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这是完整的一个C/S的客户服务端程序!但是我希望加点功能!请大家帮帮忙,“我要做的是客户端和服务器正常运行的情况下,如果网络断了,(比如说我把网络弄掉了,然后再接好)过了一会网络恢复正常,客户端能自动连接到服务器端,不能人工干涉! 我查了一些资料,在VC里有一个函数OnTimer(nIDEvent)可以定时产生事件!可以实现这个功能,但是我用了,还是连不上,请大家帮帮忙吧!做好后给我发到我的邮箱里!谢谢!-This is a complete C/S programe,but I hope put more function into it.Please help me.Fllowing is I ll want to do.When client is communicating with server normally,the network link is down. After while the link recovery(ie,I take the cable out from the computer then plug it in.)The Client can reconnect the server automatically not redo by human.I study some reference information to do it.There is a function OnTimer(nIDEvent) in VC can send event message periodically.But I still can t reconnect.Please help me to do it and then mail to me. Thanks.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 94.42kb Publisher : 海军

The approach used here is really a simple one. We intercept the mouse and keyboard activities of the user by hooking into the OS s mouse and keyboard events using the API SetWindowsHookEx(). It is important to note that the hooks we are installing are system-wide. i.e. we receive notification even when our application does not have the focus. This is necessary since we are interested in system-wide user activities, not just in our own application. In these notifications (both keyboard and mouse), we update a common variable that stores the time when the event occurred. Therefore, to get the duration since the last user input, we simply compare the current time against this value.-The approach used here is really a simple on e. We intercept the mouse and keyboard activiti es of the user by hooking into the OS s mouse and ke yboard events using the API SetWindowsHookEx ( ). It is important to note that the hooks we are in stalling are system-wide. ie we receive noti that training even when our application does not hepatitis A. e the focus. This is necessary since we are inter ested in system-wide user activities, not just in our own application. In these notifi cations (both keyboard and mouse), we update a common variable that stores the time when the event occurred. Therefore, to get the duration since the last user input. we simply compare the current time against this value.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5.01kb Publisher : l

演示IE中事件处理的activex控件-Activex control which demonstrates event processing in IE
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 38kb Publisher : 站长

这是完整的一个C/S的客户服务端程序!但是我希望加点功能!请大家帮帮忙,“我要做的是客户端和服务器正常运行的情况下,如果网络断了,(比如说我把网络弄掉了,然后再接好)过了一会网络恢复正常,客户端能自动连接到服务器端,不能人工干涉! 我查了一些资料,在VC里有一个函数OnTimer(nIDEvent)可以定时产生事件!可以实现这个功能,但是我用了,还是连不上,请大家帮帮忙吧!做好后给我发到我的邮箱里!谢谢!-This is a complete C/S programe,but I hope put more function into it.Please help me.Fllowing is I ll want to do.When client is communicating with server normally,the network link is down. After while the link recovery(ie,I take the cable out from the computer then plug it in.)The Client can reconnect the server automatically not redo by human.I study some reference information to do it.There is a function OnTimer(nIDEvent) in VC can send event message periodically.But I still can t reconnect.Please help me to do it and then mail to me. Thanks.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.8mb Publisher : 海军

The approach used here is really a simple one. We intercept the mouse and keyboard activities of the user by hooking into the OS s mouse and keyboard events using the API SetWindowsHookEx(). It is important to note that the hooks we are installing are system-wide. i.e. we receive notification even when our application does not have the focus. This is necessary since we are interested in system-wide user activities, not just in our own application. In these notifications (both keyboard and mouse), we update a common variable that stores the time when the event occurred. Therefore, to get the duration since the last user input, we simply compare the current time against this value.-The approach used here is really a simple on e. We intercept the mouse and keyboard activiti es of the user by hooking into the OS s mouse and ke yboard events using the API SetWindowsHookEx ( ). It is important to note that the hooks we are in stalling are system-wide. ie we receive noti that training even when our application does not hepatitis A. e the focus. This is necessary since we are inter ested in system-wide user activities, not just in our own application. In these notifi cations (both keyboard and mouse), we update a common variable that stores the time when the event occurred. Therefore, to get the duration since the last user input. we simply compare the current time against this value.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : l

