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sst89c58下载器,使用keilc51的debug调试器下载。将本程序编译后写入sst89c58,并编程为remap 4kbytes。该芯片即有了keil环境下载功能,当p1.0拉低时,启动时进入下载程序,进入下载程序后将会自动删除block0,p1.0高电平时进入用户程序。 进入下载程序后,可以通过串口和keil的仿真环境连通,波特率自动调节,选择load HEX文件,即可将程序下载到sst89c58的低端32keeprom中。除了7e00-7fffh被占用-sst89c58 downloader, use the debug keilc51 Debugger download. This procedure compiled into sst89c58 and programming to remap 4kbytes. The chip has Keil environment that is the ability to download, p1.0 down, start the download entered into the download will be automatically deleted after block0, p1.0 to I enter the user program. After entering the download, through serial and Keil simulation environment connectivity, baud rate adjusts to choose load HEX documents, procedures and can be downloaded to the lower end of 32keeprom sst89c58 China. Apart from 7e00-occupied 7fffh
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 7.01kb Publisher : 金云

DOS下的汇编程序,将ASM转换为HEX,程序内有语法说明,支持各种操作系统-DOS compilation procedure will be converted to ASM HEX, procedures within Grammar note, support various operating systems
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 13.36kb Publisher : ZZG

源码 │ 0108_12864LCD-F149.ASM │ 12232-1520.c │ 12232.c │ 12864-ks0108.asm │ 12864-ST7290-F149.C │ 12864-zb.c │ 12887.c │ 24C01-64.C │ 24C01-F440.C │ 28sf040a.asm │ 51use.txt │ 6963.C │ 93c46.asm │ 93c46.c │ 93cxx.c │ ad7416-mcuzb.c │ ad7416.c │ AT24C01.h │ AT24C16.asm │ at45d041.c │ colck-x41x.c │ DS12887.ASM │ Ds1302.asm │ DS1302.C │ ds1820.asm │ ds1820.c │ I2C-MCUZB.C │ KEY-MSP430.C │ LSD12864-LCD.C │ mcu2pckey.C │ MSP430.C │ PCF8563.C │ PCF8576-1121.c │ print-x44x.C │ rdflash.c │ scom-F13X.c │ SD2001.C │ Sle4442.asm │ TLC0831.c │ TLC0831A.c │ TLC1543.c │ TLC5620.c │ touch-ads7846.c │ w77e58_ram.asm │ x24c44.c │ x25020.c │ x5045.asm │ x5045.c │ ├─AD-MSP430f149D │ MSP430f149 AD源程序.doc │ ├─ADC8535 │ ADC8535.ASM │ Adc8535.c │ ADC8535.INC │ ├─bin │ 八月桂花香8yghx.txt │ 单灯振荡器ddzdq.txt │ 多灯振荡器duodzdq.txt │ 按键计数.asm │ 数码管0-99计数器99jsq.txt │ 时钟cloc.txt │ 正反流水灯lsdzf.txt │ 流水灯加数码管lsdsmg.txt │ 祝你平安znpa.txt │ 简单数字显示smg1.txt │ 键盘控制jpkz.txt │ 顺流水灯.asm.txt │ 顺逆流水灯.txt │ ├─c51源程序 │ 12232点阵信利液晶基本驱动程序.txt │ 16C554扩展多串口.txt │ 24C01.txt │ 24LC65.txt │ 51无防真器下内存监测程序.txt │ 8051和DS1820接口程序.txt │ 80c196kc的高速输入口和高速输出口模拟一个全双工的串口.txt │ 80c552读ds1820.txt │ 89c51与PC机的通讯程序.txt │ 8位C51 CRC 