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霍夫变换是一个非常有用的算法,可以检测直线、圆、椭圆等等,也可以进行边缘连接。-Hough transform is a very useful algorithm, can detect a straight line, round, oval, etc., can also be connected to the edge.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 96kb Publisher : 格子

本程序实现hough变换。Hough变换是图像处理中从图像中识别几何形状的基本方法之一。Hough变换的基本原理在于利用点与线的对偶性,将原始图像空间的给定的曲线通过曲线表达形式变为参数空间的一个点。这样就把原始图像中给定曲线的检测问题转化为寻找参数空间中的峰值问题。也即把检测整体特性转化为检测局部特性。比如直线、椭圆、圆、弧线等。 -Hough transform this program. Hough transform image processing image recognition from the basic geometry methods. The basic principle of Hough transform is to use point and line duality, the original image space curve given expression through the curve of the parameter space into a point. This had given the original image in the detection curve into a parameter space to find the problem in the peak. That is, the overall characteristics of the detection of local features into testing. For example, a straight line, oval, round, arc and so on.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 14kb Publisher : cui ju

利用霍夫变换检测直线,园,椭圆,曲线,简单有效,用用方便-Using Hough transform to detect straight lines, park, oval, curve, simple, effective, easy to use with
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 王正旺

Matlab环境下利用霍夫变换和椭圆标准公式,在二值图像上自动检测椭圆并标记。-Matlab environment using Hough transform and oval standard formula, the binary image automatically detect and mark the ellipse.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : VictorLiu
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