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Update : 2008-08-06 Size : 1.34kb Publisher : laughinheart

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基于ica的图像处理工具包 里面有大量的经典算法和用于处理的图像 有图形界面直接运行icalab.p文件-based on the genotype and phenotype of ica image processing tool kit with a lot of classical algorithm for processing and image graphics interface Direct operating icalab.p documents
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 10.82mb Publisher : yanzheng

DL : 1
经典的fast ICA程序,用于盲信号的分离,希望能够对大家有帮助!-classic fast ICA procedures for the Blind Signal Separation, we hope to be able to help!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 32kb Publisher : ljy

DL : 0
infomax 算法,盲信号处理中很有帮助-INFOMAX algorithm, blind signal processing helpful
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : 黄炳国

DL : 1
串音误差检测,利用ica算法实现盲信号分离,以及检测输入信号叠加分离后的误差-crosstalk error detection algorithm using ica Blind Signal Separation. the input signal detection and separation of superposition error
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 李健康

CCIE Security Exam Certification Guide.pdf,这本书我找了好久才搜到的,看了绝对有帮助。-CCIE Security Exam Certification Guide.p df, this book, I find myself only to the seizure, and saw absolutely help.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7.42mb Publisher : 侯晶

快速ICA算法,用于盲信号处理,提取信号的独立分量,用于图象识别等-fast algorithm for blind signal processing, signal extraction of independent component for image recognition, etc.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : yuhuihai

DL : 0
基于ica的图像处理工具包 里面有大量的经典算法和用于处理的图像 有图形界面直接运行icalab.p文件-based on the genotype and phenotype of ica image processing tool kit with a lot of classical algorithm for processing and image graphics interface Direct operating icalab.p documents
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 10.82mb Publisher : yanzheng

DL : 0
一篇介绍独立分量基础知识以及其实现的ppt。-Introduced a basic knowledge of independent component as well as its realization ppt.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 758kb Publisher : li

这是一篇ica盲源分离方法的技术文章 Overcomplete 的方法来解决-Blind Source Separation of More Sources Than Mixtures Using Overcomplete Representations
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 933kb Publisher : 叶惠

:独立成分分析 ( I C A)在国内尚属一门新型的方法 介绍了I C A的原理及其算法 ,然后介绍了该算法在盲源 信号分离中的具体应用,并将此方法 与主成分方洼 ( P C A)进行了比较-: Independent Component Analysis (ICA) in China is a new method to introduce the principle of the ICA and its algorithm, and then introduced the algorithm for blind source separation in the concrete application of this method and with the principal component to depression ( PCA) were compared
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 141kb Publisher : 金振东

DL : 0
ICA算法提供fast ICA 算法 P.COMON的算法-ICA algorithm to provide fast ICA algorithm algorithm P. COMON
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : 李强

辛苦收集的关于独立成分分析的ppt文档,可帮助你快速了解主成分分析的主要内容及发展-Hard to collect on the independent component analysis of ppt documents, can help you quickly understand the principal component analysis and development of the main content
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.99mb Publisher : yuanlei

1、对观测数据进行中心化,; 2、使它的均值为0,对数据进行白化—>Z; 3、选择需要估计的分量的个数m,设置迭代次数p<-1 4、选择一个初始权矢量(随机的W,使其维数为Z的行向量个数); 5、利用迭代W(i,p)=mean(z(i,:).*(tanh((temp) *z)))-(mean(1-(tanh((temp)) *z).^2)).*temp(i,1)来学习W (这个公式是用来逼近负熵的) 6、用对称正交法处理下W 7、归一化W(:,p)=W(:,p)/norm(W(:,p)) 8、若W不收敛,返回第5步 9、令p=p+1,若p小于等于m,返回第4步 剩下的应该都能看懂了 基本就是基于负熵最大的快速独立分量分析算法-1, on the center of the observation data, 2, making a mean of 0, the data to whitening-> Z 3, select the number of components to be estimated m, setting the number of iterations p < -1 4, select an initial weight vector (random W, so that the Z dimension of the row vectors of numbers) 5, the use of iteration W (i, p) = mean (z (i, :).* (tanh ((temp) ' * z)))- (mean (1- (tanh ((temp)) ' * z). ^ 2)).* temp (i, 1) to learn W (This formula is used to approximate the negative entropy) 6 with symmetric orthogonal treatments W 7, normalized W (:, p) = W (:, p)/norm (W (:, p)) 8, if W does not converge, return to step 5 9 , so that p = p+1, if p less than or equal m, return to step 4 should be able to read the rest of the basic is based on negative entropy of the largest fast independent component analysis algorithm
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : liu xp

DL : 0
为对图像的缺损部分进行快速自动修复, 提出了一种基于曲率驱动修复模型的快速图像修复算法。曲率驱动修复模 型由于引入了曲率项, 使其偏微分方程为高阶, 修复时需要数值求解偏微分方程, 大量迭代运算导致修复速度非常缓慢。为 加快修复速度, 算法将模型的偏微分方程数值化, 进一步改造成加权平均形式, 利用邻近已知像素直接合成损坏像素, 加权 系数由曲率和梯度共同确定, 使修复按照图像等照度线方向进行, 在曲率大的地方将等照度线拉伸, 同时由待修复点邻域内 已知像素的梯度方差确定修复次序。实验结果表明, 显著-Curvature Driven D iffusions( CDD) model is proposed he re. Because the Partial D iffe rentia l Equa􀀁 tion( PDE) of CDD model is high order equation as its curvature item, in wh ich, much iterative ca lculation is in need to num er ica lly so lve the PDE and th is leads tom uch tim e consum ing. To inpa int the dam aged im ag e rapidly, a we igh􀀁 ted m ean equa tion is got by mod ify ing the num erica lPDE of CDD model firstly, then the new p ixe l is produced by in􀀁 terpo la ting the dam aged pix elw ith its ne ighborhood pixels w eigh ted m ean, the we ighted factors are decided by grad ient and curvature item s. This can m ake interpo la tion pro cessed accord ing to isophote d irection, and the isopCurvature Driven D iffusions( CDD) model is proposed he re. Because the Partial D iffe rentia l Equa􀀁 tion( PDE) of CDD model is high order equation as its curvature item, in wh ich, much iterative ca lculation is in need to num er ica lly so lv
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 340kb Publisher : 孙红娟

DL : 0
ICA盲源分离,实现对未知混合信号进行盲分离;低通滤波器。(BSS using eigenvalue value decomposition Program written by A. Cichocki and R. Szupiluk X [m x N] matrix of observed (measured) signals, W separating matrix, y estimated separated sources p time delay used in computation of covariance matrices optimal time-delay default p= 1 First stage: Standard prewhitening)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : Arry W

DL : 1
icalab工具箱, 独立分量分析工具包,包括十余种主流ICA分析工具,上手可用。(icalab car icalab\acrsobibpf.p icalab\acsobiro.p icalab\adv_opt_matrixH.p icalab\adv_param.p icalab\als_reg.p icalab\amuse.p icalab\amusepermuta.p icalab\benchmarks\10halo.mat)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 23mb Publisher : weiweiweiweiweiwei
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