校验原程序.txt │ 93C46.txt │ ASM中的模块设计.txt │ AT24CXX 芯片驱动程序.txt │ AT45D041大容量IC卡 读写程序.txt │ AT90S2313仿真卡程序.txt │ Atmel 24C01.txt │ AVR模拟串口源程序1.txt │ AVR的开方子程序.txt │ C51 CRC16.txt │ C51几个有用的模块.txt │ C51的单片机底层串口程序.txt │ C51编程经验三则.txt │ CRC16 C程序.txt │ CRC中的计算方法.txt │ DES算法的ST7单片机实现程序.txt │ DS12887的C程序.txt │ DS1302 C51驱动程序.txt │ DS1302读写驱动程序.txt │ DS80c320接口程序.txt │ EEPROM测试程序.txt │ EPSON M311.txt │ HD44780.txt │ hex to bcd 的算法程序.txt │ HEX2BIN.txt │ keil c51 610a.txt │ K型热点偶温度电压曲线参数表.txt │ lcd多级菜单.txt │ LCD字库程序.txt │ LED显示器件的基础.txt │ Max7219的C51程序.txt │ max7219的串联编程.txt │ MD5算法简介.txt │ MGLS-240128T液晶点阵显示驱动程序.txt │ MON51板.txt │ MSP430F1121与液晶驱动芯片PCF8576的连接程序.txt │ MSP430F1121设计电子产品.txt │ PCF8563实时时钟IC.txt │ PC与单片机通信.txt │ PSD913F2 DS80c320.txt │ qqSLE4442.txt │ RD_AD2543.txt │ SED1335控制器汉字显示.txt │ sle4442 操作子程序.txt │ SLE4442.txt │ SMC1601接口程序.txt │ standard midi file format.txt │ T6963C图形.txt │ TLC2543驱动程序.txt │ ucdos 字库提取程序.txt │ winbond的w77e58双串口测试程.txt │ X25045用法完全公开.txt │ X25045看门狗_C.txt │ X9313这类数字电位器.txt │ 一个C51的通讯子程序.txt │ 一个字节位颠倒.txt │ 两片max7219的串联.txt │ 中华人民共和国国家标准.txt │ 中国电信.txt │ 串口中断服务程序.txt │ 串口数据收发的算法问题.txt │ 农历万年历.txt │ 划线的好的算法.txt │ 单片机上网子程序之一 .txt │ 单片机上网子程序之一.txt │ 单片机仿真IC电话卡.txt │ 单片机实现WAV文件的播放.txt │ 另类笑话一则.txt │ 国标字库.txt │ 多机通讯程序.txt │ 奇偶校验位.txt │ 如何提高电子产品的 EMC & EMI.txt │ 如何选择便携式产品电源IC.txt │ 字模提取程序.txt │ 字节位颠倒程序.txt │ 存储浮点数.txt │ 小区联网报警接收中心源程序.txt │ 找汉字点阵的子程序.txt │ 提供51无防真器下内存监测程序.txt │ 时钟芯片ds12c887的驱动程序.txt │ 智能温度记录仪.txt │ 有关protel99se sn.txt │ 标准授时信号.txt │ 汇编的CRC16程序.txt │ 液晶上画圆.txt │ 用普通IO模拟I2C总线源代码.txt │ 电容的选取与使用.txt │ 电脑舞台灯具.txt │ 相开始检测.txt │ 红外线接收程序.txt │ 编矩阵式键盘的方法.txt │ 编程规范.txt │ 西门子4442.txt │ 贴片元件手工焊接.txt │ 软件复位.txt │ 通用菜单模.txt │ 键盘扫描和键值检测.txt │ ├─c51源程序锦集 │ 16sw10.c │ 24cxx.c │ 93cxx.c │ acm12864.c │ at29c040_card.c │ │ demo1.c │ e-1330.c │ hd44780.c │ │ ht1380.c │ ht9200b.c │ Hzf.c │ key.c │ led.c │ p89c51.c │ │ │ │ pc_115k.c │ ps-89rx.pdf │ r89c51.c │ read21ic.txt │ reset.c │ rp89com.c │ RP89com3.c │ rw_card.c │ softdog.c │ soft_ad.c │ soft_inf.c │ sp89com.c │ sp89com3.c │ t6963c.c │ │ ├─ct2Timer │ REG54.H │ t2Timer.c │ t2timer.hex │ t2timer.Opt │ t2timer.Uv2 │ ├─py-sc │ 使用说明.txt │ 拼音输入.C │ ├─py-sc+ │ 51main.c │ 51PY.C │ PY.Uv2 │ 说明.txt │ └─thermo thermo.c
Update : 2011-01-21 Size : 656.54kb Publisher :

hex 转 二进制-hex binary switch
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 何峰

