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Mastering Oracle SQL By Alan Beaulieu, Sanjay Mishra Publisher : O Reilly Pub Date : April 2002 ISBN : 0-596-00129-0 Pages : 336 Slots : 1
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 309.15kb Publisher :

C# Network Programming by Richard Blum ISBN:0782141765 Sybex ?2003 (647 pages) This book helps newcomers get started with a look at the basics of network programming as they relate to C#, including the language抯 network classes, the Winsock interface, and DNS resolution.-C# Network Programming by Richard Blum ISBN:0782141765 Sybex? 2,003 (647 pages) This book helps newcomers get started with a look at the basics of network programming as they relate to C#, including the language 鈻
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 6.14mb Publisher : cag

c语言编译器,跨平台,4.2版本 lcc version 3.x is described in the book \"A Retargetable C Compiler: Design and Implementation\" (Addison-Wesley, 1995, ISBN 0-8053-1670-1). There are significant differences between 3.x and 4.x, most notably in the intermediate code. For details, see -c compiler, cross-platform, version 4.2 LCC version 3.x is described in the book "A Retargetable C Compiler : Design and Implementation" (Addison-Wesley, 1995, ISBN 0-8053-1670-1). There are significant differences between 3.x and 4.x, most notably in the intermediate code. For details, see ~ drh/pubs/interface4.pdf.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 623.54kb Publisher : 王陈

审核ISBN的另一算法,或许不是最好的,但至少是鄙人刚学编程时的想法。在此各大家共勉。 -audit ISBN another algorithm, perhaps not the best, but at least I am just learning programming ideas. Here we all share.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.06kb Publisher : 秦征

Update : 2009-03-09 Size : 10.99kb Publisher : laohei889

object-c 判斷ISBN碼是否正確
Update : 2011-06-27 Size : 1.66kb Publisher :

DL : 0
审核ISBN的另一算法,或许不是最好的,但至少是鄙人刚学编程时的想法。在此各大家共勉。 -audit ISBN another algorithm, perhaps not the best, but at least I am just learning programming ideas. Here we all share.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 秦征

此为条形码识别程序,能够识别ISBN,ISSN编码规则的条形码,对于噪声不太大的图像能给出正确的识别结果-This is the bar code identification procedures, to identify ISBN, ISSN barcode encoding rules, for less noise images can give the correct recognition results
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 153kb Publisher : 陈华

DL : 0
用DELPHI实现的 ISBN 和图书编码的转换算法.速度比较快-ISBN achieved using DELPHI and books encoding conversion algorithm. The faster
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8kb Publisher : lxmh815

TeX入门经典中文版[The TeXBook]Knuth 著者: D. E. KNUTH 翻译: Xianxian 这是关于TEX 的工具书。TEX 是为了更好地排版书籍——特别是包含很多数 学公式的书籍而设计的一个软件-Knuth, Donald Ervin, 1938- The TeXbook. (Computers & Typesetting A) Includes index. 1. TeX (Computer system). 2. Computerized typesetting. 3. Mathematics printing. I. Title. II. Series: Knuth, Donald Ervin, 1938- . Computers & typesetting ISBN 0-201-13447-0 ISBN 0-201-13448-9 (soft)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.45mb Publisher : hennry

Great Book about Fundamentals of Game Design Pressed by MIT. IT is a CHM version which is very easy to explore. Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals by Katie Salen and Eric Zimmerman ISBN:0262240459 The MIT Press © 2004 (670 pages) This text offers an introduction to game design and a unified model for looking at all kinds of games, from board games and sports to computer and video games. Also included are concepts, strategies, and methodologies for creating and understanding games. -Great Book about Fundamentals of Game Design Pressed by MIT. IT is a CHM version which is very easy to explore. Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals by Katie Salen and Eric Zimmerman ISBN:0262240459 The MIT Press © 2004 (670 pages) This text offers an introduction to game design and a unified model for looking at all kinds of games, from board games and sports to computer and video games. Also included are concepts, strategies, and methodologies for creating and understanding games.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7.29mb Publisher : hu

简单的mfc 程序 是一款isbn码的验证程序 -Simple mfc program
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.39mb Publisher : yukaiyue

This a c++ program that checks any inputs for ISBN numbers and returns results with explaniations for any valid/invalid inputs.-This is a c++ program that checks any inputs for ISBN numbers and returns results with explaniations for any valid/invalid inputs.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.12mb Publisher : khalil

