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此html调用browserIcons这个activex控件读你的机子下硬盘的内容!!!!!!!而且你可以在网页上进行操作,很好玩-call browserIcons the activeX control of the machine read your hard drive under the content! ! ! ! ! ! ! And you can operate the website, is a lot of fun!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 926byte Publisher : 笨熊

此html调用browserIcons这个activex控件读你的机子下硬盘的内容!!!!!!!而且你可以在网页上进行操作,很好玩-call browserIcons the activeX control of the machine read your hard drive under the content! ! ! ! ! ! ! And you can operate the website, is a lot of fun!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 笨熊

DL : 0
介绍属性包 IPersistPropertyBag 接口的实现方法和调用方式。属性包,是以“名称 - 值”的方式提供组件持续性的支持,而“名称 - 值”恰恰又适合于用文本方式来表现。下面的片段是在 HTML 中插入 Microsoft MonthView Control ActiveX 控件后的样式: -briefing packet attributes IPersistPropertyBag interface method and the use of methods. Attribute packets based on the "name-value" component in the form of continuing support, and "name-value" precisely tailored to the text mode is used to show. The following is the HTML fragment inserted Microsoft ActiveX Control MonthView the Styles :
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 77kb Publisher : 刘影

ASP的基础教程,使用ASP可以组合HTML页、脚本命令和ActiveX组件以创建交互的Web页和基于Web的功能强大的应用程序。ASP应用程序很容易开发和修改。-ASP based directory can use ASP portfolio HTML pages, script commands and ActiveX components to create interactive Web pages and Web-based powerful applications. ASP applications to easily develop and modify.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 12kb Publisher : 秋实

一本可以在段时间内,教会你开发Activex的书籍,可以方便的利用HTML,JScript,VBScript,来开发Activex的书籍-a can of the time, the church you develop ActiveX books, to facilitate the use of HTML, JScript, VBScript and ActiveX development to the books
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 314kb Publisher : 叶春

书的内容: 第一章 面向对象编程 1.1 什么是对象 1.2 修改元件名称 1.3 对象作用域问题 1.4 类成员的可见性 1.5 对象的相互赋至 1.6 自己创建一个对象 1.7 VCL的结构 1.8 TObjiect 1.9 TPersistent 1.10 TComponet 1.11 TComponent 1.11 TControl 1.12 TWinControl 1.13 TGraphicControl 1.14 TCustom Control 第二章 组件对象模型 2.1 几个基本概念 2.2 客户和服务器 2.3 认识GUID。CLSID。IID 2.4 引用技术 2.5 什么是IUnknown接口 2.6 Dll形式的COM服务器 2.7 接口 2.8 调度接口 2.9 双重接口 2.10 对接口的应用 第3章 ActiveX 第4章 Type Libraty 第5章 创建ActiveX控件 第6章 OLE自动化 第7章 使用WinSock 第8章 使用FTP控件 第9章 使用UDP控件 第10章 使用HTTP控件 第11章 使用HTML控件 第12章 使用SMTP控件 第13章 使用POP控件 第14章 使用NNTP控件 第15章 创建Web服务器应用程序 第16章 Web服务器的细节 //从第3章我就不详细写了~-the contents : the first chapter of object-oriented programming 1.1 1.2 What is the object name change components targeted 1.3 Scope 1.4 category visibility of the target of 1.5 to 1.6 mutual given themselves a target to create VCL 1.7 the structure TObjiect 1.9 1.8 TComponet TPersistent 1.10 1.11 1.11 TComponent TWinControl TControl 1.12 1.14 1.13 TGraphicControl TCustom Control II Component Object Model 2.1 2.2 few basic concepts and customers awareness Server 2.3 GUID. CLSID. Bloch cited technical 2.4 2.5 What is the IUnknown interface 2.6 Dll form of COM server interface 2.8 2.7 2.9 Scheduling Interface Interface 2.10 pair of double Application Interface Chapter 3 Chapter 4 ActiveX Type Libraty create Chapter 5 ActiveX Chapter 6 OLE Automation to use Chapter 7 Chapter 8 WinSock use FTP
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.82mb Publisher : 龙杨