本程序通过分析由CCS的工具hex6x.exe生成的.map文件和.hex文件,生成.h与.asm文件, 以供烧写程序通过仿真器直接将用户应用程序烧写至片上flash,方便用户程序的更新-the procedures adopted by the CCS analysis tools hex6x.exe generated. Map files and the. Hex document generation. H and. Asm documents for burning procedure simulator directly to the users of burning applications to on-chip flash, a user-friendly procedures update
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : 李波

sst89c58下载器,使用keilc51的debug调试器下载。将本程序编译后写入sst89c58,并编程为remap 4kbytes。该芯片即有了keil环境下载功能,当p1.0拉低时,启动时进入下载程序,进入下载程序后将会自动删除block0,p1.0高电平时进入用户程序。 进入下载程序后,可以通过串口和keil的仿真环境连通,波特率自动调节,选择load HEX文件,即可将程序下载到sst89c58的低端32keeprom中。除了7e00-7fffh被占用-sst89c58 downloader, use the debug keilc51 Debugger download. This procedure compiled into sst89c58 and programming to remap 4kbytes. The chip has Keil environment that is the ability to download, p1.0 down, start the download entered into the download will be automatically deleted after block0, p1.0 to I enter the user program. After entering the download, through serial and Keil simulation environment connectivity, baud rate adjusts to choose load HEX documents, procedures and can be downloaded to the lower end of 32keeprom sst89c58 China. Apart from 7e00-occupied 7fffh
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : 金云

DL : 0
convert.asm: 1.From ASCII resp. BCD to binary 2.From binary to ASCII resp. BCD 3.From binary to Hex-ASCII Bin_Bcd.c: uchar BcdToBin(uchar val) uchar BinToBcd(uchar val) -convert.asm : 1.From ASCII resp. BCD 2.From binary to binary t o ASCII resp. BCD 3.From binary to Hex-ASCII Bin _Bcd.c : uchar BcdToBin (uchar val) uchar BinToBcd (uch ar val)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher : jack

DL : 0
单片机开发过程中用到的多功能工具,包括热敏电阻RT值--HEX数据转换;3种LED编码;色环电阻计算器;HEX/BIN 文件互相转换;eeprom数据到C/ASM源码转换;CRC校验生成;串口调试,带简单而实用的数据分析功能;串口/并口通讯监视等功能. 用C++ Builder开发,无须安装,直接运行,不对注册表进行操作。纯绿色软件。-microcontroller used in the process of developing the multi-purpose tools, including a thermistor RT value-- HEX data conversion; Three LED coding; Color Central Resistance calculator; HEX/BIN documents interchangeable; EEPROM data to the C/ASM source code conversion; CRC generation; Serial debugging, with a simple and practical data analysis functions; Serial/Parallel Communications surveillance capabilities. C Builder development without installing, operating directly, and do not operate the registry. Green pure software.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 433kb Publisher :

DOS下的汇编程序,将ASM转换为HEX,程序内有语法说明,支持各种操作系统-DOS compilation procedure will be converted to ASM HEX, procedures within Grammar note, support various operating systems
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 14kb Publisher : ZZG

