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OpenGL是美国SGI公司最新推出的一套开放式的三维图形软件接口,适用于广泛的计算机环境,从个人计算机到工作站,OpenGL都能实现高性能的三维图形功能。OpenGL本身不仅提供对简单图元的操作和控制,还提供了许多函数用于复杂物体的建模。但是,我们通常喜欢使用AutoCAD和3DS及3Dmax等工具来建立模型,并且我们已经有了很多这样的模型,那么我们如何才能资源共享,避免重复劳动呢?利用CAD图形标准数据交换格式—DXF格式,我们就能很容易地实现资源共享,而不需要重复建模。 -SGI OpenGL is the company's new open-3D graphics software interface, applied to a wide range of computing environments, from the personal computer workstations, can achieve high-performance OpenGL 3D graphics capabilities. OpenGL itself not only provide simple graph yuan to the operation and control, but also provides many functions for complex object modeling. However, we usually prefer to use AutoCAD and 3DS max and tools to build models, and we have many such models, then how can we share resources and avoid duplication of work? CAD graphics standard data exchange format - DXF format, we can easily share resources, without the need to repeat modeling.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 58kb Publisher : 孙长叹

The Swendsen-Wang Cuts algorithm is used to label atomic regions (superpixels) based on their intensity patterns using generative models in a Bayesian framework. The prior is based on areas of connected components, which provides a clean segmentation result. A performance comparison of the Swendsen-Wang Cuts algorithm with the Gibbs sampler shows that our algorithm is 400 times faster. A. Barbu, S.C. Zhu. Generalizing Swendsen-Wang for Image Analysis. J. Comp. Graph. Stat. 16, No 4, 2007 (pdf) A. Barbu, S.C. Zhu. Generalizing Swendsen-Wang to sampling arbitrary posterior probabilities, PAMI, 27, August 2005 (pdf) A. Barbu, S.C. Zhu. Graph Partition By Swendsen-Wang Cuts, ICCV 2003 (pdf)
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 12.35mb Publisher : bevin

Java 3D is a high-level 3D graphics API based around the construction of a scene graph data structure that contains the objects that appear in the 3D scene. Java 3D topics covered here include how to build your own 3D models, load existing models, create detailed landscapes, display beauti- ful skies and backgrounds, and have users navigate through the scene, bumping into things as they go.
Update : 2011-04-09 Size : 7.29mb Publisher : shatonymouse

OpenGL是美国SGI公司最新推出的一套开放式的三维图形软件接口,适用于广泛的计算机环境,从个人计算机到工作站,OpenGL都能实现高性能的三维图形功能。OpenGL本身不仅提供对简单图元的操作和控制,还提供了许多函数用于复杂物体的建模。但是,我们通常喜欢使用AutoCAD和3DS及3Dmax等工具来建立模型,并且我们已经有了很多这样的模型,那么我们如何才能资源共享,避免重复劳动呢?利用CAD图形标准数据交换格式—DXF格式,我们就能很容易地实现资源共享,而不需要重复建模。 -SGI OpenGL is the company's new open-3D graphics software interface, applied to a wide range of computing environments, from the personal computer workstations, can achieve high-performance OpenGL 3D graphics capabilities. OpenGL itself not only provide simple graph yuan to the operation and control, but also provides many functions for complex object modeling. However, we usually prefer to use AutoCAD and 3DS max and tools to build models, and we have many such models, then how can we share resources and avoid duplication of work? CAD graphics standard data exchange format- DXF format, we can easily share resources, without the need to repeat modeling.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 58kb Publisher : 孙长叹

DL : 1
复杂网络的一些节点面对攻击的代码,包括模型的产生。-Some of the complexity of the network nodes of the face of attack code, including the selection of models.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2.66mb Publisher : mackey