Microsoft Active Server Pages 即我们所称的 ASP ,其实是一套微软开发的服务器端脚本环境, ASP 内含于 IIS 3.0 和 4.0 之中 , 通过 ASP 我们可以结合 HTML 网页、 ASP 指令和 ActiveX 元件建立动态、交互且高效的 WEB 服务器应用程序。有了 ASP 你就不必担心客户的浏览器是否能运行你所编写的代码,因为所有的程序都将在服务器端执行,包括所有嵌在普通 HTML 中的脚本程序。当程序执行完毕后,服务器仅将执行的结果返回给客户浏览器,这样也就减轻了客户端浏览器的负担,大大提高了交互的速度。-Microsoft Active Server Pages, which is supported by the ASP, Microsoft is developing a set of server-side scripting environment, ASP intron in IIS 3.0 and 4.0, through that we can combine ASP HTML pages, ASP instructions and ActiveX components to build dynamic, interactive and efficient Web server applications. With ASP You do not have to worry about customers browser can run your prepared by the code, because all the procedures will be implemented on the server side, including all embedded in ordinary HTML scripting. When the procedure has been completed, the server will only implement the results back to the client browser, this will reduce the client browser burden, which has greatly enhanced the speed of interaction.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 88kb Publisher :

opengl做为一款强大的3D API,渲染速度快,效率高。可以为我们实现自己的3D世界。 本程序使用了glut库(下载到,他不仅包含了gl.h, glu.h glaux.h还扩充了一些其他高级的功能。所以在我们以后的程序中,只需包含glut.h头文件。 实现细节请下载源代码,熟悉opengl编程的朋友可以从代码中看出,在AX中实现opengl跟在普通应用程序中是一致的。 glut库的安装 目前的glut库是glut-3.7.6.包含glut.h,glut32.lib,glut32.dll 把glut.h放到 vc的include目录中 把glut32.lib放到vc的lib目录中 把glut32.dll放到system32下 对于 include和lib在..\vc7\platformSDK下 -opengl A powerful as the 3D API, playing up speed, high efficiency. We can realize their 3 D world. The procedures for the use of the glut (download to http :// ~ nate/glut.html) He not only includes gl.h, glu.h glaux.h also expanded some other senior function. So in our future proceedings, just include glut.h headers. Implementation details please download the source code, programming opengl familiar friends can see from the code, AX in achieving opengl application with the ordinary procedure is the same. Glut for the installation of the current glut is the glut- 3.7.6. Glut.h included, glut32.lib. glut32.dll put into vc glut.h include the directory put glut32. vc lib into the lib directory put into system32 under glut32.dll for vs . net include and lib in .. \ vc7
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 129kb Publisher : xian

DHTML Edit Control is an ActiveX control provided by Microsoft, they provide with it a sample app, this code is built on that app but much enhanced, to get the DHTML control goto: also the project refrences WinMain s CodeMax control, if u don t have it, remove the refernce and replace it with a richtext box.....or whatever :-)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 42kb Publisher : fuzzy

