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图象转置函数,只支持8-bpp位图文件,其他的类推-image transfer function home, which only supports 8-bpp bitmap file, other analogy
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.98kb Publisher : 王成

图象灰度转置函数,同样只支持8-bpp位图文件,其他的类推-home turn gray image function, the same support only 8-bpp bitmap file, other analogy
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.57kb Publisher : 王成

图象灰度转置函数,同样只支持8-bpp位图文件,其他的类推-home turn gray image function, the same support only 8-bpp bitmap file, other analogy
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.57kb Publisher : 王成

这段代码可以进行图像的自类推式超分辨放大,它是图像类推技术的一种推广。-This code can be self-image analogy Large-super-resolution, it is images analogy of a promotion.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.14kb Publisher : likemypet

图像压缩问题要求确定象素序列{p1,p2,…,pn}的最优分段,使得依此分段所需的存储空间最少。每个分段的长度不超过256位。数字化图像是m×m的像素阵列。假定每个像素有一个0 ~ 2 5 5的灰度值。因此存储一个像素至多需8位。若每个像素存储都用最大位8位,则总的存储空间为8m^2 位。为了减少存储空间,我们将采用变长模式( variable bit scheme),即不同像素用不同位数来存储。像素值为0和1时只需1位存储空间; 值2、3各需2位;值4,5,6和7各需3位;以此类推。-image compression defined pixel sequence (p1, p2, ..., pn) sub-optimal, sub accordingly makes the storage space required at least. The length of each section is not more than 256. The digital image is m m pixel arrays. Assume that each pixel is a 0-2 5 5 of the gray values. Therefore storage of up to a pixel 8. If each pixel with the largest storage capacity of 8-bit, the total storage space for 8m ^ 2. In order to reduce storage space, and we will use variable-length model (variable bit scheme), that is different with different pixel median storage. Pixel values of 0 and 1 and only a storage space; The value of 2,3 required two; Value 4,5,6 and 7 of the required three; Analogy.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.87kb Publisher : 姚翊

Image segmentation based on water flow analogy
Update : 2011-06-30 Size : 3.72mb Publisher :

图像压缩问题要求确定象素序列{p1,p2,…,pn}的最优分段,使得依此分段所需的存储空间最少。每个分段的长度不超过256位。数字化图像是m×m的像素阵列。假定每个像素有一个0 ~ 2 5 5的灰度值。因此存储一个像素至多需8位。若每个像素存储都用最大位8位,则总的存储空间为8m^2 位。为了减少存储空间,我们将采用变长模式( variable bit scheme),即不同像素用不同位数来存储。像素值为0和1时只需1位存储空间; 值2、3各需2位;值4,5,6和7各需3位;以此类推。-image compression defined pixel sequence (p1, p2, ..., pn) sub-optimal, sub accordingly makes the storage space required at least. The length of each section is not more than 256. The digital image is m m pixel arrays. Assume that each pixel is a 0-2 5 5 of the gray values. Therefore storage of up to a pixel 8. If each pixel with the largest storage capacity of 8-bit, the total storage space for 8m ^ 2. In order to reduce storage space, and we will use variable-length model (variable bit scheme), that is different with different pixel median storage. Pixel values of 0 and 1 and only a storage space; The value of 2,3 required two; Value 4,5,6 and 7 of the required three; Analogy.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 姚翊

图象转置函数,只支持8-bpp位图文件,其他的类推-image transfer function home, which only supports 8-bpp bitmap file, other analogy
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 王成

图象灰度转置函数,同样只支持8-bpp位图文件,其他的类推-home turn gray image function, the same support only 8-bpp bitmap file, other analogy
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 王成

图象灰度转置函数,同样只支持8-bpp位图文件,其他的类推-home turn gray image function, the same support only 8-bpp bitmap file, other analogy
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 王成

这段代码可以进行图像的自类推式超分辨放大,它是图像类推技术的一种推广。-This code can be self-image analogy Large-super-resolution, it is images analogy of a promotion.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : likemypet

