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用模拟退火法高效的计算图论中哈密顿贿赂的最短路径-simulated annealing method of calculating efficient graph theory Hamiltonian bribery Shortest Path
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.67kb Publisher : 孙兵

以最近通路法,及逐步修正法搜索通路,求出最小权的哈密顿通路或者哈密顿回路,既货廊问题 请将数字改为txt后缀-recent pathway, and is gradually Amendment Act search paths, obtained the right to the smallest or the Hamiltonian path Hamiltonian circuit, both cargo Gallery change the question I would be grateful if txt extension
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.52kb Publisher : karl

最短路径和哈密顿通路,可以求得多条最短路径和哈密顿通路。-shortest path Hamiltonian path and can be obtained over the shortest path and Hamiltonian path.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 70.85kb Publisher : 王辉

用模拟退火法高效的计算图论中哈密顿贿赂的最短路径-simulated annealing method of calculating efficient graph theory Hamiltonian bribery Shortest Path
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 孙兵

以最近通路法,及逐步修正法搜索通路,求出最小权的哈密顿通路或者哈密顿回路,既货廊问题 请将数字改为txt后缀-recent pathway, and is gradually Amendment Act search paths, obtained the right to the smallest or the Hamiltonian path Hamiltonian circuit, both cargo Gallery change the question I would be grateful if txt extension
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : karl

最短路径和哈密顿通路,可以求得多条最短路径和哈密顿通路。-shortest path Hamiltonian path and can be obtained over the shortest path and Hamiltonian path.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 71kb Publisher : 王辉

求马的哈密顿回路,在国际相棋棋局上,一只马要经过每个点,且仅经过一次,棋局可以是非常大,要求输出马经过的所有点及路径.-Hamiltonian circuit for the horse in the international chess game of chess, the one horse to go through each point, and only after one game can be very large and require output horse after all the point and path.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1006kb Publisher : lin

求解最短哈密顿回路,先用贪心方法求解一个路径及权值,以此作为回溯剪枝界。-Solving the shortest Hamiltonian circuit, first with the greedy method to solve a path and weight, as a back pruning sector.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 53kb Publisher : 曲宏磊

DL : 0
贪心算法 ;用到图结构,栈和队列来解决哈密顿回路;输出结果:路径(每条边及其权值),总和-Greedy algorithm use graph structure,stacks and queues to solve the Hamiltonian circuit output:path (each edge and the right value),the sum
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher : zhuliyan

图论flord算法、哈密顿通路算法、kruskal算法、最大流算法、prim算法、旅行商算法及路由算法等等,都是由Matlab编写的图论算法程序。-Many graphic alogrithms are collected here. They includes flord, hamiltonian path, kruskal, max flow, prim, traveling salesman problem, and routing algorithms. All this are developed with Matlab.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 267kb Publisher : 萧丹

可以实现任何一个哈密顿图的最短路径,从而可以方便的计算出最短路径,获得更大的经济效益-Can achieve any of the shortest Hamiltonian path, which can easily calculate the shortest path to greater economic efficiency
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 方玉

DL : 0
this program is hamilton circuit problem. this program written in java,, about hamiltonian circuit path
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : dody

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旅行商问题概述:找出一条n个给定的城市间的最短路径,使我们在回到出发的城市之前,对每个城市都只访问一次,即最短哈密顿回路问题。-Overview of the traveling salesman problem: to find the shortest path between a n given cities, so that before we return to the starting city, visit each city only once, the shortest Hamiltonian circuit problem.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.03mb Publisher : 叶金鑫

provides path of all existing hamiltonian paths in a given non directional graph
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : nakul

寻找最优解或最佳路径的多种matlab算法,其中包括蚁群算法,贪婪算法,哈密顿算法,floyd算法,dijkstra算法,遗传算法等-Find the optimal solution or the best path for a variety of matlab algorithms, including the ant colony algorithm, greedy algorithm, Hamiltonian algorithm, floyd algorithm, dijkstra algorithm, genetic algorithm
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 203kb Publisher : zone

Shortest Path, Traveling Salesman and Hamiltonian Cycle are the other network design problem. These problems are very common to back bone network design problem. In all these three problems, the main difference is the degree of the node which is strictly two. Further, these three problems are very similar with each other. In the case of Shortest Path and Traveling salesman problem, a Hamiltonian Cycle is checked in the possible solution. Due to this similarity, these three problems are also considered in this research work. Shortest Path is considered in the terms of decision making.-Shortest Path, Traveling Salesman and Hamiltonian Cycle are the other network design problem. These problems are very common to back bone network design problem. In all these three problems, the main difference is the degree of the node which is strictly two. Further, these three problems are very similar with each other. In the case of Shortest Path and Traveling salesman problem, a Hamiltonian Cycle is checked in the possible solution. Due to this similarity, these three problems are also considered in this research work. Shortest Path is considered in the terms of decision making.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 328kb Publisher : mohamed

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食物速递服务,哈密顿图,最短路径,满足条件,NP问题,深度优先搜索。-Food Delivery Service, Hamiltonian, shortest path, to meet the conditions, NP problems, depth-first search.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 段晓冉

使用回溯的方法把所有的漢彌爾頓迴圈的路徑顯示出來。輸入方式是從文件取讀。-Use all the way back Hamiltonian path loops displayed. Input is taken from the document read.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : ZJ
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