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压缩传感是一个从2006年左右开始兴起的研究领域,它关注于如何采样信号,也就是信号的采样方式或者压缩方式。通过设计一种特殊的采样方案,可以使得采样频率降低为信号的“信息率”,而不是传统的奈奎斯特采样率,于是,实际的采样率可以大大低于奈奎斯特频率,却只损失很少的信息量,依然保持了充足的信息量足以恢复出采样前的原始信号。这个研究思想挑战了奈奎斯特频率的理论极限,会对整个信号处理领域产生极其深远的影响,同时,信号处理的许多应用领域也会随之发生根本性的发展和变化。 -Compressive sensing (CS) is an emerging fi eld based on the revelation that a small collection of linear projections of a sparse signal contains enough information for sta- ble, sub-Nyquist signal acquisition. When a statistical characterization of the signal is available, Bayesian inference can complement conventional CS methods based on linear programming or greedy algorithms. We perform approximate Bayesian infer- ence using belief propagation (BP) decoding, which represents the CS encoding matrix as a graphical model. Fast encoding and decoding is provided using sparse encoding matrices, which also improve BP convergence by reducing the presence of loops in the graph. To decode a length-N signal containing K large coeffi cients, our CS-BP decoding algorithm uses O(K log(N)) measurements and O(N log2 (N)) computation. Finally, sparse encoding matrices and the CS-BP decoding algorithm can be modifi ed to support a variety of signal models and measurement noi
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 234kb Publisher : romman

本文通过融合图像的颜色和梯度特征 ,实现了一种实时背景减除方法。首先融合颜色和梯度特征建立新的能量函数 然后基于图切割算法最小化能量函数 ,并对前景P 背景进行分割 最后使用光流验证前景区域的真实性 ,并更新背景模型。-  Based on the fusion of color and gradient features , this paper implement s a novel approach to real-time background subtraction.Firstly , an energy function is defined based on the fusion of color and gradient features. Secondly , the graph cut s based algorithm is employed to minimize energy function and segment the foreground. Finally , average optical flow is used to make inference about the validity of foreground regions , background models are then updated.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 769kb Publisher : 巡洋舰

在Windows系统中,安装GLUT库:打开,取出glut.h,glut32.lib,glut32.dll,分别放置。 使用Visual Studio C++编译已有项目工程,并修改代码生成以下图形: 在此基础上,修改各顶点颜色,使得每个顶点颜色不一样,多边形内部颜色渐变。 操作方法和实验步骤: 1.使用GL_POLYGON模式绘制白色的多边形,由于所绘多边形为凹多边形,故从最左上角的点开始绘制,以防得到不可预测的图形。注意求得各凹角(reflex convex)处的顶点坐标。 2.下面考虑修改各顶点颜色。首先多边形绘制改为从位于图形中心的(0,0)处开始,并设为白色。 3.此后对于六个凹角处的顶点分别设定其颜色为黄色,绿色,青色,蓝色,洋红色及红色。默认状态下多边形将出现渐变的效果。 4.此时运行程序将得到如右图所示效果:为此,我们再次绘制前面所绘制的第一个多边形顶点,即可得到所要求图形。 -In the Windows system, install the GLUT libraries: Open, remove glut.h, glut32.lib, glut32.dll, were placed. The use of Visual Studio C++ compiler has been the project works, and modify the code generates the following graph: On this basis, modify the vertex colors to make different colors for each vertex, polygon internal color gradient. Operational methods and experimental steps: 1. Use GL_POLYGON draw white polygon models, as painted concave polygon as a polygon, so starting from the most upper left point rendering, in case the graphics to be unpredictable. Note to seek the concave angle (reflex convex) at the vertex coordinates. 2. The following consider amending the vertex colors. First, change from the rendering polygon graphics center located at (0,0) at the beginning, and set to white. 3. Then for the six respective concave corner vertex set its color to yellow, green, cyan, blue, magenta and red colors. Polygon will appear by default gradient e
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 6kb Publisher : 小痴狗子

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Graph-Cut Transducers for Relevance Feedback in Content Based Image Retrieval, Relevance Feedback for Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Bayesian Network,CONTENT BASED IMAGE RETRIEVAL,Relevance Feedback,A survey of browsing models for content based image retrieval,Analysis of Relevance Feedback in Content Based Image Retrieval, Performance Evaluation in Content-Based Image Retrieval: Overview and Proposals, COMPARISON OF TECHNIQUES FOR CONTENT-BASED IMAGE RETRIEVAL
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 3.3mb Publisher : sunda

图形学完整课件,包括光栅图形学,图形裁剪,基本几何,二维几何,图形变换,三维几何,几何造型,光照模型,曲线与曲面,曲线拟合与双圆弧逼近,交互技术等。-Graphics complete courseware, including raster graphics, graphic cut, basic geometry, two-dimensional geometry, graph transformation, three-dimensional geometry, geometric modeling, illumination models, curves and surfaces, curve fitting and double arc approximation, interactive technology.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 7.56mb Publisher : 朵朵

