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[Special Effectscvinpaint

Description: 使用OpenCV进行inpaint操作的例子,简单明了,inpaint算法可用于背景修复
Platform: | Size: 189631 | Author: 张静 | Hits:

[Special Effectsinpaint

Description: implement siggraph paper Object Removal by Exemplar-Based Inpainting 图像修复
Platform: | Size: 398 | Author: | Hits:

[2D GraphicInpainting

Description: 采用M.Bertalmio and G.Sapiro论文中算法的图像修复C++代码。需要提供原始破损图像和破损区域的掩模图像,修复结果实时显示。-used Bertalmio and G. M. Sapiro papers algorithm for image restoration generation C yards. The need for the original image and damaged the damaged region mask images, results, real-time repair.
Platform: | Size: 1282048 | Author: 屈磊 | Hits:

[2D GraphicRBFInpainting

Description: 采用径向基函数进行图像修复的VC++源代码,用户可交互式地选择破损修复区域。-RBF used for image restoration VC source code, users can interactively choose to repair damaged region.
Platform: | Size: 1050624 | Author: 屈磊 | Hits:

[2D GraphicTV1

Description: 采用T.Chan的总体变分(TV)方法实现图像修复,由于算法本身的局限性,无法解决视觉连通性的问题。-using T. Chan of the overall variation (TV) method of image restoration, Due to the limitations of their own algorithm to solve visual connectivity problems.
Platform: | Size: 93184 | Author: ch | Hits:


Description: WinPainter MFC应用程序源代码 WinPainter MFC应用程序源代码 WinPainter MFC应用程序源代码-WinPainter MFC application source code WinPainter MFC application source code WinPainter MFC application source code WinPainter MFC application source code
Platform: | Size: 47104 | Author: avaga | Hits:

[Special Effectscvinpaint

Description: 使用OpenCV进行inpaint操作的例子,简单明了,inpaint算法可用于背景修复-Inpaint operation carried out using the OpenCV examples of simple, inpaint algorithm can be used in the context of repair
Platform: | Size: 189440 | Author: 张静 | Hits:

[Special Effectsinpaint006b

Description: 用VC++实现图像恢复,是外国网上下的哦。-With VC++ Realize image restoration is under foreign online Oh.
Platform: | Size: 2447360 | Author: jia | Hits:

[Special EffectsInpainting

Description: 超分辨率图像修补,c程序!此程序自动你所输入图像中的white(程序里可以改,这里用到的white为白色)像素的作为修补区域,最后输出修补后的文件!-Super-resolution image patch, c program! This procedure automatically your input image in the white (program can be changed, where the white used for the white) pixel as the repair region, the final output document after the patch!
Platform: | Size: 489472 | Author: chen | Hits:


Description: use TV and harmonic method to Inpainting
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: XU XIAOJUN | Hits:

[Special Effectsinpaint

Description: opencv的基础代码实现 可以实现边缘检测和图像的其他识别-the basis of opencv code can achieve edge detection and image of the other identification
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: wanlixin | Hits:

[Windows Developinpaint

Description: 开源的数字图像处理软件,里面包括了很多是算法.对做雷达的特别有帮助!-Open-source digital image processing software, which includes many algorithms. To do a special radar to help!
Platform: | Size: 2154496 | Author: 张来 | Hits:

[Special Effectsinpaint

Description: Image inpainting. It can restore images automatically.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 呂維 | Hits:

[2D Graphicinpainting

Description: image inpainting -CS7495 Final Project Sooraj Bhat Object Removal by Exemplar-based Inpainting USING THE CODE Everything was done in Matlab and MEX (i.e. a C function callable from Matlab). First, the C code needs to be compiled. At the Matlab prompt, type: mex bestexemplarhelper.c You should then be able to run the following (which takes ~2mins on my 2GHz Pentium 4 laptop with 256MB of RAM): [i1,i2,i3,c,d,mov] = inpaint( bungee0.png , bungee1.png ,[0 255 0]) A smaller run (~25 seconds) would be: [i1,i2,i3,c,d,mov] = inpaint( bw0.png , bw2.png ,[0 255 0]) To visualize: plotall close movie(mov) SAMPLE IMAGES & RESULTS *0.png The original images ( bw and bungee ) *{1,2}.png The different fill region masks. *P2.png Plots of confidence and data terms. *P5.png Plots of original, fill region, inpainted images and confidence and data terms. Other images in the dir contain redundant information. I di
Platform: | Size: 1769472 | Author: majb | Hits:


Description: inpaint sample opencv
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: masterako | Hits:

[Special Effectsinpaint

Description: 图像编辑程序 可以去除图像中的人物等重要特征-Image image editing program to remove the important features of the characters
Platform: | Size: 3544064 | Author: 张新龙 | Hits:


Description: 能够打开图片,并在该图片上用鼠标随意画图,可以清除画痕-Able to draw with the mouse on the image
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: zhang | Hits:


Description: 使用BSCB方法实现对彩色图像的修补,该方法修补效果很好,另附带原文章,改进算法论文和本人总结文档-using BSCB to inpaint the destoryed picture!
Platform: | Size: 4608000 | Author: YeQQ | Hits:

[Special Effectsinpaint

Description: 可用于图像处理技术的inpaint,kmeans算法实现。-Image processing technology can be used to inpaint kmeans algorithm.
Platform: | Size: 677888 | Author: 张明 | Hits:

[Graph programInPaint

Description: 通过两张图片的计算,找出水印,再用Inpaint方法去除水印(Through the calculation of two pictures, find the watermark, and then use Inpaint method to remove watermarks)
Platform: | Size: 30720 | Author: ztwe | Hits:
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