌入到您自己的网页内。要使用这个API,首先您需要申请一个API key,然后替换页面中的key就可以访问了。-According to Google Maps JavaScript API developed by a small example of the map loaded. Google Maps JavaScript API allows you to embed Google Maps into your own web pages. To use this API, first you need to apply for an API key, and then replace the page in the key can be accessed.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : 乔欢欢

DL : 0
JavaScript and JQuery examples, usefull scripts, libraries. Manual/guide for beginners and a lot of code samples. Google Maps and Flickr API examples
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 14.66mb Publisher :

GMaps.js是一个JavaScript插件,通过它可以很容易地在你的应用程序中集成谷歌地图,并包含了多个选项,如地图、方向、信息框等等。-GMaps.js is a JavaScript plug-in, which can easily integrate your application Google Maps, and contains a number of options, such as maps, directions, information box.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 75kb Publisher : kkpudn35b

DL : 1
一个超级轻量级的依赖于JavaScript的小组件,能够让HTML元素实现类似Google Maps中的点击和拖拽效果。-Relies on a super-lightweight JavaScript widget allows HTML elements similar to Google Maps, click and drag effects.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 339kb Publisher : kkpudn66a

google地图api的调用,是一个HTML文档的简单调用,包含一个javascript脚本,并且地图中有图标,点击图标出现相应消息框-google maps api call is a simple call to an HTML document that contains a javascript script and map icons, click the icon corresponding message box appears
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher :

谷歌地图,商城寻找,非商业源码,供学习参考 -Store Finder is a multi-language fully featured PHP/Javascript/MySQL integrated with Google Maps API v3 that allows customers to locate your stores easily. Packed with Geo Location, Google Street View and Google Maps Direction your customers will never be lost again getting to your locations. The store finder will be able to list of nearby stores/outlets around your web visitors nearest to the furthest distance away.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.6mb Publisher : charles

用于WebGIS的网络地图服务发布,功能交互的开源包(Web mapping is the process of designing, implementing, generating, and delivering maps on the World Wide Web and its products. OpenLayers is a powerful, community driven, open source, pure JavaScript web-mapping library. With it, you can easily create your own web map mashup using WMS, Google Maps, and a myriad of other map backends. Interested in knowing more about OpenLayers? This book is going to help you learn OpenLayers from scratch.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.06mb Publisher : 好学的小桂子
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