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《ROOTKITS——Windows内核的安全防护》源码- ROOTKITS- Windows kernel security source
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 540kb Publisher : 加菲

监视IE的输入,wm_settingchange事件监视-Surveillance IE input, wm_settingchange event monitoring
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 20kb Publisher :

DL : 0
Visual C++集成开发环境简介(0.5) SDK风格的Windows程序设计(1) 用Appwizard开发的第一个MFC程序(0.5) 事件处理、映射模式及滚动视图(2) GDI、颜色及字体(2) 对话框及控件(2.5) ActiveX及IE公用控件(1.5) 位图(1) -Visual C++ About the Integrated Development Environment (0.5) SDK-style Windows programming (1) Appwizard first MFC development program (0.5) event handler, mapping mode and scroll the view (2) GDI, color and font (2 ) dialog box and controls (2.5) ActiveX and IE common control (1.5) bitmap (1)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 398kb Publisher : 吴欢欢

最后调用 root 的 mainloop 方法 . 它进入 Tk 事件循环(event loop), 这样,应用程序将等待,直到 quit 方法被调用 (就是点击 QUIT button), 或者窗口被关闭. -Finally, call the mainloop method root. It into the Tk event loop (event loop), so, the application will wait until the quit method is called (ie, click QUIT button), or the window was closed.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 黄金

最后调用 root 的 mainloop 方法 . 它进入 Tk 事件循环(event loop), 这样,应用程序将等待,直到 quit 方法被调用 (就是点击 QUIT button), 或者窗口被关闭. -Finally, call the mainloop method root. It into the Tk event loop (event loop), so, the application will wait until the quit method is called (ie, click QUIT button), or the window was closed.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : 黄金

览器事件捕获控件测试程序 Ver 1.1.2 =================================== 这个源码控件的功能是从所有打开的浏览器(目前仅在微软的IE上测试)实例获取一些事件,完全监视浏览器的事件过程,如打开网页,关闭网页,关闭浏览器,下载文件进度等等。示例程序以两种视图方式测试,分别以按事件记录查看和按目录树方式查看。-Event capture browser testing procedures control the source Ver 1.1.2 =================================== control The function is open from all browsers (currently only tested on Microsoft' s IE) example access to a number of events, full of events to monitor the process of the browser, such as the open web page, close the page, close the browser, so the progress of the download file. Examples of procedures to view the way the two test events were recorded by the tree view and press View.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 18kb Publisher : ronnie ji

FreeCL 2.00(Free Control Library)是一个开源且免费的Windows控件库,它属于3D图形引擎FreeGE中的一部分。除不能使用FreeCL直接或间接开发商业性的组件库、控件库或同性质的商业工程之外,开发用户可以将FreeCL自由地用于各种合乎法律准则和道德准则的个人或商业工程开发。任何用户使用FreeCL开发所带来的一切直接或间接的负面后果均由用户自己承担;用户使用FreeCL开发时必须严格遵守国家法律和社会伦理道德,禁止用于开发非法软件(如病毒、木马、蠕虫等违法软件);用户不得把FreeCL用作商业销售、贩卖、租赁。若用户不能接受上述限制,则必须放弃使用FreeCL;若继续使用FreeCL,则表明完全同意并完全接受上述所有限制条款。 FreeCL使用类似.Net、VCL等快速开发工具的编码风格,采用C++语言开发,利用PME(Property、Method、Event)编程模式,实现了常用的Windows标准控件、通用控件、Shell控件、IE菜单工具栏以及通用对话框,不需用户掌握繁复的Windows SDK细节,支持企业级快速软件开发。-FreeCL 2.00 (Free Control Library) is an open-source and free Windows Control Library, which belongs to 3D graphics engine FreeGE part. In addition to not use, directly or indirectly, FreeCL develop commercial component library, control, library, or with the nature of the business works, the development of a user can freely FreeCL for a variety of legal norms and ethical guidelines in line with the personal or commercial project development. Any user FreeCL, brought about by all the negative consequences of direct or indirect by the users themselves users FreeCL development must strictly abide by laws and social ethics, is prohibited for the development of illegal software (such as viruses, Trojan horses, worms and other illegal software) the user shall not FreeCL for commercial sale, selling, leasing. If the user can not accept the above restrictions, you must abandon the use of FreeCL if the continued use of FreeCL, it indicates that fully agree and fully accept all of the above r
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 648kb Publisher :

