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Description: 在Windows XP下用Visual C++编程实现流量分析器程序。 主要工作包括实现对网卡上所有到达IP包的抓取;对抓到的IP包按照第四层协议类型、IP地址等项做分类统计;并把统计的结果用图表模式和文本模式输出。
Platform: | Size: 6348044 | Author: jiangnancxh | Hits:


Description: 在一定时间内捕获网络内以本机地址为源地址和目的地址所接发包的情况的程序
Platform: | Size: 9453946 | Author: zhangyuexuexi | Hits:

[TCP/IP stack流量控制

Description: 这是本人跟通寝室同学做的毕业设计课题,该课题主要任务是在分析Linux内核的基础上,熟悉和掌握Linux流量控制的机理。并进一步实现可针对IP地址进行流量控制的应用软件。该软件采用C/S结构。客户端负责用户管理,流量控制策略管理和人机交互部分。服务器端负责带宽分配,流量控制的具体实现。在课题的具体分工上,本子课题负责客户端的实现。-this is my bedroom with Qualcomm graduate students to do design issues, the main topic was the analysis of the Linux kernel, on the basis of familiar and master Linux flow control mechanism. And further to target IP address flow control applications. The software using C/S structure. The client is responsible for user management, traffic management and control strategy HCI part. Server for bandwidth allocation and flow control of the specific realization. Specific topics in the division, the book topics for the client to achieve.
Platform: | Size: 360448 | Author: 王作 | Hits:

[GUI DevelopJpcapDumper-0.3-src

Description: 实现网络流量分析,网络抓包,可以用饼图,曲线图等多种图形绘制出流量,同时可以分析访问者的IP地址及端口号-network traffic analysis, network capturing Packet can be pie, charts and other graphics drawn flow, visitors also can analyze the IP address and port number
Platform: | Size: 227328 | Author: 王洪斌 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopIP_parse

Description: IP包侦听、解析,流量分析,禁止局域网内用户访问HTTP,FTP,收发信件-IP packet interception, analysis, traffic analysis, the prohibition of LAN users access to HTTP, FTP, send letters
Platform: | Size: 75776 | Author: 李莉莉 | Hits:


Description: IP网络流量管理技术与架构分析 不错的一篇文章-IP network traffic management technology and structure analysis of a good article
Platform: | Size: 1003520 | Author: 李顺 | Hits:

[Database systemOftomatization

Description: 为了方便网络编程,90年代初,由Microsoft联合了其他几家公司共同制定了一套WINDOWS下的网络编程接口,即Windows Sockets规范,它不是一种网络协议,而是一套开放的、支持多种协议的Windows下的网络编程接口。本篇论文主要是介绍了在TCP/IP基础上利用winsock2对网卡进行编程,以达到网络流量监测的目的。论文首先介绍了TCP/IP协议,旨在介绍IP,TCP,UDP等比较重要的协议。主要是介绍IP头,TCP头,UDP头的特点,以便从IP头中可以获取源地址,目的地址,协议类型等信息。在随后的章节中提出了Socket的概念,Socket实际上提供了一个通信端口使所有拥有Socket的端口的计算机之间能够相互通信,在本论文中主要说明了socket的建立,监听和撤销的过程。具体到程序实现中,对网卡混杂模式的设置是通过原始套接字(raw socket)来实现的。为了让原始套接字能接受所有的数据,还需要通过将SOCK_RAW设置成SIO_RCVALL。对数据包的获取通过recv()函数来完成。最后要完成的工作就是对所捕获的IP数据包进行分析以提取出我们所需要的信息。在论文的最后是旨在说明进一步工作的展开. 关键词:网络流量测量 TCP/IP协议 WINSOCK编程 -To facilitate network programming and the beginning of the 1990s, Microsoft jointly by several other companies to develop a set of Windows programming network access , that is, Windows Sockets norms, it is not a network protocol, but a liberal, Multi-protocol support for the Windows network programming interface. The main purpose of this paper is to introduce a TCP/IP based on the use of the card for winsock2 programming, to achieve network traffic monitoring purposes. Papers first introduced the TCP/IP protocol, aimed at introducing IP, TCP, UDP, and other more important agreements. IP is introduced first, the first TCP, UDP first features to the IP header from access to the source address, destination address, Agreement type, and other information. In the ensuing chapters of the Sock
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: wq57 | Hits:

[OS programVLAN

Description: 网络拓扑分析代码-VLAN-基于IP的数据流量分析!-Network topology analysis of code-VLAN-based IP data flow analysis!
Platform: | Size: 996352 | Author: 袁珂 | Hits:

[Sniffer Package capturenetmon

Description: 使用Delphi实现的网络监控,可获取客户机的Mac和IP地址,统计分析网络数据流量。-Delphi realize the use of network monitoring, the client may obtain the Mac and IP address, statistical analysis of network data flow.
Platform: | Size: 242688 | Author: xyf | Hits:


Description: 本代码实现了P2P流量的监测,实现了对IP包,UDP包,TCP包的抓取,并可对捕捉到的包进行分析!-The code implementation of the P2P traffic monitoring, implementation of the IP packet, UDP packet, TCP packet crawl, and to capture packets for analysis!
Platform: | Size: 5735424 | Author: 老苗 | Hits:


Description: 利用winpcap捕获局域网内的ip流量并进行简单分析-Use winpcap capture LAN ip flow and a simple analysis
Platform: | Size: 583680 | Author: yaolijuan | Hits:


Description: 监控linux服务器的ip流量统计,访问量统计,便于分析服务器的速度-count ip
Platform: | Size: 575488 | Author: LU | Hits:


Description: 利用 WinPcap 捕获局域网 内的 IP 流量并进行简单分析 本程序是基于 MFC 结构的对话框应用程序,直接双击可执行文件(IPCapture.exe)即 可运行。-The use of WinPcap to capture IP traffic within a local area network and conduct a simple analysis of the structure of this program is based on MFC dialog box application, directly to double-click the executable file (IPCapture.exe) to run.
Platform: | Size: 123904 | Author: 王小雨 | Hits:


Description: IP 包简单流量分析 只是对本机 有详细代码-Simple IP packet traffic analysis
Platform: | Size: 709632 | Author: 1063 | Hits:

[assembly language2

Description: IP包流量分析程序用C++实现的有调试的-IP packet traffic analysis program using C++ implementation of a debugging
Platform: | Size: 102400 | Author: xiaowu | Hits:


Description: IP包流量分析程序,首先获取局域网内活动主机,可以选择哪个活动主机进行流量分析,也可以选择全体主机-IP Packet analyser,first get local host, you can choose which to cal or choose all to cal
Platform: | Size: 5808128 | Author: liucaihua | Hits:


Description: IP包流量分析程序,可以对IP流量进行分析,编程环境为VC-IP packet flow analysis program, can be IP traffic analysis, programming environment for VC
Platform: | Size: 91136 | Author: Leejun | Hits:

[Sniffer Package captureIP-packet-traffic-analysis-program

Description: IP包流量分析程序,有助于通过分析网络流量-IP packet traffic analysis program, can help by analyzing network traffic
Platform: | Size: 102400 | Author: 王猛 | Hits:

[Sniffer Package captureIP

Description: IP包流量分析程序的实现,包括抓包和分析等程序段-IP packet traffic analysis program
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 李小妖 | Hits:


Description: 可以实现IP流量数据包的捕获与分析,图形化界面(please read Chinese comments,thank you)
Platform: | Size: 2428928 | Author: hello_zsm | Hits:
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