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本文介绍了Proteus 中字符型液晶模块LM016L 的结构及其控制器HD44780 的指令 系统,完成了LM016L 与单片机80C51 的硬件接口电路设计及HD44780 控制器的驱动编 程, 实现了LM016L 自定义字符的显示。最后简要介绍了Proteus 仿真调试单片机的方法和 步骤。-This article describes the Proteus in the structure of LM016L Character LCD module and its controller HD44780 instruction completed LM016L with 80C51 microcontroller hardware interface circuit design and HD44780 controller-driven programming to realize LM016L custom character display. Concludes with a brief description of the Proteus simulation methods and steps to debug microcontroller.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 115kb Publisher : 罗清伟

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本文介绍了 Proteus 中字符型液晶模块 LM016L的结构及其控制器 HD44780 的指令 系统-This paper has introduced the structure of LM06L, and the instructions of HD44780 which is a dot-matrix liquid crystal display controller.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 115kb Publisher : longaotian
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