ATViewer is a component for Delphi/C++Builder, which allows to view files of various types. There is no edit possibility, just quick view - so it s useful to implement "View file" feature in your Delphi/C++Builder application. The following view modes are implemented: Text, Binary, Hex, Unicode: all files, of unlimited size. Plain file dump is shown. Used ATBinHex component: only visible part of file is loaded into memory. Modes are suitable for huge files and files of unknown type. RTF/UTF-8: RTF and UTF-8 encoded texts. File is shown using RichEdit control. Image: all general image formats: BMP JPG ICO GIF PNG... File is shown using ATImageBox component. Multimedia: all file types supported by MS Windows Media Player: AVI MPEG WMV MP3... File is shown using WMP ActiveX control. Internet: all file types supported by MS Internet Explorer: HTML XML DOC XLS... File is shown using MSIE ActiveX control. Plugins: all files supported by Total Commander Lister plugins. -ATViewer is a component for Delphi/C++Builder, which allows to view files of various types. There is no edit possibility, just quick view- so it s useful to implement "View file" feature in your Delphi/C++Builder application. The following view modes are implemented: Text, Binary, Hex, Unicode: all files, of unlimited size. Plain file dump is shown. Used ATBinHex component: only visible part of file is loaded into memory. Modes are suitable for huge files and files of unknown type. RTF/UTF-8: RTF and UTF-8 encoded texts. File is shown using RichEdit control. Image: all general image formats: BMP JPG ICO GIF PNG... File is shown using ATImageBox component. Multimedia: all file types supported by MS Windows Media Player: AVI MPEG WMV MP3... File is shown using WMP ActiveX control. Internet: all file types supported by MS Internet Explorer: HTML XML DOC XLS... File is shown using MSIE ActiveX control. Plugins: all files supported by Total Commander Lister plugins.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 536kb Publisher : lijie

Visual C++ 6从入门到精通,(美)John Paul Mueller 著,Visual C++ 6是Microsoft公司最新出品的C++ 6开发工具。本书以详实的内容、精选的示例全面介绍了 Visual C++ 6 的新特性以及如何在软件开发过程中运用这些新特性。全书共分五部分:第一部分介绍 Visual C++ 6 的基础知识和基本概念;第 二部分介绍数据库编程方法;第三部分阐述 Internet 编程;第四部分说明创建应用程 序时应该考虑的安全性问题、普通格式和 HTML 格式帮助文件的创建方法以及应用 程序安装盘的建立与分发;第五部分是附录,介绍了 ActiveX 和 OCX 组件资源、在 线资源以及本书涉及到的一些技术术语。-err
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 17.53mb Publisher : 珞珞如石

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Active Server Pages(ASP)是服务器端脚本编写环境,使用它可以创建和运行动态、交互的Web服务器应用程序。使用ASP可以组合HTML页、脚本命令和ActiveX组件以创建交互的Web页和基于Web的功能强大的应用程序。ASP应用程序很容易开发和修改。 -Active Server Pages (ASP) is a server-side scripting environment, and use it to create and run dynamic, interactive Web server applications. ASP can be combined using HTML pages, script commands and ActiveX components to create interactive Web pages and powerful Web-based applications. ASP applications are easy to develop and modify.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 400kb Publisher : wangguodong

C++核心编程技术本书全面深入地介绍了当今最热门的编程技术,包括COM、ActiveX、Web服务器应用程序,以及Internet上的WinSock、UDP、HTTP、HTML、FTP、SMTP、POP3、NNTP等协议。本书由16章组成,主要内容包括面向对象编程,组件对象模型(COM) ,ActiveX框架,“Type Library”编辑器,创建ActiveX,OLE自动化,使用WinSock,使用FTP控件,使用UDP控件,使用HTTP控件,使用HTML控件,使用SMTP控件,使用POP控件,使用NNTP控件,创建Web服务器应用程序,Web服务器的细节。该书主要是为那些想在Internet/Intranet领域编程的读者写的,-C++ Core programming technology book comprehensive and in-depth description of today s most popular programming technologies, including COM, ActiveX, Web server applications, as well as the Internet on WinSock, UDP, HTTP, HTML, FTP, SMTP, POP3 , NNTP and other agreements. This book from Chapter 16 of the main features of object-oriented programming, Component Object Model (COM), ActiveX framework, Type Library editor, create ActiveX, OLE Automation, the use of WinSock, controls the use of FTP, use the UDP controls, controls the use of HTTP, using HTML controls, the use of SMTP controls, controls the use of POP, the use of NNTP controls, create a Web server application, Web server details. The book is mainly for those who would like Internet/Intranet field of programming readers wrote,
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.94mb Publisher : hclcool

