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Update : 2009-01-03 Size : 106.89kb Publisher :

This paper presents a novel segmentation algorithm for metallographic images, especially those objects without regular boundaries and homogeneous intensity. In metallographic quantification, the complex microstructures make the conventional approaches hard to achieve a satisfactory partition. We formulate the segmentation procedure as a new framework of iterative watershed region growing constrained by the ridge information. The seeds are selected by an effective double-threshold approach, and the ridges are superimposed as the highest waterlines in watershed transform. To tackle the over-segmentation problem, the blobs are merged iteratively with the utilization of Bayes classification rule. Experimental results show that the algorithm is effective in performing segmentation without too much parameter tuning.
Update : 2011-05-05 Size : 695.57kb Publisher : jjrs05

该源代码可以直接下载下来使用,而且是地地道道的对RGB图像进行分割,我已经测试通过了。-The source code can be directly downloaded to use, but also out-and-out on the RGB image partition, I have the test passed.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 185kb Publisher : 黄荣兵

在目标和背景的尺寸比例很接近时,应用otsu算法分割效果才比较好,因此对目标进行开窗分割很有意义.也就说在一定窗口大小内对目标进行otsu分割,窗口之外的图像可以不变或者赋为0 程序中分别给出了算法.-In the target and background is very close to the size of the ratio, the application of Otsu segmentation algorithm is rather good, so windows partition on the target to carry out meaningful. Also said that a certain window size of the target Otsu segmentation, the image outside the window can be given the same or procedures for 0, respectively, the algorithm is given.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 108kb Publisher : 李成

图像编码与均衡化规定化、 examplehaffuman.m 哈夫曼应用实例 examplepalar2.m 平面一般分割 examplepalar.m 平面分割 1-D 游程编码应用实例 lzwexample.m lzw编码的应用实例 erzhifenjie.m 平面的分割8层 suanshubianma.m 算术编码 code1.m 图像直方图均衡化处理 code2.m 图像直方图规定化处理-Image coding and equalization provisions of, examplehaffuman.m Huffman Application examplepalar2.m generally planar partition partition examplepalar.m plane 1-D run-length coding application lzwexample.m lzw the application of coding erzhifenjie.m plane partition 8 layer suanshubianma.m arithmetic coding code1.m image histogram equalization image histogram provides code2.m treatment of treatment
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 568kb Publisher : 赖官铨

关于图象分割性能评估的评述。概述了图象分割性能评估的发展,总结了分割性能评估的基本理论框架:确定图象分割性能评估指标、构造评估测试图象集、评估模型与实验分析,以及分割性能评估的常用方法:统计法、分析法、基于AI的方法和混合法。对评估模型的设计作了一些尝试性的探讨。-Performance Evaluation of Image Segmentation on the comments. Image segmentation provides an overview of the development of performance evaluation, summed up the partition properties of the basic theoretical framework to assess: determine the image segmentation performance evaluation indicators, structural assessment test image set to assess the model and experimental analysis, and segmentation performance evaluation of commonly used methods: statistical method, analysis method, based on AI methods and hybrid method. Model for assessing the design of some of the trial.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 44kb Publisher : 依静

此代码主要实现了手动分割图像的功能,并且能显示出分割的数据结果-This code mainly achieved manually partition image functions, and can show the results of segmentation data
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 678kb Publisher : 武玉伟

基于dct的图像检索,用matlab写的,不过分割过程难度很大。-DCT-based image retrieval using matlab to write, but it is very difficult to partition the process.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.86mb Publisher : jerry

用于遥感图像分类。其输入为几幅遥感图像,使用k-mean聚类方法对图像中的不同地形进行聚类分割-For remote sensing image classification. Their input for a number of remote sensing images, the use of k-mean clustering method to image the topography of the different cluster partition
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 410kb Publisher : xxl

医学图象分割软件,使用了基于Min-Cut/Max-Flow开元方程库(可在下载最新版本) 做分割判断, 并使用cimg库读取dcm图片. 本部分源码只负责切出轮廓, 轮廓将在openGL端中输出. -Medical image segmentation software, the use of equations based on the Kaiyuan Min-Cut/Max-Flow library (available at ~ vladkolm/software.html download the latest version) to do partition to judge, and use the library to read CIMG DCM picture. The source code is only responsible for part of the contour cut, contour in openGL output side.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 163kb Publisher : zhou

DL : 0
将一个大图像分割成几个小图像的Java源代码,含分割后效果图!-Will be a big image divided into several small images of the Java source code, including the effects of partition map!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 92kb Publisher : 陈漫

图像位平面分割,高斯金字塔生成与复原,图像4因子下采样等基本操作,有详细的代码注释。-Image bit-plane partition, Gaussian pyramid generation and recovery, image down-sampling factor 4 basic operations, the code has detailed notes.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : zhiminn_wang

使用小波变换的方法实现图像分割,在MATLAB平台下,有效的分割目标区域-The use of wavelet transform method to achieve image segmentation, in the MATLAB platform, the effective partition the target area
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6kb Publisher : yuyu

随机游走在图像分割中的应用,它类似于图割算法,利用谱信息进行分割-Random walk in the image segmentation application, it is similar to graph cut algorithm, the use of spectral information partition
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 31kb Publisher : 寒雪

Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : Samantha

能实现多线程图像分区,能同时对多影像进行分区,在无人看管的条件下安全高效的实现影像分区-To achieve multi-threaded image partition, can simultaneously image multiple partitions, in the unattended conditions, safe and efficient realization of the image partition
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 85kb Publisher : Qwert

程序实现图像分块,凸包,分割等功能,学图像处理的朋友建议下载。-Image sub-block implementation procedures, convex hull, partition and other functions, the study image processing Friend recommended download.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : 廖建勇

matlab 图像文件分割,把图像中的一段文字分解为几行。-matlab partition image file, the section of the image is decomposed into a few lines of text.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 王坚

本例程包含图像阈值分割、目标图像的轮廓提取、模板匹配、图像的测量-This routine contains the image threshold segmentation, target image contour extraction, template matching, image measurement
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 566kb Publisher : tlcling

在图像处理中经常需要批量处理图像,这里提供的代码既是批量处理图像的例子,也是批量分块的matlab实现。-In image processing field, it is necessary to partition lots of images, this is an example for that.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 张平
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