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iPhoneMixerEQGraphTest demonstrates how to build an Audio Unit Graph connecting a MultiChannel Mixer to the iPodEQ unit then to the RemoteIO unit. Two input busses are created each with input volume controls. An overall mixer output volume control is also provided and each bus may be enabled or disabled. The iPodEQ may be enabled or disabled and a preset EQ curve may be chosen via a picker in the iPod Equalizer view. iPhoneMixerEQGraphTest uses 44.1kHz source and sets the hardware sample rate to 44.1kHz to avoid any extraneous sample rate conversions. Touching the "Play Audio" button simply calls AUGraphStart while "Stop Audio" calls AUGraphStop. Changing AU volume is performed via AudioUnitSetParameter. The iPodEQ unit presets are returned by using AudioUnitGetProperty asking for the kAudioUnitProperty_FactoryPresets CFArrayRef. A current preset is then selected calling AudioUnitSetProperty using the kAudioUnitProperty_PresentPreset property and passing in the appropriate AUPreset. Note that the AU Host owns the returned CFArray and should release it when done. Audio data is provided from two stereo audio files. The audio data is AAC compressed and ExtAudioFile is used to convert this data to the Core Audio Canonical uncompressed LPCM client format for input to the multichannel mixer. All the relevant audio code is in the file
Update : 2010-09-15 Size : 1.96mb Publisher :

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使用MCU PIC12F508接收红外遥控器代码,进行解码后控制IPOD进行音量、歌曲、开关机等控制-MCU PIC12F508 receiver using infrared remote control code, control IPOD after decoding for volume, songs, switch machines and other control
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : yujian

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ipod 车载控制源码和协议,AVR,atmega32单片几源码和简单接口电路图-ipod car control source and agreements, AVR, atmega32 several single-chip source and a simple interface circuit
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 186kb Publisher : 陈永亮

Mac OS in Iphone/Ipod samples~~~ build in Xcode and iphone 2.0 sdk,Mac OS in Iphone/Ipod samples~~~ build in Xcode and iphone 2.0 sdk
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.99mb Publisher : 小誠

IPOD的串行通讯口的控制协议,通过实测其他机器的方式得到。-IPOD serial communication port control protocol, through the measured manner other machines.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 117kb Publisher : 唐先进

MPEG4复用和解复用代码,被封装成DirectShow控件。-The GDCL Mpeg-4 Demultiplexor and Multiplexor filters are now freely available for download in source form. You can re-use them in your projects, commercial or otherwise [provided that you don t pretend that you wrote them] or use them as sample code when starting on your own project. Of course support and documentation are somewhat limited. This initial release is being made available because of the insolvency of a customer. As I get time, I intend to enhance these filters. For now, they support ISO Mpeg-4 files containing Mpeg-4 and H.264 video and a variety of audio formats. The files created by the multiplexor will work with QuickTime and the iPod.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 596kb Publisher : wolf

This program fetches the remote control code from a T+A- Per-Amplifier and converts it to iPod (third generation) * compatible commands. Using an iPod-powered Microcontroller, only some adapter cable are necessary to control your iPod via the T+A-System-Remote-Control -his program fetches the remote control code from a T+A- Per-Amplifier and converts it to iPod (third generation) * compatible commands. Using an iPod-powered Microcontroller, only some adapter cable are necessary to control your iPod via the T+A-System-Remote-Control
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 19kb Publisher : 黃承輝

This apple sample code that show as how to make simple OpenGL ES application for iPhone/iPod touch-This is apple sample code that show as how to make simple OpenGL ES application for iPhone/iPod touch
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 87kb Publisher : Fox

IPhone开发指南 开发环境:xCode-IPhone Development Guide To develop iPhone applications, you use Xcode, Apple’s first-class integrated development environment (IDE). Xcode provides all the tools you need to design your application’s user interface and write the code that brings it to life. As you develop your application, you run it on your computer, an iPhone, or an iPod touch.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.26mb Publisher : Randy

制作IPOD留言本的所有源代码IPOD Guestbook produced all the source code-IPOD Guestbook produced all the source code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : lop

