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Bell and Sejnowski 在1996提出的ica算法,用matlab实现的,但版本较旧,需要做修改才能用于新版本。-Bell and Sejnowski 1996 in the ica algorithm, using Matlab to achieve, but the older version needs to be done in order for the new revised version.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : wyh

盲源分析程序,是在MATLAB环境下编写的。软件包中不仅提供了简单易用的人机界面环境,而且还提供了一些基本的函数供用户根据自己的需要进行开发。-blind analysis procedures, in MATLAB environment prepared. The package not only provides a simple user-friendly man-machine interface environment, but also provides some basic functions for users according to their own needs for development.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 39kb Publisher : 王晓

在MATLAB环境下,使用ICA方法分离单路观测数据的程序!-in MATLAB environment, the use of ICA separated one-way observation data for the procedure!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 郭文强

这是我做的关于ICA和KICA的matlab程序,其中的算法速度很快,用ORL库做的实验-This is what I do on the ICA and the Matlab kernel procedures, which the algorithm very rapidly. ORL used to do the experiment
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 71kb Publisher : bigredzhoutong

数值方法(MATLAB版)第三版 英文 本书介绍了数值方法的理论和实践知识。以实际例题说明概念定理,含大量习题和编程题。-numerical methods (MATLAB version) English third edition of the book on the numerical method of theoretical and practical knowledge. Practical examples to clarify the concept theorem, with a large number of exercises and programming problems.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8.81mb Publisher : 吴成

DL : 0
Probabilistic Principal Components Analysis. [VAR, U, LAMBDA] = PPCA(X, PPCA_DIM) computes the principal % component subspace U of dimension PPCA_DIM using a centred covariance matrix X. The variable VAR contains the off-subspace variance (which is assumed to be spherical), while the vector LAMBDA contains the variances of each of the principal components. This is computed using the eigenvalue and eigenvector decomposition of X.-Probabilistic Principal Components Analysis. [VAR, U, LAMBDA] = PPCA (X, PPCA_DIM) computes the principal component subspace U of dimension PPCA_DIM using a centred covariancematrix X. The variable VAR contains the off-subspace variance (whichis assumed to be spherical ), while the vector LAMBDA contains thevariances of each of the principal components. This is computedusing the eigenvalue and eigenvector decomposition of X.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 西晃云

The kernel-ica package is a Matlab program that implements the Kernel ICA algorithm for independent component analysis (ICA). The Kernel ICA algorithm is based on the minimization of a contrast function based on kernel ideas. A contrast function measures the statistical dependence between components, thus when applied to estimated components and minimized over possible demixing matrices, components that are as independent as possible are found.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 10kb Publisher : 薛耀斌

DL : 0
特征矩阵的联合对角化法(JADE),独立分量分析(ICA)的一种方法,用matlab编写-Characteristic matrix of the joint diagonalization method (JADE), independent component analysis (ICA) is a means to prepare with matlab
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher : Harvey

用matlab实现ica提取的全部原代码-ica achieve extraction matlab
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 42kb Publisher : mlf
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