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计时器,调用系统时间!与系统同步!非常形象!硬件接口有待调整-timer, call the system time! With synchronization! Very image! The hardware interface to be adjusted
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 176.24kb Publisher : 安徽

DL : 0
Oxygen SMS ActiveX Control允许你发送接受文字及图片消息,读写缺省的SMS中心号码,获得保存的信息总数和统计它们的位置,从SMS收件箱中读取和删除信息。可以获得手机的IMEI,型号的软件和硬件版本和日期,电池容量和信号强度。控件可以和任何支持Active X的编程环境相融合(如,ASP。Microsoft Visual Basic,Microsoft Visual C ,Microsoft Access,Borland Delphi,Borland C Builder等)。共享软件。注册版本将没有提示屏幕,也不会在每次发送消息之前加一段文字。适用语言:CB3 CB4 CB5 D3 D4 D5 D6-Oxygen SMS ActiveX Control allows you to send to receive text and picture messages, read and write default SMS center number, be preserved and statistical information on the total number of their locations, from the SMS inbox to read and delete information. Access to mobile phones IMEI, models of software and hardware version and date, battery capacity and signal strength. Can control and any support for Active X integrated programming environment (such as, ASP. Microsoft Visual Basic, Microsoft Visual C, Microsoft Access, Borland Delphi, Borland C Builder, etc.). Sharing software. Registered version will not prompt the screen, it would not send a message in each section of text before. Applicable language: CB3 CB4 CB5 D3 D4 D5 D6
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 476kb Publisher : 站长

DL : 0
TOxygenSMS控件允许你发送接受文本和图片消息,读写缺省的SMS中心号码,获得保存的信息总数和统计它们的位置,从SMS收件箱中读取和删除信息。可以获得手机的IMEI,型号的软件和硬件版本和日期,电池容量和信号强度。该控件几乎适用于所有的NOKIA GSM手机:3210,3310,5110,5130,,5190,6110,6130,6150,6190,6210,6250,7110,7190,8210,8250,8290,8810,8850和 8890. 未注册时带提示屏幕。包含EXE演示。适用语言:CB4 CB5 D3 D4 D5 D6-TOxygenSMS control allows you to send to receive text and picture messages, read and write default SMS center number, be preserved and statistical information on the total number of their locations, from the SMS inbox to read and delete information. Access to mobile phones IMEI, models of software and hardware version and date, battery capacity and signal strength. The controls apply to almost all NOKIA GSM Mobile: 3210,3310,5110,5130, 5190,6110,6130,6150,6190,6210,6250,7110,7190,8210,8250,8290,8810,8850 and 8890. unregistered when prompted with the screen. EXE demo included. Applicable language: CB4 CB5 D3 D4 D5 D6
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 852kb Publisher : 站长

直接存取硬件设备 IO 口地址 ( IO Port Address ) 的非可视构件-direct access to hardware IO address (IO Port Address) non-visual components
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 19kb Publisher :

Nicesoft ERP 是新一代智能型 ERP 系统,针对建筑、制造、电子、化工、出版、纺织、服装、加工、五金、医药等不同行业需求从计划、生产、物料、库存、销售、财务、结算全方位进行计划和管理 , 合理分配资源,减少资金占用,为企业运营起到促进作用。  上手容易、操作简便: 管理快速十分钟: 十分钟内可获得全部企业经营重要信息。实时详尽全面反映经营利润情况、经营费用情况、资产负债情况、资金结存、库存及库存变动情况、应收应付情况、员工借款情况、销售采购情况、销售采购排行情况、加盟连锁排行榜等等。 熟练系统半小时: 操作界面统一简单,半小时内一般用户均能熟练操作本系统。系统提示信息完全业务化,系统设计以企业经营管理业务活动为根本,只要用户业务熟练,就可随心所欲操作本系统。该系统是本公司精心专为广大专业管理人员和一线工作人员量身定做的,功能极为强大的智能型 ERP 产品。 订单报表立时得: 所有订单、凭据、报表可立即在互联网上发布和查阅。-Nicesoft ERP is a new generation of intelligent ERP system, in construction, manufacturing, electronics, chemicals, publishing, textile, clothing, processing, hardware and medicine from different industries demand planning, production, materials, inventory, sales, finance, clearing all projects and management and rational allocation of resources, reduce capital occupied for corporate operations play a role. Easy to get started, easy to operate : managing rapid 10 minutes : 10 minutes available to all the important business information. Detailed and comprehensive real-time operating profits reflected, operating expenses, assets and liabilities, fund balances, inventory and inventory changes, receivables deal with the situation, the staff of the borrower, marketing procurement, procurement t
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7.17mb Publisher : 宗树