强大的日期控件 年月日时分秒改变的12个自定义事件 特殊日期和特殊天功能,可自定义某些日期高亮显示 自定义星期的第一天,即定义周一开始或周日开始 支持更多的日期格式,如Jan Feb等 双月显示功能,即可以同时弹出2个月份的日历-Date of strong controls to change the date when the Minutes of the 12 custom event dates and special days of special features, can be customized to highlight certain dates to customize the first day of a week, ie Monday to start or Sunday start the definition of support for more The date format, such as Jan Feb display features such as bi-monthly, which can also pop-up two months of the calendar
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 23kb Publisher : 蒋知宇

Android Based application. a Notification is processed when an Event ie,clicking a Butto. a simple Notification is called
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 39kb Publisher : yugi

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编程:编程实现一个简单的四则运算计算器:从键盘输入一个四则运算表达式(没有空格和括号),遇等号"="说明输入结束,输出结果。 假设计算器只能进行加减乘除运算,运算数和结果都是整数,4种运算符的优先级相同,按从左到右的顺序计算(即:2+3*5先计算2+3,再计算5*5)。 示例:括号内是说明 -Programming: programming a simple calculator four operations: from the keyboard to enter a four operator expression (no spaces and brackets), the event of an equal sign " =" the instructions to enter the end of output. Calculator can only assume that addition and subtraction multiplication and division operations, the operands and the results are integers, four kinds of operator precedence the same as calculated according to the order from left to right (ie: 2+3* 5 first, a 2+3, and then calculate 5* 5). Example: Figures in bracket shows
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 128kb Publisher : 李伟

自己编写的用Visual C++的用于IE的网页事件监听程序。-I have written using Visual C++ Web page for IE event listener.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.71mb Publisher : 吴晓伟

1. oncontextmenu="window.event.returnValue=false" 将彻底屏蔽鼠标右键 <table border oncontextmenu=return(false)><td>no</table> 可用于Table 2. <body onselectstart="return false"> 取消选取、防止复制 3. onpaste="return false" 不准粘贴 4. oncopy="return false " oncut="return false " 防止复制 5. <link rel="Shortcut Icon" href="favicon.ico"> IE地址栏前换成自己的图标 -1. Oncontextmenu = " window.event.returnValue = false" will completely shield Right <table border oncontextmenu=return(false)><td> no </table> Can be used in Table 2. <body onselectstart="return false"> Deselect to prevent replication 3. Onpaste = " return false" are not allowed to paste 4. Oncopy = " return false " oncut = " return false " to prevent the replication 5. <link rel="Shortcut Icon" href="favicon.ico"> IE address bar, replace their icons before
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 14kb Publisher : 2010ds

1. 将彻底屏蔽鼠标右键 oncontextmenu="window.event.returnValue=false"<table border oncontextmenu=return(false)> <td> no</table> 可用于Table function click() { if (event.button==2) { alert( 对不起,本页禁用右键! ) } } document.onmousedown=click 2.取消选取、防止复制 <body onselectstart="return false"> 3. 不准粘贴 onpaste="return false" 4.防止复制 oncopy="return false " oncut="return false " 5.IE地址栏前换成自己的图标 <link rel="Shortcut Icon" href="favicon.ico"> -1. Would completely shield right oncontextmenu = " window.event.returnValue = false" <table border oncontextmenu=return(false)><td> no </table> For Table function click () (if (event.button == 2) (alert (' Sorry, this page to disable right!' ))) Document.onmousedown = click 2. Deselect to prevent copying <body onselectstart="return false"> 3. Not allowed to paste onpaste = " return false" 4. To prevent the replication oncopy = " return false " oncut = " return false " 5.IE address bar replace their icons before <link rel="Shortcut Icon" href="favicon.ico">
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8kb Publisher : 2010ds

IE控件点击事件的获取并获得所点击link的内容-IE control click on the event click the link to obtain and access to the content
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 191kb Publisher : liuzilong

Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : lihuan
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