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Description: Converting a *. hex *. bin An example TCL script to convert the file into *. hex *. bin file. The program accepts 0, 1 or 2 arguments. 1-st argument - the input file (if 0 arguments - stdin), 2-th argument - the output file (if not specified - stderr). Dealt with only 2 types of records in the HEX-file - the data itself and the "extended address" (for controllers with more than 64KBytes of program memory). Suitable, for example, PIC18F87J10 and compiler Hitech-C 9.51pl2. Perhaps, for some part-time controllers such analysis is insufficient, then the program will give an error "unrecognized record type at file: line type," perhaps simply will not work. To work in windows to install the interpreter, such as this: http://www.evolane.com/software/etcl/ # downloadwin32 More information: wiki.tcl.tk
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: Kirill Frolov | Hits:

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