基于纹理合成的图像类推,用树形结构向量量化,用到了多分辨率来减小邻域 基于Wei_Levoy算法-Image-based texture synthesis by analogy, using tree structure vector quantization, has been used to reduce the multi-resolution neighborhood Wei_Levoy algorithm based on
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5.11mb Publisher : liucs

Based on the information processing functionalities of spiking neurons, a spiking neural network model is proposed to extract features from a visual image. The network is constructed with a conductance-based integrate-and-fire neuron model and a set of specific receptive fields. The properties of the network are detailed in this paper. Simulation results show that the network is able to perform image feature extraction within a time interval of 100 ms. This processing time is consistent with the human visual system. The demonstrations show how the network can extract right-angle contours in a visual image. Based on this principle, many other image features can be extracted by analogy. The parallel processing mechanism of this network model is very promising for a hardware implementation based on VLSI or FPGA technology.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 282kb Publisher : sacoura31

DL : 0
科技英语不像普通英语那样具有感性形象思维,不具感情色彩,其目的是使读者容易理解而不产生太多的想象。 也不经常运用比喻、排比、夸张等修辞手段,而是要准确表达客观规律,按逻辑思维清晰地描述问题。-Unlike ordinary English, as English, science and technology with the sensual image of the thinking, non-emotional, which aims to enable readers to create easy to understand without too much imagination. Do not often use an analogy, parallelism, rhetorical hyperbole and other means, but to convey accurately the objective laws, according to logical thinking, a clear description of the problem.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 34kb Publisher : 笑笑

DL : 0
利用C#中的picturebox控件来打开图像的最简单的源代码,触类旁通,以此来学习打开其它的文件源码-Use the picturebox control in C# to open the image of the most simple source code, by analogy, in order to learn to open another file source ... ...
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 54kb Publisher :

DL : 0
VC++从DLL中获得资源的小实例源代码,从DLL中获得背景图像,可者是一个图标资源或是其它类型的文件,总之,学会了一种,就可以举一反三,灵活掌握了。-VC++ from the DLL resources, source code examples to get a background image from the DLL, can an icon resource, or other types of documents, in short, learned, you can learn by analogy, flexibility.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 62kb Publisher : 许光

这段代码能进行图像的自类推式超分辨辨放大,它是图像类推技术的一种推广。 -This code image identified since the analogy-style super-resolution zoom, it is a promotion of images and so on.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 门槛

用最通俗易懂的语言和最明白实用的范例解说最深奥睿智的设计模式,一本真正属于Delphi程序员的模式入门和实践读物!通俗易懂:通过贴近实际生活的比喻,形象解说模式,文笔生动,思路清晰。结合经验教训引导读者建立模式编程的思维,循循善诱,点石成金。全面周到:所有的模式都悉心讲解;现成的模式代码模板便于套用;全部示例程序提供UML设计图和详尽注释;问题讨论,尽释疑难。好学实用:所有的模式编程范例都精心设计,不但可以运行,还有源码剖析。大量应用来自开发实践,值得借鉴参考。-With the most easy-to-understand language and understand practical examples to explain the most profound wisdom design mode, a real part of the Delphi programmer mode entry and practice reading material! Plain: by analogy close to real life, the image of the commentary mode, writing is vivid and clear thinking. Combined with lessons learned to guide readers thinking to create a mode programming, motherhood, Midas touch. A comprehensive and thoughtful: All models are careful to explain the ready mode code templates easy to apply All sample programs provide UML design diagrams and detailed annotation discussion of the problem, the Jinshi difficult. To learn practical the: mode programming paradigm are carefully designed to not only run, as well as source code analysis. The large number of applications from development practice worth learning reference.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.79mb Publisher :

这段代码可以进行图像的自类推式超分辨放大,它是图像类推技术的一种推广。-This code can be self-image analogy Large-super-resolution, it is images analogy of a promotion.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 电子测量

这段代码可以进行图像的自类推式超分辨放大,它是图像类推技术的一种推广。-This code can be self-image analogy Large-super-resolution, it is images analogy of a promotion.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : acknowl
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