一种对于图匹配优化问题对偶分解的算法实现-An implementation of a dual decomposition technique for the graph matching optimization problem described in Feature Correspondence via Graph Matching: Models and Global Optimization. Lorenzo Torresani, Vladimir Kolmogorov and Carsten Rother. In European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), October 2008.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 47kb Publisher : illusionme

算法大全 全书分30章及2附录(在MATLAB中实现)对常用数学算法进行汇总介绍。 主要包括:线性规划、非线性规划、动态规划、图与网络、排队论、对策论、层次分析法、插值与拟合、数据的统计描述和分析、方差分析、回归分析、微分方程建模、稳定状态模型、常微分方程解法、差分方程模型、马氏链模型、变分法模型、神经网络模型、偏微分方程的数值解、目标规划、模糊数值模型、现代优化算法、时间序列模型、存贮论、经济与金融的优化问题、生产与服务运作管理中的优化问题、灰色系统理论及其应用、多元分析、偏最小二乘回归以及附录-Complete collection of algorithm including 30 chapters and 2 appendices: linear programming, nonlinear programming, dynamic programming, graph and networks, queuing theory, game theory, the level of analysis, interpolation and fitting, statistical description and analysis of data , analysis of variance, regression analysis, differential equations modeling, steady-state model, ordinary differential equation solution, difference equation model, Markov chain model, variational method model, neural network model, the numerical solution of partial differential equations, goal programming, fuzzy numerical model, modern optimization algorithms, time series models, storage theory, the optimization of economic and financial issues, production and service operations management in the optimization problem, gray system theory and its applications, multivariate analysis, partial least squares regression, and Appendix
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 7.33mb Publisher : 商志远

Structural Matching of 2D Electrophoresis Gels using Graph Models... Full Implementation of article in C#... upload contains original article and Database used in Article-Structural Matching of 2D Electrophoresis Gels using Graph Models... Full Implementation of article in C#... upload contains original article and Database used in Article...
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 10.44mb Publisher :

Graph Models of Infrastructures and the Robustness of Power Grids in matlab with graoh theory
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2kb Publisher : matlabprogrammer

matab图与网络模型及算法,包括基本理论介绍,例子,和算法程序-matab map and network models and algorithms, including the introduction of basic theory, examples, and algorithm
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 442kb Publisher : gengqi

该工具包囊括了无向图模型的一些常用算法,包括随机场模型,预测算法,解码算法和采样算法,非常实用。-UGM is a set of Matlab functions implementing various tasks in probabilistic undirected graphical models of discrete data with pairwise (and unary) potentials。
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 467kb Publisher : john

randowm graph models, ERdos reyni, small world and other models
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 902kb Publisher : am

非常好用的传染病模型,大家可以试试。真的非常有用。实验终于有着落了 -Very easy to use models of infectious diseases, we can try. Really helpful. Experimental finally nowhere to be found
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1.55mb Publisher : 王萜

几种验证代理模型精度时常用的多项式函数。程序可在matlab中绘制相应函数图形,计算对应点处函数值,后续在代理模型中可以验证代理模型精度。(Several verification surrogated models accuracy is commonly used when polynomial functions are used. The program can draw the corresponding function graph in MATLAB, calculate the function value at the corresponding point, and then verify the accuracy of the agent model in the proxy model.)
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2kb Publisher : cluda01

DL : 0
贝叶斯网络,又称信念网络(Belief Network, BN), 或有向无环图模型,是由一个有向无环图(DAG,Directed acyclic graphical model)和条件概率分布(即知道P(xi|parent(xi))发生的概率构成,其中parent(xi)为指向xi的直接父节点)。它是一种模拟人类推理过程中因果关系的不确定性处理模型,其网络拓朴结构是一个有向无环图(DAG)。(Bayesian networks, also known as belief networks (Belief Network, BN), or directed acyclic graph models, are composed of a Directed acyclic graphical model (DAG) and a conditional probability distribution (ie know P(xi) |parent(xi)) Probability of occurrence, where parent(xi) is the direct parent to xi. It is an uncertainty processing model that simulates causality in human reasoning. Its network topology is a directed acyclic graph (DAG).)
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 25kb Publisher : 耿子
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