片机开发过程中用到的多功能工具,包括热敏电阻RT值--HEX数据转换;3种LED编码;色环电阻计算器;HEX/BIN 文件互相转换;eeprom数据到C/ASM源码转换;CRC校验生成;串口调试,带简单而实用的数据分析功能;串口/并口通讯监视等功能. 用C++ Builder开发,无须安装,直接运行,不对注册表进行操作。纯绿色软件。-machine used in the process of developing the multi-purpose tools, including thermistor RT-- HEX data conversion; 3 LED coding; Color ring resistance calculators; HEX/BIN documents interchangeable; eeprom data to the C/ASM source code conversion; CRC generation; Serial debugging, with a simple and practical data analysis functions; Serial/Parallel Communications surveillance, and other functions. C Builder development, no installation, operation directly, and do not operate the registry. Green pure software.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.33mb Publisher : 赵相立

智能的51系统反编译器;可以将BIN,HEX快速的编译为交为可读的ASM文件,有利于你抄板哦。。。好东西不要错过哦-Intelligent system Decompiler 51 can BIN, HEX fast compiler for the ASM to pay for the machine-readable document will help you copy plate Oh. . . Oh, do not miss something good
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 247kb Publisher : fgggfh

这是一个自制的实用的文件格式转化工具,因常用的pci单片机编译器MPASM.EXE编译的文件是HEH十六进制的 并且含有握手码,不能使用通用编程器烧录(例TOM2000编程器), 因此用VB6.0制做一个16_2.exe文件 用以文件格式转化,转换后既可用TOM2000等用通用编程器烧录 16_2.exe使用方法:准备好pic.asm文件(文件名一定要用这个名),点击16_2.exe既可生成通用编程器(例TOM2000)使用 的pic.bin二进文件 16_2.exe的制做(源码):安装VB6.0后,点击“工程1.VBP”进入VB6.0编译环境,编译既可。-This is a practical self-made file format conversion tools, due to commonly used pci Singlechip MPASM.EXE compiler to compile the document is HEH hexadecimal and contain handshake code, programmers should not use the generic burner (Example TOM2000 programmer), so use VB6.0 to do a system 16_2.exe document file format for the conversion, the conversion can be used after TOM2000 universal programmer, such as burning 16_2.exe Usage: ready pic.asm document (document who must use this name), click 16_2.exe can generate universal programmer (Example TOM2000) used pic.bin binary files 16_2.exe make the system (source): the installation of VB6.0, click Engineering 1.VBP into the environment VB6.0 compiler, the compiler can.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 683kb Publisher : lkj1954

BCD转HEX的51单片机原代码,已经在AT89C51开发台平上调试通过了-BCD to HEX 51 Singlechip the original code has been developed in Taiwan Ping AT89C51 debugging adopted
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 陈工

convert Hex file to asm file
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 53kb Publisher : ky

pic hex file disassembly to asm file
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 194kb Publisher : Raju D

单片机开发过程中用到的多功能工具,包括热敏电阻RT值--HEX数据转换;3种LED编码;色环电阻计算器;HEX/BIN 文件互相转换;eeprom数据到C/ASM源码转换;CRC校验生成;串口调试,带简单而实用的数据分析功能;串口/并口通讯监视等功能. 用C++ Builder开发,无须安装,直接运行,不对注册表进行操作。纯绿色软件。-Single-chip used in the process of developing the multi-functional tools, including thermistor RT value- HEX data conversion three kinds of LED coding Color Central Resistor Calculator HEX/BIN file conversion with each other eeprom data to C/ASM source Code-switching CRC checksum generation serial debugging, with simple and practical data analysis functions serial/parallel communications surveillance functions. using C++ Builder development, there is no need to install, run, and do not operate the registry. Pure Green software.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.68mb Publisher : 林琳

DL : 0
8051反汇编程序!用于将HEX/BIN转换为ASM。-8051 Disassembler! Used to HEX/BIN converted to ASM.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 27kb Publisher : 宋帆

输入四个十六进制字符,并将其转换为十六进制转换为`二进制-hex to binary
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 倪沙

pic16 hex to asm file . loads .hex file and convert it to asm file.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 37kb Publisher : milen

输入四个十六进制字符,并将其转换为十六进制转换为`二进制-hex to binary
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : xun102751
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