Sonix S8N2604A 汇编代码,包含模拟I2C, 模拟串口发送接收, QN8006芯片控制, iPod控制程序。-Sonix S8N2604A control ASM code , include simulate I2C, simulate Uart, QN8006 FM chip control code, iPod control code.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 18kb Publisher : kimi

此书主要帮助读者利用已知的C#技巧为iphone和ipad编写C#程序。-Developing C# Applications for iPhone and iPad using MonoTouch shows you how to use your existing C# skills to write apps for the iPhone and iPad. Fortunately, there s MonoTouch, Novell s .NET library that allows C# developers to write C# code that executes in iOS. Furthermore, MonoTouch allows you to address all the unique functions of the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad. And the big plus: You needn t learn any Objective-C to master MonoTouch!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 40.87mb Publisher : taozi

这本实用的书,程序员提供他们需要创造尖端的移动应用程序,使用苹果的iPhone SDK的知识和代码。 iPhone是一个最热门的新的技术:一个功能齐全的便携式存在的最先进的手持式用户界面的Unix操作系统。 iPhone SDK的应用开发占地面积为iPhone和iPod Touch的开发环境,从窗口和导航栏,以更先进的层的iPhone SDK,如屏幕转换,低级别的图形渲染,使用CoreSurface,多点触摸API,数字声音和音乐的渲染与天体的CoreAudio-This practical book offers programmers the knowledge and code they need to create cutting-edge mobile applications, using Apple s iPhone SDK. The iPhone is one of the hottest new pieces of technology: a fully functional portable Unix operating system with the most advanced handheld user interface in existence. iPhone SDK Application Development covers development environment for both the iPhone and iPod Touch, from windows and navigation bars to more advanced layers of the iPhone SDK, such as screen transitions, low-level graphics rendering using CoreSurface, the MultiTouch API, and digital sound and music rendering with Celestial and CoreAudio
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.11mb Publisher : 张锋

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维比网论坛源码 网页分享(收藏)按钮代码 3.0 iPhone应用程序网站整套模板 iPod数码配件卡通风格模板 社区上门医疗服务系统-Dimension than the net source web forum to share (Add) button to the application code 3.0 iPhone iPod digital accessories website templates package templates cartoon-style home community medical service system
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.27mb Publisher : 宋仁亮

Mono for Android 由Novell 最新推出,是业界首个使用Microsoft Visual Studio 为 Android 平台开发Microsoft .NET 应用程序的解决方案。随着在现有Mono 开发工具中加入 Mono for Android,Novell 使得使用Visual Studio 和其他环境的Microsoft .NET 和 C#开发 人员可利用一个公共代码库轻松地为业界最广泛使用的移动设备创建应用程序,其中包括 基于Android 的智能手机和平板电脑、Apple iPad、Apple iPhone 和 Apple iPod Touch。-Mono for Android latest by Novell, is the industry' s first use Microsoft Visual Studio for the Android platform to develop Microsoft NET application solutions. With the existing Mono development tools Mono for Android Novell makes Microsoft NET and C# developers using Visual Studio and other environments can make use of a common code base to easily create applications for the industry' s most widely used mobile device including the Android-based smart phones and tablet PCs, Apple iPad, Apple iPhone and an Apple iPod Touch.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.26mb Publisher : 陈俊湧

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实现ipod当前播放列表功能代码,仅供大家参考-Achieve ipod playlist function code, only for reference
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 13kb Publisher : eagle0728

apple ipod产品Usb驱动和测试代码-IPod Usb driver and test code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 84kb Publisher : howard

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圆环状的按钮,类似于ipod下面的实体键,IOS编程学习源码,很好的参考资料。-A circular button, similar to the iPod entity keys below, learning IOS programming source code, a good reference.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 113kb Publisher : 南煎丸子

Ipod Wizard firmware editor source code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 687kb Publisher : darkfox

STM32 source code for Ipod/Iphone playing.(ST32 MCU application for Ipod/Iphone playing.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.67mb Publisher : richardluo
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