获取硬件设备信息的delphi单元-access to the information hardware modules delphi
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : 魏申默

GPS本开发工具是友利华(河南)高科技开发有限公司集多年开发、使用GPS OEM 板的经验 开发的一套软硬件。它具有多种GPS OEM 板的接口能力,使用直观、简便、安全、快捷。以 下就其软硬件的使用和其注意事项作以说明-GPS tool is the development of the Friends of Oliver's (Henan) Limited sets of hi-tech development for many years to develop, the use of GPS OEM board the experience of a set of hardware and software development. It has a variety of GPS OEM board interface capabilities, the use of intuitive, simple, safe and efficient. Following on the use of its hardware and software and for its attention to matters Note
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 齐五现

计时器,调用系统时间!与系统同步!非常形象!硬件接口有待调整-timer, call the system time! With synchronization! Very image! The hardware interface to be adjusted
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 176kb Publisher :

File Handle Analyzer 文件状态分析器, 分析文件正在被哪个应用程序打开的 It sounds like an easy thing to do - display a list of files in use, together with the application that s using each one. But it s one of the trickiest demo on this web site. Undocumented NT APIs, mysterious hardware structures - they re all here in my File Handle Analyzer-File Handle Analyzer file status Analyzer, analysis documents which are being opened to the application It sounds like an easy thing to do-display a list of files in use, together with the application that s using each one. But it s one of the trickiest demo on this web site. Undocumented NT APIs, mysterious hardware structures- they re all here in my File Handle Analyzer
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 333kb Publisher : zero

端分析, 分析端口正在被哪个应用程序使用 It sounds like an easy thing to do - display a list of Internet connections, together with the application that s using each one. But it s the trickiest demo on this web site. Undocumented NT APIs, mysterious hardware structures - they re all here in my IP Port Analyzer 网站: analysis port which application is being used It sounds like an easy thing to do- display a list of Internet connections, together with the application that s using each one. But it s the trickiest demo on this web site. Undocumented NT APIs, mysterious hardware structures- they re all here in my IP Port Analyzer Web site:
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 334kb Publisher : zero

说明:多线程 (Multi-Thread) RS232 串行口通讯构件 ,是 COMM32.ZIP 构件的改良版,并且增加 Data Bits、Parity、 Stop Bits 等配置,支持 Read/Write 时序控制 (Timing control)、 ReadIntervalTimeout、 WriteIntervalTimout 等 ,支持 DTR/DSR, RTS/CTS 硬件流程控置及 Xon/Xoff 软件流程控置 ( 2.5 版,附源码 ) -: multithreading (Multi-Thread) RS232 serial port communication component, the component is COMM32.ZIP modified version, and increase Data Bits, Parity, Stop Bits, such as configuration and support Read/Write timing control (Timing control), ReadIntervalTimeout, WriteIntervalTimout, support DTR/DSR, RTS/CTS hardware flow control and home Xon/software flow control setting home (version 2.5, with source)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 27kb Publisher : zxb

这是一个可以在NT/2000环境下读写各种端口、终端源数据的库。无需自己编写系统驱动即可操控硬件端口,使用非常方便。可供VC/VB/Delphi/.Net/Pb等主流编程语言使用。 由于未注册会弹出注册界面而且会延时,我破解了这个库(详细见“how to crack.txt”文件)。这里共享出来。方便大家使用。库自带很多demo,可以自己看看,学习一下。-This is a NT/2000 can read and write under various ports, terminals source data libraries. You do not need to prepare drives can be controlled port hardware is extremely easy to use. For VC/VB/Delphi/.Net/Pb and other mainstream programming languages used. As unregistered interface will pop-up registration will be delayed, I break the bank (for details see "how to crack.txt"). Sharing out here. To facilitate use. For many demo onboard can see for yourself, learning about.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.08mb Publisher : 黎明

