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[GIS programLatLaysFlat

Description: This the first article in a three article series examining a custom ASP.NET server control I developed to make using the Google Maps API easier for .NET developers. This article assumes you are somewhat familiar with Google Maps (or are at least somewhat curious). If you’re not familiar with Google Maps or its sweet API checkout this site and this one for the low-down. You may see references throughout the article to "my control, my GoogleMaps control, my GMap control, etc.". I did not create the Google Maps API, I merely created a wrapper for ASP.NET using C#, XML, and XSL. 这是一个ASP.NET服务器控件,让.NET开发人员可以方便地在程序中使用Google Maps API。-This the first article in a three article series examining a custom ASP.NET server control I developed to make using the Google Maps API easier for. NET developers. This article assumes you are somewhat familiar with Google Maps (or are at least somewhat curious) . If you re not familiar with Google Maps or its sweet API checkout this site and this one for the low-down. You may see references throughout the article to my control, my GoogleMaps control, my GMap control, etc.. I did not create the Google Maps API, I merely created a wrapper for ASP.NET using C#, XML, and XSL. This is an ASP.NET server control, so that. NET developers can easily use the program Google Maps API.
Platform: | Size: 451584 | Author: 成东 | Hits:


Description: 从SQL SERVER数据库中提取出地球的经度、纬度,用这些信息之Google地图对应位置插入插件。如果你熟悉Ajax框架,你一定知道解答的方法。于是作者写了这个控件,可以让大家更集中于服务端的功能。-Features * Enables you to draw google map. No javascript knowledge required. Just drag and drop control on your page. * Uses Ajax calls to retrieve server side data. * Enables you to change pushpin postions on the fly. No need to refresh full map. * Enables you to change pushpin icons on the fly. * Optimized to give you best performance. i.e., only those pushpin data will be retrieved from server that are changed.
Platform: | Size: 572416 | Author: 黄鸣 | Hits:

[GIS programgoogle

Description: 一个简单的googlemap查询实例,很不错的,可以参考-Googlemap a simple query examples, very good, can refer to
Platform: | Size: 74752 | Author: 郭正敏 | Hits:

[Web ServerGoogleMapControl

Description: C# Asp.net 实现的谷歌地图效果,通过编写自定义控件,把谷歌地图调用模块化、简单化-a google map demo by use custom control(c# asp.net)
Platform: | Size: 256000 | Author: 刘科坊 | Hits:

CodeBus www.codebus.net