中文名: 自己动手写操作系统 作者:于渊 图书分类: 计算机与网络 书号: ISBN 7-121-01577-3 发行时间: 2005年8月 内容简介: 本书在详细分析操作系统原理的基础上,用丰富的实例代码,一步一步地指导读者用C语言和汇编语言编写出一个具备操作系统基本功能的操作系统框架。本书不同于其他的理论型书籍,而是提供给读者一个动手实践的路线图。书中讲解了大量在开发操作系统中需注意的细节问题,这些细节不仅能使读者更深刻地认识操作系统的核心原理,而且使整个开发过程少走弯路。全书共分7章。 本书适合各类程序员、程序开发爱好者阅读,也可作为高等院校操作系统课程的实践参考书。-Chinese name: write their own operating system Author: Yu Yuan Book Category: Computer and Network ISBN: ISBN 7-121-01577-3 Release Date: August 2005 Introduction: Book is a detailed analysis of the operating system based on the principle, with a wealth of examples of code, step by step guide the reader in C and assembly language to write an operating system with basic functions of the operating system frameworks. This book is different from other theories type books, but give readers a hands-on roadmap. The book explains a lot in the development of the operating system should pay attention to the details, these details not only make the reader a deeper understanding of the core principles of the operating system, but the entire development process detours. The book is divided into seven chapters. Book for all types of programmers, program development enthusiasts to read, but also as the practice of institutions of higher learning courses on operating system reference.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 24.6mb Publisher : effortjohn

每一本正式出版的图书都有一个ISBN号码与之对应,ISBN码包括9位数字、1位识别码和3位分隔符,其规定格式如“x-xxx-xxxxx-x”,其中符号“-”是分隔符(键盘上的减号),最后一位是识别码,例如0-670-82162-4就是一个标准的ISBN码。ISBN码的首位数字表示书籍的出版语言,例如0代表英语;第一个分隔符“-”之后的三位数字代表出版社,例如670代表维京出版社;第二个分隔符之后的五位数字代表该书在该出版社的编号;最后一位为识别码。 识别码的计算方法如下: 首位数字乘以1加上次位数字乘以2……以此类推,用所的结果mod11,所得的余数即为识别码,如果余数为10,则识别码为大写字母X。例如ISBN号码0-670-82162-4中的识别码4是这样得到的:对067082162这9个数字,从左到右,分别乘以1,2,…9,再求和,即0×1+6×2+……+2×9=158,然后取158 mod 11的结果4作为识别码。 你的任务是编写程序判断输入的ISBN号码中识别码是否正确,如果正确,则仅输出“Right”;如果错误,则输出你认为是正确的ISBN号码。 -Each of the official publication of the book has an ISBN number corresponding , ISBN code includes nine digits, an identification code and three separators , its provisions formats such as "x-xxx-xxxxx-x", where the symbol "- "is the delimiter ( minus sign on the keyboard ) , the last one is the identifier , such as ISBN 0-670-82162-4 is a standard code . The first digit ISBN code indicates book publishing language , such as 0 for English first delimiter- After three figures represent the Press, for example, 670 on behalf of Viking Press , " " five after the second delimiter the book publishing figures represent the number the last one for the ID. ID is calculated as follows : The first digit is multiplied by 1 plus the second digit is multiplied by 2 ...... and so , with the result that the mod11, the remainder is the identification code , if the remainder is 10 , then the identification code to uppercase X. ISBN 0-670-82162-4 e.g. the ID number 4 is thus obtained : A
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 22kb Publisher : 程春阳

可以检测ISBN码的程序,VB语言,SQL数据库-The program can detect ISBN code, VB language
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : tina

DL : 0
基于jflex的isbn识别,返回isbn码是否正确-Isbn recognition jflex based on the return code is correct isbn
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : zzx

DL : 0
一个有趣的小程序,输入一本书的ISBN号(除了最后一位),会给出最后一位数字-a interesting code to calculate ISBN number
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 190kb Publisher : Phymet

DL : 0
每一本正式出版的图书都有一个 ISBN 号码与之对应,ISBN 码包括 9 位数字、1 位识别码和 3 位分隔符,其规定格式如“x-xxx-xxxxx-x”,其中符号“-”是分隔符(键盘上的减号),最后一位是识别码,例如 0-670-82162-4 就是一个标准的 ISBN 码。ISBN 码的首位数字表示书籍的出版语言,例如 0 代表英语;第一个分隔符“-”之后的三位数字代表出版社,例如 670 代表维京出版社;第二个分隔之后的五位数字代表该书在出版社的编号;最后一位为识别码。 编写程序判断输入的 ISBN 号码中识别码是否正确,如果正确,则仅输出“Right”;如果错误, 则输出是正确的 ISBN 号码。 输入格式 输入只有一行,是一个字符序列,表示一本书的ISBN号码(保证输入符合ISBN号码的格式要求)。 输出格式 输出一行,假如输入的ISBN号码的识别码正确,那么输出“Right”,否则,按照规定的格式,输出正确的ISBN号码(包括分隔符“-”)。(Write the program to determine whether the identification number is correct in the input ISBN number, and if correct, only output "Right"; if the error, The output is the correct ISBN number. The input format input has only one line. It is a character sequence that represents the ISBN number of a Book (to ensure that the input meets the ISBN number format requirements). Output format Output a line, if the input ISBN number is correct, then output "Right", otherwise, in accordance with the specified format, output the correct ISBN number (including the delimiter "-").)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 114kb Publisher : 如果的木子

Developing Java Beans - ISBN 1565922891
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.22mb Publisher : ibn reza
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