一个功能非常完善、操作简便、界面更是经典的多功能短消息发送软件。启光短信通是一个以发送短信为主,真正做到从用户实用角度为出发点,并以让用户的操作更为简便来安排整个软件的结构,以最亮丽的窗口风格来设计软件界面,使用过后让你爱不释手: 本软件还有以下诸多特点: ★ 建于国家高能计算中心,拥有超级服务器硬件支持和中国网通宽带高速网关,发送每条短信不超过10秒。 ★ 配备了短信群发功能,并能准备地告诉你每条短信的发送结果。 ★ 智能分割超长短信功能,让你一次能发送500字的短信。 ★ 提供功能强大的通讯录,方便地查询到联系人的基本信息,提供双击发送,操作极其方便。 ★ 直观的联系人分组功能,再多的联系人,也可以方便地找到。 ★ 自定义短语可以让你把精彩的短语分类收藏,随时可以重用。 ★ 发送记录保存,可以让你方便的查询发送过的短信记录,提供双击发送,能方便你重复发送某一条短信。 ★ 支持多用户,每个用户的数据都是经过加密保存,使你在公共场所也可以放心地使用它。 ★ 灵活方便的注册向导窗口,提供本地与网络两种登录方式,让你即使在没有网络连接的时候也能轻松使用本软件。 -a function very well, simple operation, the interface is the classic multifunction short messaging software. Kai-messaging to communicate is to send an SMS based, truly practical perspective from the user's point of departure, and to allow users to operate more convenient arrangement of the structure of the entire software in the most beautiful window style to design software interfaces, after you use so attractive : The following are many software features : People built in the national energy ICC, with super-server hardware support and China Netcom broadband high-speed gateway, send text messages each no more than 10 seconds. People equipped with a Short Message function, and can be ready to tell you Each text message sent results. People long divided intelligent messaging function,
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 998kb Publisher : 万宴宾

显示ARP缓存信息.A R P高效运行的关键是由于每个主机上都有一个A R P高速缓存。这个高速缓存存放了最 近I n t e r n e t地址到硬件地址之间的映射记录。高速缓存中每一项的生存时间一般为2 0分钟,起 始时间从被创建时开始算起。-show ARP cache information. A R P efficient operation, the key is for each console has a high P A R speed cache. The cache storage of the recently I n e t t e r n address to the hardware address mapping records. Each cache of a general survival time of 2 minutes, starting from the time when the creation counted.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 254kb Publisher : 杨龙江

BEA TUXEDO是在企业、Internet 这样的分布式运算环境中开发和管理三层结构的客 户/服务器型关键任务应用系统的强有力工具。它具备分布式事务处理和应用通信功能,并提供完善的各种服务来建立、运行和管理关键任务应用系统。开发人员能够用它建立跨多个硬件平台、数据库和操作系统的可互操作的应用系统。BEA TUXEDO是企业、 Internet 分布式应用中的基础主干平台。它提供了一个开放的环境,支持各种各样的客 户、数据库、网络、遗留系统和通讯方式-BEA TUXEDO in the enterprise, the Internet distributed computing environment development and management of the three-tier structure of the client/server-based mission critical Application System powerful tool. It has distributed transaction processing and communications applications, and provide better services to build, Operation and management of mission-critical applications. Developers can use it to establish across multiple hardware platforms, databases and operating systems interoperable applications. BEA TUXEDO enterprises and the Internet distributed applications based on the trunk platform. It provides an open environment to support a wide range of clients, databases, networks, legacy systems and means of communication
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : webjoin

精彩编程百例1~25例,其中有数学曲线,查看计算机硬件,文件统计程序,hook程序记录鼠标与键盘,透明窗体的设计等等!-100 cases a brilliant programming to 25 cases, of which mathematical curve View computer hardware, document statistical procedures, hook procedures record keyboard and mouse and transparent forms of design and so on!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.1mb Publisher : 陈修

DL : 0
软件加密保护,硬加密方案。 USB加密锁示例Delphi代码。-Encryption software protection, hardware encryption scheme. USB encryption locks Delphi sample code.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 61kb Publisher : awaker

人事工资管理系统论文 采用公司现有的软硬件软件及科学的管理系统开发方案,建立人事工资管理系统,实现公司人事工资管理的计算机自动化。-Personnel salary management system thesis company s existing hardware and software used software and scientific management system development program, the establishment of wage and personnel management system, the realization of wage and personnel management of the company computer automation.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 356kb Publisher : 胡图

来电显示盒通过USB线接入电脑后,系统提示找到硬件并提示安装硬件驱动程序。这时可直接选择“否”关闭安装程序,而直接运行附带光盘中的USB.exe 驱动程序,并按提示完成安装。-Caller ID box via USB cable into the computer, the system prompt to find hardware and prompts to install the hardware drivers. At this time directly choose " No" close the installation program, run with the disc directly in the USB.exe driver, and follow the prompts to complete the installation.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 282kb Publisher : mc

直接IO操作,通过DCB硬件控制块来进行modem的设置(Direct IO operation by using the DCB hardware control block to set up the modem)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.14mb Publisher : 陈瑞
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