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本文结合目前Internet(WEB)技术发展动向,简略介绍了Microsoft提出的ActiveX技术的内容,阐述了ActiveX技术与WEB站点建设和桌面程序开发的关系,以及利用Visual C++和Visual Basic开发ActiveX部件的步骤和方法,并给出了在WEB网页中使用ActiveX部件的例子。 -err
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 12kb Publisher : wuyong

一个简单的IE调用ActiveX控件例子。点击按钮即可打开CMD窗口。-A simple example of IE called ActiveX controls. Click of a button you can open a CMD window.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : S

This article describes an ActiveX control that can be embedded in an html web page to provide a voice-activated menu tree.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 60kb Publisher : lpjxy

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asp中文参考 Microsoft® Active Server Pages (ASP) 是服务器端脚本编写环境,使用它可以创建和运行动态、交互的 Web 服务器应用程序。使用 ASP 可以组合 HTML 页、脚本命令和 ActiveX 组件以创建交互的 Web 页和基于 Web 的功能强大的应用程序。ASP 应用程序很容易开发和修改。-Microsoft ® Active Server Pages (ASP) is a server-side scripting environment, you can use to create and run dynamic, interactive Web server applications. ASP can be combined using HTML pages, script commands and ActiveX components to create interactive Web pages and powerful Web-based applications. ASP application is very easy to develop and modify.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 135kb Publisher : 杨钟航

本教程结合大量应用实例,详细地讲解了HTML语言、CSS、JavaScript、DOM对象模型编程、正则表达式,并介绍了网页脚本编程的其它相关技术和知识,例如,VBScript、NetScape控件、ActiveX控件、Java Applet小程序等。本书力求在不减少知识信息量的情况下,能够把书写薄,同时又能把问题说透,让读者能够迅速上手,尽最大可能地扩展读者的知识面,启发读者自我思考和学习的能力,让读者感受到技术学习所带来的快乐。本教程主要面向网站开发人员,也适于普通前端网页设计人员阅读。考虑到适应实际工作中的不仅仅需要编程语言本身,还要有一些计算机相关的周边知识的特点,所以,本教程从原理和细节上着手,让读者对一些专业术语透彻理解,尽最大程度扩展读者的知识面。本教程强调用最短的时间和最浅显易懂的例子说明问题,启发读者思考和自我解决问题的能力,以知识够用为原则,重视学会的本质,能让读者做一些基本的应用开发,碰到新问题时,能自己查阅资料独立解决,就叫学会,没有任何人能掌握一门学科的每个细节。-With a large number of application examples in this tutorial, explain in detail the HTML language, CSS, JavaScript, DOM object model programming, regular expressions, and introduced a web page scripting and knowledge of other related technologies, for example, VBScript, NetScape controls, ActiveX controls, Java Applet of small procedures. This book seeks not to reduce the amount of information the knowledge of the situation, be able to write thin, at the same time be able to say a thorough, so that readers can quickly get the maximum extent possible to expand the reader s knowledge, inspire readers to self-reflection and learning capacity to allow readers to feel the joy brought about by technological learning. This tutorial for Web site developers, but also suitable for general front-end web designer to read. Taking into account not only meet the needs of practical work in the programming language itself, but also have some knowledge of computer-related peripheral features, so this tu
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.12mb Publisher : 杜晓羲

关于Activex的web编程的书籍,相信对那些希望掌握web编程的朋友有用!-this is a book about ActiveX Web programming!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 36.47mb Publisher : lllld

ActiveX package can be used in all series Camera with functions real time access, alarm, taking picture,monitoring,itercom..Most of the functions are provided in API way in this package.It is easy to use and can be used by most programming language including embeded it into webpage.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.8mb Publisher : carlos6
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