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用C++ 编写的hook 程序,可以用来盗取qq密码-With C++ Prepared hook procedure can be used to steal passwords qq
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 114kb Publisher : david

申明: 本软件仅供学习使用。 如用本程序做非法用途后果自负,与作者无关!!! QQ:122357829 软件简介: 2009年6月5日 主要功能: 1.屏幕监视/控制。 2.CMD命令行 3.摄象头 4.文件管理 5.进程管理 6.键盘记录 其中键盘记录,没有使用钩子记录,为了防止一些杀毒软件阻止安装钩子 虽然没有钩子,但是对于一般的密码窗口,IE窗口也依然能准确记录(包括粘贴). 由于忙于工作,忙于学习.没时间在继续开发了,把代码发给大家继续更 新 编译前把工程设置成 Unicode VipShell 是服务端代码 VipClient 客户端代码-Stated that: learning to use the software only. Such as illegal use of the procedures done at your peril, and the author has nothing to do!!! QQ: 122357829 Software Introduction: June 5, 2009 main functions: 1. Screen monitor/control. 2.CMD command line 3.摄象头4. Document Management 5. The process of management 6. Keyloggers keyloggers in which there is no record of the use of hooks, in order to prevent the installation of antivirus software to prevent hook Although there is no hook, but the password for the average window IE window still accurate records (including paste). as a result of busy work, busy learning. no time to continue to develop in, and distributed to all of us will continue to update the code before compiling the project is set to Unicode VipShell service client-side code VipClient code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.58mb Publisher : 咹靜ゞ`兲倥
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