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这是ITU-T的G.726的标准资料-This is the ITU-T G.726 standard information
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 128kb Publisher : 倪花荣

G.711 is an ITU-T standard for audio companding. It is primarily used in telephony.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 153kb Publisher : xixi

ITU-T G.722.2 国际电信联盟G.722.2建议书,2003年7月版。该建议书是语音通讯领域的压缩标准,被GSM,WCDMA,3GPP等采用,题目为16kbit下的宽带语音编码,使用自适应多率宽带编码。 内容主要有代数码激励线性预测编码(ACELP),话音活动检测(VAD)等。-This Recommendation describes the high quality Adaptive Multi-Rate Wideband (AMR-WB) encoder and decoder that is primarily intended for 7 kHz bandwidth speech signals. AMR-WB operates at a multitude of bit rates ranging from 6.6 kbit/s to 23.85 kbit/s. The bit rate may be changed at any 20-ms frame boundary. Annex C includes an integrated C source code software package which contains the implementation of the G.722.2 encoder and decoder and its Annexes A and B and Appendix I. A set of digital test vectors for developers is provided in Annex D. These test vectors are a verification tool providing an indication of success in implementing this codec. G.722.2 AMR-WB is the same codec as the 3GPP AMR-WB. The corresponding 3GPP specifications are TS 26.190 for the speech codec and TS 26.194 for the Voice Activity Detector.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 711kb Publisher : 刘涛

VoIPmonitor 是一个开源的实时网络抓包并分析SIP和RTP protocol的程序. -VoIPmonitor is open source live network packet sniffer which analyze SIP and RTP protocol. It can run as daemon or analyzes already captured pcap files. For each detected VoIP call voipmonitor calculates statistics about loss, burstiness, latency and predicts MOS (Meaning Opinion Score) according to ITU-T G.107 E-model. These statistics are saved to MySQL and each call is saved as pcap dump. Web PHP application (it is not part of open source sniffer) filters data and graphs latency and loss distribution. Voipmonitor also detects improperly terminated calls when BYE or OK was not seen. To accuratly transform latency to loss packets, voipmonitor simulates fixed and adaptive jitterbuffer.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.14mb Publisher : monk_lee
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